State Farm Gets Rate Increase in Fla.

October 21, 2002

  • January 28, 2005 at 9:16 am
    Rich Keene says:
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    How much money do these insurance companies want to make off of us retiree’s backs. A 23% rate increase is obscene, where is our State Insurance Comissioner?
    Who is watching out for us elderly folks when the Big Insurance Companies, with the Pharmacuetical Companies are ripping us off until we’ll be living on the street. God help America! R.N.Keene
    Edgewater, Fl.

  • February 21, 2005 at 7:52 am
    Dave Troup says:
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    I purchased a home in Navarre Fl in 1997, at the time I was on active duty in the US Navy. The Home was valued around $100K. My insurance for the first 2 years was around $340 to $380 per year. I retired from the Navy in 2000, but remained in the area until the fall of 2004. I sold the home in Aug of 2000, by which time my homeowners insurance had tripled to $1069 per year. My home had taken zero damage from George or any other storm. I also know the house took zero damage from Ivan, which hit the area 3 weeks after I sold the home. So what’s the deal? In the same period my auto insurance almost doubled. I’m not exactly pinging on State Farm, who I’ve had all my insurance with for the past 22 years, when my rates started increaseing I shopped around and found State Farm’s rates only slightly above average. I’ve been told several times if you want to live in a storm-prone area you have to be willing to pay the piper … give me a break. I have relatives living in Arkansas and Tennesse who have lost or had their homes damaged more than once by tornados and their insurance rates are half that of Florida’s. “Where is the Florida State Insurance Commissioner?” Good Question!!!!

  • February 21, 2005 at 9:23 am
    Richard Keene says:
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  • December 14, 2007 at 8:52 am
    Jim Rojas says:
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    I just received my escrow statement. I was paying $1900 for homeowners & flood insurance last year. This year it shot up to $3200. So much for our government’s promise. My mortgage payment went from $711 a month to $1020 a month. Thank goodness I have a fixed rate mortgage. I feel sorry for anyone with a adjustable rate mortgage. They could see double or even triple of what I am paying…

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