NBIS – ProBuilders Offering Assistance to Contractors in Several Hurricane-Stricken States

August 31, 2005

  • September 1, 2005 at 12:06 pm
    armorton says:
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    This has to be a joke. I dont want to sound cold, but examine the economics of this type of disaster. It has normally been a boom…not a bust for construction companies when storms of this magnitude wipe out entire cities. So why would contractors need to reduction in premium when they have just been guaranteed work for who knows how long? It begs the question of “motivation” behind this offer of “discounted premiums”. It appears to be a thinly veiled attempt at self promotion from a RRG that is only seeking to garner more premiums from more contractors. If Peter Foley and his company want to help rebuild those states… give to the American Red Cross or other credible relief organizations. Promoting your company with discounted rates in the wake of a natural disaster is just bad form. The contractors who lost their homes need help, but this promotion is not directed toward them. Ask yourself the question…who stands to benefit most?

  • September 1, 2005 at 3:01 am
    Jay says:
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    I could not agree more with the responder to this “article” The other issue is the quality of the carrier for the long haul. Will Foley and company be around 3, 5, 10 years from now to pay defect or legitimate completed operations losses? Adding insult to injury of a homeowner who has lost everything will be as devastating as the storm iteself.

  • September 1, 2005 at 4:33 am
    John says:
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    Mr. Are you kidding me. What are you doing to help?

  • September 1, 2005 at 4:48 am
    armorton says:
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    Gave blood, contributed financially to relief organizations and Im praying for the people in need. Other than that…nothing.

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