Hurricanes Rita, Katrina Impact Progressive’s October Results

November 17, 2005

  • November 17, 2005 at 6:51 am
    BB says:
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    Loss ratio issues for the lowest comission company on the P and C side…
    I would be curious how the direct side fared versus the agency outlet on the LR issue. After squeezing the agency force for points up front I wonder how difficult the contingency criteria will be next year.

  • November 18, 2005 at 1:51 am
    Curtis Rothe says:
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    BB must be new to the business with limited companies to place business.

    We write a lot of Progressive. They do pay less CASH$$$ than others, HOWEVER the ease of writing business, the competitive rates and exceptional service are worth a lot.

    We have many companies that pay a higher comp, BUT none that have better service.

    I always know that if the rate is too high or the comp is too low or the service not good, I CAN PUT OUR CLIENTS WITH A DIFFERENT COMPANY.

  • November 20, 2005 at 12:16 pm
    Bob says:
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    I know the commmissions are lower to pay for the ease of use and service. However, if you check out the third or so page in your contract, you will see that their direct company has authority to call your clients after they have been on the books for three months. Since they are the same division, they have access to one anthers pricing scheme and can easily udercut the Drive program on the agents level. I don\’t feel sorry for them.

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