Frances Now a Category 4 Hurricane; Aims Directly at East Coast of Florida

September 1, 2004

  • September 1, 2004 at 9:03 am
    Melissah Davies says:
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    I have a Uncle and Aunty in Nassua Bahamas. (I’m from Australia) Thinking of them and all of you. Hope everyone stays safe. Will be saying my prayers.

  • September 1, 2004 at 1:05 am
    josh forehand says:
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    The end of article refers to ‘striking land’ around Orlando. Since Orlando is near center of state it may hit Port St. Lucie or thereabouts first.

  • September 1, 2004 at 1:25 am
    Dave says:
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    Look for it to make landfall around Melborne, FL +/- 50 miles N/S.

    Orlando will feel it at 100+ MPH and do more damage than Charley ever thought.

    AT a wind swath of 140 miles wide most of the entire state will feel the effects.

    Andrew was a small concetrated storm and we remember it well.

    This double -header will take a few years to sort out from the claims standpoint.

  • September 1, 2004 at 2:52 am
    Erik says:
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    Holy Cow! Read that article again! I specifically remember the article originally said it would strike Orlando. (I know this because my son is taking the Disney cruise on Saturday and I called him at work to read him the article as soon as I got it. We talked about the distance between Port Canaveral and Orlando)

    Anyway, it now says “Eastern Coast of Florida”. You would think that they would note that it was a revision. How can I trust any of these internet news articles I have “saved” to not be changed after the fact? I guess that’s one vote in favor of print media, no?

  • September 1, 2004 at 4:06 am
    Greg Sykes says:
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    I have two sons who live at Satellite Beach and work in Melbourne, so I’m praying for “Frances” to change her mind and go bother the middle of the Atlantic instead.

  • September 1, 2004 at 5:32 am
    DAVID says:
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  • September 1, 2004 at 5:46 am
    Kirstin says:
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    With regards to Hurricane Frances making a u-turn out to sea, yes it is *possible* however it is highly unlikely. My husband (who’s parents live in the Orlando area and are still cleaning up after Charley) is a forcaster with the US Navy and specializes in hurricanes, typhoons etc. and they’re predicitng that it will strike Florida. Unfortunatly with extreme weather systems such as hurricanes, the only thing you can truly expect is the unexpected.

  • September 1, 2004 at 6:18 am
    Mike Dolias says:
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    I live in Rum Cay, Bahamas. (between San Sal. and Long Island) The eye is headed straight for us. Right now, off the east side of the island, there are 20-30 foot seas outside the reef. Only 70-something people live on this island. We hope for the best. We are expected to be in the thick of it by wee hours tonight. I will try to keep you all informed as best I can until we lose all power. Good luck.

  • September 2, 2004 at 7:58 am
    Amy says:
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    Hey Mike: My brother lives in Spanish Wells, Bahamas (northern tip of Eleuthera). You’re all in our prayers. Please do try to keep us updated.

  • September 2, 2004 at 7:59 am
    Jonathan says:
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    Regarding the statement about taking years to sort out the claims from this one two punch to the state: You are most certainly correct.

    If it weren’t for Florida’s CAT fund, I am certain we would be facing mass bankruptcies of the smaller carriers in the aftermath a week from now.

    Andrew taught us well. Kudos to the team that formulated the post-Andrew Florida Insurance environment.

  • September 4, 2004 at 9:52 am
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    Im Daniel, from BRasil. I have friends form in Boca Raton FL, please send me informations about Frances in FL, in special in Boca Raton.
    Daniel Escouto

  • September 4, 2004 at 12:31 pm
    Laura says:
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    Just wanted 2 say everyone in florida and other places r in my prayers during hurricane frances. Im from england and i was in florida a weeks age when hurricane charley hit, i thought that was as bad as they come, obviously hurricane frances proved me wrong. God bless everyone xx

  • September 19, 2004 at 11:13 am
    Danielle says:
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    o im soo sry..for de peeps in florida n many other peeps who had been hit bi frances or ivan…etc..i live in new york which we havent reali been hit but yesterday part of ivan was coming toward us..just remember u’re all in mi prayers!

  • September 29, 2004 at 4:36 am
    Suzette says:
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    Luckily for me and my family, we were not hurt so badly in Hurricane Frances. I live in Miami and I just wanted to say to those people that got affeted by the hurricane, that I prayed for you all, and hopefully nobody was hurt that badly. Good luck.

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