Double-Digit Hikes in Health Costs Prove Drag on Profits, Hiring, Raises

By | July 22, 2005

  • July 22, 2005 at 11:51 am
    Southern Agent says:
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    Go to any Emergency Room in any hospital and it’s packed with people with no jobs, no insurance, all expecting and getting free health care in the most expensive format there is. Plus, those people have no intention of paying or trying to pay their medical bills. They’re entitled to free health care, in their minds.
    Our “Great Society”.
    Fat ticks on slim hounds.

  • July 22, 2005 at 12:27 pm
    Northerner says:
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    I suppose you would rather they go off and find some corner to die in? Most of those people go to the emergency room in desparation because the first thing any doctor’s office asks when someone calls to make an appointment is, “Do you have insurance?” If the answer is no, the doctor is not available. I think one of the ticks found a hound’s behind.

  • July 22, 2005 at 12:39 pm
    Southern Agent says:
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    Extend the logic, Yankee and think it through slowly then check your own hind end.
    Goes against human nature, thinking you’re getting something for nothing.

  • July 22, 2005 at 2:34 am
    drudy says:
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    when the middleclass is priced out of medical care then we’ll see a national healthcare system.and that includes you southern the way what do you say to a child who’s parents do not have care? the senior citizens were priced out of the insurance marketplace and that is why we have medicare. pres. truman wanted a national healthcare system but could not get past the conservatives, and insurance companys. when did medical care become a privledge? if you can’t afford you die! southern agent is that what you want for you and your family?

  • July 22, 2005 at 3:22 am
    Southern Agent says:
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    You miss the point.
    I work hard and have worked hard since I was 16 years old. I had and raised 3 successful kids. I wanted more kids when I was younger, couldn’t afford more. Was RESPONSIBLE and stopped at three. I pay my own way now and always have and I am responsible for my actions and inactions. I’m TIRED of supporting irresponsible people that do not respect me or the natural laws and want something for NOTHING.
    Whatever happened to the saying “you make your bed , you lie in it”?
    Why don’t you extend the logic like the Yankee is afraid to do and give all of you money to the poor? Go on and then you’d have no guilt.
    Well, I have no guilt because I am responsible and I do give a lot to charity.
    However,for my grandkids , I want to draw the line, not for myself, I’m too old.
    I see the learned , skillful abuses that take place by the “ticks” in our society and I’m tired of it.

    And, by the way, the national healthcare system Hillary wanted would’ve BANKRUPTED the medical insurance industry. Common sense tells us that enough people have to GIVE so some people GET. Too many GETTING and not enough GIVING will not work, to put it simply.
    Get in touch with reality and think about your future and the future of your kids and grandkids before it’s too late.

  • July 22, 2005 at 3:24 am
    Midwest Agent says:
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    There is nothing wrong with providing underprivileged children with free health care. But, I do completely agree with Southern Agent. Our society is filled with those who want to contribute as little as possible, but are ALWAYS the first to complain about what they don’t get. Calling them ticks would be quite complimentary.

  • July 22, 2005 at 3:36 am
    drudy says:
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    gee whiz southern agent, let’s do away with your medicare since your so responsible for your destiny.oh by the way, gm will go broke,if a solution to the medical costs is not found. toyota does not have to worry, the gov’t takes care of the nation’s healthcare.

  • July 22, 2005 at 3:59 am
    California Left Coast says:
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    No reasonable person wants to deny children or the elderly or the truly sick access to medicine or health care but saying things like “What should the sick do, go off and die?” doesn’t really address the problem. Any suggestions that workers or union members carry more of their own health care burden is usually met with derision, accusations that the people making these decisions are all a bunch of mean spirited goons who want people to die and absolutely no suggestions for improving things. The reality is businesses have to make a profit to continue growing and employing people and as long as those profits are sucked up by out of control health cares costs this is going to be a problem. Maybe if we could address the reasons for the rising health care costs instead of accusing businesses of being stingy and mean spirited we could find some root causes and real resolutions.

    By the way, ask a Canadian who’s waited more than a year for an MRI how they feel about national health care.

  • July 22, 2005 at 4:02 am
    Southern Agent says:
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    I PAID for medicare AND Social Security ALL my life , Drudy. I want no stinking handouts.
    As for GM , unions are the factor there and overhead will have to be cut if they’re to survive, like other companies have done(United and Delta to name just two).
    By the way , GM made $421 million in income last year on sales of $191 billion. Toyota had 173 billion in sales and 11 billion in income. Go figure……..

  • July 23, 2005 at 8:20 am
    drudy says:
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    southern agent, your payments were for the generation in front of you. guess what? i am paying for you.should my generation cut off funding for you? the solution to this increasing burden is how much of our gross national product do we want to apply to medical care? the more we give to medical care , the more we take from other programs. i have not heard anything from politicians on this. by the way i have to meet a canadian who wants to trade his coverage for ours.

  • July 28, 2005 at 1:20 am
    Voice of Reason says:
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    As someone who deals in the medical malpractice arena, I propose to those on the left that we can talk about nationalized healthcare as long as attached to the joint conference committee bill is a medical malpractice tort reform amendment that significantly limits medical malpractice claims. If that condition is placed on national healthcare, I would be willing to bet what little money I have that many who think nationalized healthcare is the answer would run for cover.

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