High Court Agrees to Hear Appeal in $80M Tobacco Case Settlement

June 1, 2006

  • June 2, 2006 at 12:39 pm
    KT says:
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    I personally find smoking to be a discusting habit, however at what point do we place blame where it really belongs? Cigarettes are marked with labels specifically identifying their hazards and everyone with half a brain knows the damage that they cause. Many members of my family are long time smokers and their stupidity and failure to have self restraint should not fall on the product maker. This would be like an obese person who dies of an illness that is perpetuated by their obesity suing Dunkin Donuts. They do not force the food down your throat, you make the choice to destroy your life. Place the blame where it belongs.

  • June 2, 2006 at 2:25 am
    Obvious says:
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    When low-life plaintiff lawyers crawl back in their holes, people may start to take responsibility for their own actions

  • June 2, 2006 at 3:07 am
    Truth says:
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    The truth of the matter is that these type of suits are a self-fulfilling cycle. These suits make the world a safer place becuase all products must be made safe enough for dumbest person in the world to use safely. This enables growth of the idiot population, as natural selection was killing off the idiots who chose to smoke, drive drunk, not wear seatbelts etc. Products that require a minimum IQ to operate are a method of weeding out the ignorant from the human race.

    Since the idiots are surviving at a higher rate, this means more suits like this as they find new methods to harm themselves and force even more products liability cases from products that are obviously dangerous. (i.e firearms, fireworks, knives, motorcycles…)

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