Big ‘I’ Adopts Insurer Disclosure Policy

September 25, 2005

  • September 26, 2005 at 7:46 am
    LL says:
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    The IIABA is bending over so much it’s about to kiss itself.
    The probe was about brokerages that accepted compensation from both sides. It’s just nuts to lump retail agencies with them; our clients already expect us to be paid by carriers.
    Then again, it may make the general public realize how measly agents are actually paid.

  • September 26, 2005 at 1:21 am
    Ray says:
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    In the most politically correct of terms, this is purely “NUTS”. Food is one of the most critical of human needs. Why not have every supermarket disclose how much they make and how they make it. For each and every item, let them tell us how much they make and how they make it. What discounts do they get for quality, quantity, product placement, etc. In fact, why not have politicians do the same. By the waym how can Senator Stinky afford to live in a $19 million house on his Senator salary. Let’s go for it.

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