Multi-State, $120M Agreement with UnumProvident Requires Reassessing Claims Back to 1997

November 18, 2004

  • April 11, 2005 at 12:42 pm
    Jody Myers says:
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    I was contacted regarding my denied disability claim several months ago, and have not heard anything since. Where/how do I find out what the status of my claim is?

  • January 6, 2006 at 10:29 am
    Anne Forrest says:
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    I have a closed head injury and receive social security disability. Unum paid 2 years of disability and cut me off because they said it was a mental illness. It is not a mental illness. What should I do?

  • January 22, 2020 at 2:47 pm
    Linda Goguen says:
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    UNUM was told to reevaluate my claim in 2005 and never did. I was in the 200,000 claims they were court-ordered to reevaluate They never did my claim. In 2007 they admitted they only did 10% of the 200,000. I can’t sue because of the time that has lapsed which is unfair. The Supreme Court told them to reevaluate and they still didn’t do it. They waited long enough so the claims would expire. They have the same tactics as of January 2020. They still are getting away with their tactics of denying legitimate claims for LTD benefits. I should be able to receive my back pay of benefits. I don’t know the law. How was I supposed to know that I only had two years to file a lawsuit. I should be able to get my back benefits from the time I was injured. It was only because I went on the internet and saw what UNUM was still doing to claimants and that they were filing lawsuits against UNUM.

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