PCI Submits Comments to FTC on Credit Scoring Research

May 5, 2005

  • May 5, 2005 at 1:18 am
    Whimp Stomper says:
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    Imagine this; we have actual company usage starting in the 90’s where the data confirms the fact that scoring is a key tool that greatly improves appropriate pricing. Then several million auto’s are studied again confirming this fact, and how scoring relates to other tools for sub-lines of business. Then there are allegations of improper discrimination on minorities, and Texas does a huge study again confirming the positive aspects, and refuting many allegations, so now we’re going to do a national study and focus on specific attributes of the impact on score. Can this finally be the end to the paranoia over the use of score in rating and underwriting?

    Maybe the paranoid whiners will just go underground by finding some set of caves in Idaho and join the Arian Nation people and seek to cede from American and provide free auto insurance to all. Maybe their motto will be Free Auto Insurance and Justice to all. I wonder what the next buzz word or topic will be to illogically but passionately take arms over?


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