U.S.I. Holdings Unveils Expense, Staff Reductions and Plans to Sell Certain Operations

December 22, 2004

  • December 22, 2004 at 9:35 am
    Big Dog says:
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    Zero, Ziltch, Nata, Nicht, SQAT organic growth? USI has no organic growth. They can’t sell. The only way they can increase revenue is by buying has-been agencies.

  • December 22, 2004 at 1:07 am
    The Hammer says:
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    USI better rev up that organic growth moter or they will be the next brokerage operation to be part of a hostile acquisition!

  • December 22, 2004 at 1:36 am
    Big Dog says:
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    Their organic growth motor is a bunch of dead squirrels. As to being a hostile takeover prospect, you really think someone would want to acquire this agency/brokerage, with all the “baggage” they have?

  • December 23, 2004 at 10:46 am
    dcheadhunter says:
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    This company has local agency people trying to play national insurance brokerage company…what a laugh. There is no leadership.

  • December 23, 2004 at 11:18 am
    no surprise says:
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    Oh, what a surprise!! No leadership and no internal growth is only part of the story that comes from a morally bankrupt company. Whether it’s NEVER EVER giving several hundred producers their renewal contracts on time or pretending to be a national broker, these guys are pitiful performers, a bunch of local yokels who think they can play with the big dogs. They buy companies up and then change the deal on them and their producers.

  • December 28, 2004 at 3:48 am
    Big Insurance says:
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    Show me a grave digger, and I’ll show you their skeletons.

    Problem is, they will continue to collect bones, and the carriers will continue to swoon over them. When they collapse, the carriers will pretend they didn’t sleep with them. It’s like the loose girl, while their puttin’ out they carrier will have no shame.

  • January 5, 2005 at 11:20 am
    West Sider says:
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    After reading the comments by others, I couldn’t agree more. As an ex-employee who watched their moves for 6 years, I jumped ship before they hit the iceberg. Their resemblance to a national broker is a facade. The management of this company is clueless on how to run a local brokerage firm much less a national one. Nobody in their right mind would buy these guys unless it was a firesale.

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