EFI Global Answers Largest Number of Hurricane Calls Ever

November 24, 2005

  • November 25, 2005 at 1:03 am
    S B says:
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    The truth about the dangers of mold is being revealed to the nation in the aftermath of this year\’s hurricanes. There will be no more opportunity for the \”experts\” working in the insurance industry to minimize exposures to toxic mold and be believed.

    Concentrate on prevention and getting rid of mold properly (using EPA standards, at minimum). Denial simply won\’t work anymore. No one will ever again believe that mold is merely a harmless allergen, with the education we are receiving in real-time.

    It\’s time for the insurance industry to face facts: our buildings have been constructed with food for mold, using building designs that encourage its growth, for the past 60 years. That needs to change.

    Your industry can offer incentives (discounts) for building with mold-inhibiting materials and construction techniques, such as the use of inorganic-faced sheetrock, tile flooring, etc., or require it for new construction to be insured.

    Think prevention. We have to face the mold problems, not deny them. Denial will only prolong the problems. Your industry can be a solution-provider, if you will only think: prevention. You have the opportunity now, in the aftermath of Katrina. Homes and schools built to prevent mold growth, with new types of construction to minimize hurricane damage should become the norm. Let\’s begin to work together to solve the mold problem – or it won\’t go away, and will surely help weaken our nation, ultimately, with the serious chronic diseases it causes.

    The influence and power of the insurance industry can be the beginning of a positive change in the aftermath of disaster.

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