HRH, Conn. AG Reach $30 Million Settlement on Brokerage Activities

August 31, 2005

  • September 1, 2005 at 12:09 pm
    Big Insurance says:
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    Thanks HRH. Again we see a greedy organization intent on growth by any means possible. There was a time we cared more about serving the client first. Now we see self-serving phonies more interested in appearing to have the biggest appendage.

    As a local Joe-bag-of-donuts insurance agent, I cringe everytime I hear of another bully getting caught red-handed doing wrong by the public. It gives us all a black eye.

  • September 1, 2005 at 12:45 pm
    Ivana Keepmachob says:
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    Let’s see. $30 mil – how much overhead goes into $30 mil. Including cost of benefits etc that’s about 300 people who could lose their jobs just because the company they thought they were supporting decided to re-orient their support to their own pockets.
    A black eye to a LOT of people. And their families. Especially with a crowded job market from all the OTHER shenanigans.

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