Ambassador Bremer Tells Agents Saddam Ouster Was Right to Do But U.S. Troop Levels Were Wrong

October 5, 2004

  • October 5, 2004 at 1:49 am
    Anonymous says:
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    The Ambassador’s comments will be taken out of context by the main stream press. Its guaranteed.

  • October 5, 2004 at 2:27 am
    steve upshaw says:
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    I’m not sure what there is to take out of context as it was Bremmer’s speach that is being reported on, not another candidate or democrat. Once again, another member of the Bush team has come out and questioned the administration’s planning (or lack of planning) prior to the war.
    I’m sure that some of our nation’s more “fair and balanced” newsmedia may have their own way of taking the comments out of context and putting the best spin on them. However, I again would like to point out that it was Bush’s guy that made the speach. Once again it appears that Bush has had trouble controlling his own staff, which is indicative of the much larger issues we face as a country, such as the mess we find ourselves in Iraq, which seems to have been the result of a colossal error in judgment by the President.

  • October 5, 2004 at 5:34 am
    bauman says:
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    Context / Schmontext! It is certainly politically correct to repeat the party line and especially in an election year for the incumbent. And it is the easy thing to do for the challenging party. However, the last thing any good leader needs is a bunch people in key positions that cannot express their thoughts and ideas. The real test is whether those men/women who express differing points of view can stand behind their leader with confidence and get the job done. Pres. Bush, and any other manager, needs the input of the Bremers serving on his team. Remember, its easy to criticize but harder to perform. This is not a political advertisement – paid or otherwise!

  • October 6, 2004 at 8:43 am
    anotheranonymous(R) says:
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    Cheney has the correct analysis of the Kerry “Secret Plan”. It’s an echo of the present admin’s plan. I am glad to see that Bremer agrees on that. Bremer is not a military man he is not the right person to make decisions on troop levels. The military leaders got what they asked for despite Kerry’s votes against troop increases and vital military equipment. The Iraq war is against terrorism and harborers and supporters of terrorism not Al Quaida. Hussein was committed to rewarding the families of terrorists families with cash equivalent to a lifetime of earnings.

  • October 6, 2004 at 8:46 am
    Matthew says:
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    He wasn’t questioning Bush, he said they had a plan and it didn’t work out exactly the way they thought. Given the information they had at the time they made the best decision they could. That is what he said, it is asinine for you to sit there and criticize them when I am sure there are times when you made a decision and it didn’t work out in the perfect way in which you planned.

  • October 6, 2004 at 12:08 pm
    Paul says:
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    I believe we actually expected the Iraqis to be more civilized than their counterparts in the Los Angeles Neighborhood of Watts. Iraq is a huge ghetto full of ghetto thugs. Saddam was nothing more than the head thug. Now we have a jockeying no different than mobsters after the Godfather is hit.

    What needs to be expressed is that the sooner these people calm down, the sooner we will leave. They lack sense in as much as that they haven’t figured out that the more they disrupt, the longer we linger. Maybe they do know this and are hoping to cause the election of no-can Kerry, because they know he is a pretender like Clinton.

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