Domestic Terrorism Threat on the Rise, Says FBI Chief

By Michael J. Sniffen | September 8, 2006

  • September 8, 2006 at 12:38 pm
    Scott says:
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    The United States should apologize for the evil ways of the American people and government, sign a peace treaty with all the foreign and domestic terrorists, offer them restitution for our wrongs and then we\’ll be done with all this non-sense.


    The American Democrat Party

  • September 8, 2006 at 12:54 pm
    Omar says:
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    Until we close all the mosques and forbid travel to the USA by Muslims, this threat will not end. And until we are hit with another attack like, or worse than, 9/11, that won\’t happen. Saying that only 1% of Muslims are a threat is like saying that a Tiger Shark is only 1% teeth. It\’s past time for us to stop worrying about hurting people\’s feelings and start worrying about what kind of life we\’re going to lead if we must be afraid of the enemy in our own country.

  • September 8, 2006 at 1:18 am
    Roger says:
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    Scott& The American Democrat Party:

    Your fools, so may be you and the party should move from the U.S.A., since we are so evil, and move to Iraq and live there.

  • September 8, 2006 at 1:21 am
    Omar says:
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    Um, Roger, I think that Scott was being just a tad tongue-in-cheek.

  • September 8, 2006 at 1:54 am
    Hal says:
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    As long as a substantial number of people believe these human polyps are just misunderstood we are in an ever increasing spiral. It may take them a few booming esperiences to find out the Bush Lied crowd are very full of their own political ambition.

  • September 8, 2006 at 4:00 am
    Smitty says:
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    When they say \”home grown terrorism\” what they really mean is children of immigrants & aliens but to say \”Children of immigrants & Aliens\” are becoming terrorists would mean we were negligent in allowing them to move in here in the first place and that would be politically incorrect.

  • September 8, 2006 at 5:32 am
    Jack says:
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    Omar, my friend. I believe you are advocating that we do exactly what Osama Bin Laden wants us to do. You are unfortunatelly just too ignorant to know it.

    Unconfirmed estimates put the number of muslim americans between 8 million and 10 million. 2002 comprehensive study by the Wall Street Journal has shown that they are better educated, earn more money, and obide the law better than the average american. Per the current article FBI is currently monitoring a very very small number of them (far less than 1%) under the suspicion of terrorism involvement.

    Why should all those people pay the price for the idiotic behavior of the few?

  • September 8, 2006 at 5:37 am
    Hal says:
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    A few? It only takes one to take out a bus, subway or a whole restaurant. Check the news.

  • September 8, 2006 at 6:03 am
    Jack says:
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    Well, it only takes one armed high-school kid to commit a school shooting? It only takes one disgruntled worker to commit a massacre? It only takes one Eric Rudolph to bomb an abortion clinic?

    So, are you suggesting that we should close all high schools, offices, and churches? Of course not, it\’s idiotic. The same way it would be idiotic to close all the mosques or restrict travel rights of innocent american muslims because of something they have nothing to do with.

  • September 9, 2006 at 7:27 am
    Jack says:
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    Is it then right to say then that the majority of executives support corporate corruption because so few of them have explicitly spoken against Lay, Skilling, Koslowski? Is it right to say that the majority of whites in this country support white supremacism because this problem is so rarely addressed. The fact that you do not frequently see a condemnation of something on Fox News or CNN does not mean that it does not exist.

    I disagree that few muslim condemn islamic terrorism. In fact, the vast majority of them do both implicitly and explicitly. Implicitly by living law-obiding and meaningful lives. Explicitly, every single islamic organization in this country as well as the vast majority of those internationally have condemned islamic terrorism. I think the part of the problem is that the sensationalist media, often rightfully so, gives the messages of hate and violence propagated by a very small minority the vast majority of air creating a perception that those beliefs are commonly held by all muslims.

    I think that we need moderate and peaceful muslims on our side in the fight against terrorism here at home and abroad. Recent London bombing was foiled with the help of the local muslim community and Pakistani intellignece. It is going to be difficult to get that kind of help if we do what you and Omar suggest: deny american muslims and other innocent people the same liberties that we expect for ourselves.

  • September 9, 2006 at 5:18 am
    Hal says:
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    No, not at all. I am saying that it is foolish to ignore sincere threats from a group that says they will kill you if you do not submit to their way of thinking. This group has done it many times before. Sure not all muslims claim to be part of the extremists, but few condem their actions. The majority\’s silence about the minority\’s actions is consent.

  • September 11, 2006 at 7:47 am
    Omar says:
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    This is like saying that only 1% of a shark is teeth, so don\’t worry about sharks. The Wahabist movement was a reformation designed to return Islam to its original roots, a main tenent of which is a mandate for violent struggle against \”infidels.\” The Saudis are Wahabi Sunnis, and they are funding the construction of mosques in the US, meaning that they are planting the seeds of terrorism in our homeland. So you are the one who is obviously ignorant is Islam, not me.

  • September 11, 2006 at 7:52 am
    Omar says:
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    \”Explicitly, every single islamic organization in this country as well as the vast majority of those internationally have condemned islamic terrorism.\”

    You do not know what you are talking about. Go here to see that the most prominent Muslim organization, the Council on American Islamic relations, has deep systemic connections to terrorists. It is in fact a terrorist front, and it is not the only one.

  • September 11, 2006 at 10:11 am
    Howdy says:
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    Having a rattles snake in your bedroom is no big deal. They make a lot of noise before they strike, anyway. Will you take care of my rattle snake while I go on vacation? He doesn\’t like his cage, just let him roam free in your bedroom.

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