S&P: Without Contingent Commissions, Some Insurance Brokers Still Cope

August 16, 2005

  • August 17, 2005 at 1:33 am
    I Guess says:
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    More difficult still, is the situation at Marsh, where Standard & Poor’s believes that accusations of bid rigging have had a serious negative impact on its business.

    Well golly gee! Bad news travels fast and Marsh seems to also be traveling fast, downhill, on the road to losing clients.

    Insureds do not appreciate hearing national headlines about their broker being, shall we say, less than above board.

  • August 23, 2005 at 9:27 am
    LL says:
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    Marsh is/was very good at what it does. Too bad a few people (too many) upstairs felt they had cart blanche to take unfair advantage of that position, and ruined the reputation of the rest of the industry.

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