Congress Raises Flood Insurance Program Borrowing to $18.5 Billion to Cover Claims

By | November 20, 2005

  • November 21, 2005 at 1:37 am
    Les says:
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    There is a reason it is called the 100 year flood zone. Fool me once but don\’t fool me twice seems as though it should apply on a per property address. I as a property owner must take some responsibility. The issue of flood goes away if the first loss would allow proceeds to apply to purchase of another property if the loss exceeded a stipulated percentage of value and future claims were reduced by prior claims not to exceed the maximum insurance amount. Phase this in over a period of time and ultimately the issue will resolve itself especially on repeat losses.

  • December 5, 2005 at 6:47 am
    mel pickert says:
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    we live in what is a SO-CALLed flood zone. Our isn. agt. told us if our house was over toward our neighbors house 100ft we woulnot need it?why is our flood ins. more than our home owners?,an our home owners covers more?We pay a premium of 552.00 for coverage of 58,300 only for our structure,and nothing else.Our homeowners covers 147,000/14,700/102,900/44,100 plus ,for 522.00.THERS SOMTHING WRONG HERE WHY AM I PAYING FOR THIS WHEN I DONT EVEN NEED IT!ALL IT DOES IS MAKE MY MORTGAGE GO UP EVERY YEAR!WE NEED TO BE REASESSED FOR FLOOD DAMAGE!OUR NEIBOBORS PUMP MORE WATER THEN WE DO!ALL YEAR!!in closing in i do feel for all the huricane victims but why do we have to pay for that.

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