Senate Backs Linking Federal Safety Funds to States’ Seat Belt Laws

May 19, 2005

  • May 19, 2005 at 6:21 am
    Bob says:
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    What ever happened to States Rights? Here Washington goes again with legislation that ties an individual States hands and slaps them financially if they do not goose step to the ideas of the federal government. Bottom line is this, the Federal Government should keep its nose out of the laws of the States and let the States do what they feel is best for the citizens.

    I agree that seat belts save life’s, that has been proven over and over again, but if I as an adult chose not to use one having the knowledge that I do, that is my choice. I feel that with the crime issues we have already in this country, do we really want to put the law enforcement community in a position where they feel compelled to stop drivers for exercising free choice, I say let people make decisions and live with the consequences of those decisions.

    What is Washington going to push next, requiring states to force owners of older vehicles to retrofit air bags into them? How about requiring everyone to where slip resistant shoes to slow the number of slip and falls, or surgical mask to slow the spread of disease? There are any number of things that we can do to protect people from themselves but when do we as a citizenry say enough is enough and take responsibility for protecting ourselves and tell the know it alls in Washington to get out of our day to day life’s and back to running this country.

  • May 20, 2005 at 10:13 am
    M says:
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    Couldn’t agree with Bob more!

  • May 22, 2005 at 3:24 am
    Judy says:
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    They don’t give a damn about people’s lives. All they concerned about is the insurance lobby’s money and who its going to. This is nothing more than blackmail. Any senator who supports it should go to jail. Maybe Elizabeth Dole will die in a car crash with her seatbelt on, which she could have avoided without the damn belt. She’s one of those rich elite Religious Right con-artists. May she and her buddies in that state rot in hell. Judy

  • May 23, 2005 at 8:14 am
    Judy says:
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    Can we sue the lawyers in a class-action suit, and would that make them mad at us, and refuse to work for us, if we did?

  • May 23, 2005 at 9:09 am
    Rebecca Gale says:
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    I agree with your assessment of the interference of goverment. In regards to your comment about letting people make their own decisions and having personal responsibility, it is the lawyers who continue to send the message that nobody is responsible for their own actions through frivalous lawsuits (such as ‘McDonalds made me fat’). These are the very lawyers that end up in government. See a trend?

  • May 24, 2005 at 9:37 am
    Bob says:
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    One can only hope that this would work. But as they are a parasite and opportunistic feeders they would simply find another host to suck the life out of.

  • May 24, 2005 at 5:48 am
    Judy says:
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    Dear Bob;
    The medical profession found a purpose for the lowly disgusting leech. And a life-saving one at that. Surely the same opportunities can be found here. Until our government began abolishing all the laws put in place to protect those weakest in our society, they had a big hand in providing a public service.

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