Former Kemper chairman, CEO James S.

July 10, 2002

  • February 12, 2007 at 1:42 am
    William Allen Zoesch says:
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    This man was an innovator and I\’m blessed to find an orginal copy of Ben Franklins history of an idea. It talks about Mr Kemper and his innnovations in the field of insurance. When I opened to the chapter that talked about James S Kemper out came his orginal business card used as a bookmark. I discovered I had his orginal copy what a find! I\’m not well educated but well read. I have thousand of old books that guide me as the Chief Enlightenment Officer for a large Holding Group based in Washington. I look for wisdom from our founding fathers on how we can make the world a better place for generations to come. Mr Kemper was a Pioneer and his time on earth was well spent. I have something called a life plan that looks back from the age of 80 and looks at my life and how it looks like. It helps me focus on looking back vs just looking at the present or future. I\’m sure Mr kemper could look back on his life at 88 and say wow I did it. A true inspiration to me and I will treasure this book. Blessings to his family and to his legacy.

  • April 29, 2007 at 12:20 pm
    one savedlady says:
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    Very interesting information. Thank you

  • August 2, 2007 at 1:39 am
    Randy Layman says:
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    I only knew Mr. Kemper for a few short years; the last few of his service as Chairman, but I feel sure he must have regretted what became of his fine company, the legacy of his father, after 1996.

    Kemper was far and away the best company for customer service and I loved my time with them. I never had to apologize for any of my work for insureds and claimant’s alike. It is a shame it went down like it did. Shame on Gerry Mattman and Bill Smith for that.

  • January 14, 2014 at 11:30 pm
    Cindy says:
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    I too am proud of the time I spent at Kemper. But was ashamed as a Supervisor what was allowed to take place in certain office’s as Managers carried out vendetta’s against certain employee’s.

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