HUD Charges Erie, Agents with Unfair Bias; Erie Calls Charges ‘Misguided’

October 30, 2006

  • October 30, 2006 at 9:24 am
    Mark says:
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    Did HUD investigate the number of agents that requested to be appointed in those ZIP codes? Did anyone think that in the 27 \”black\” zip codes, agents did not request appointments, or the agents that did lost them because of poor production? Correlation is not causation, and just because they write less in those ZIP codes doesn\’t cause them to be racist or racially motivated. Give me a break.

  • October 30, 2006 at 1:10 am
    Anon says:
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    There is truth in this, it may not be racially motivated, but it is certainly unfair to the other carriers that are willing to make a commitment to urban areas. They do the same thing in Philly, at least it has been suspected.

  • October 30, 2006 at 1:39 am
    rcb says:
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    I would be interested in knowing what would happen to the ratio of agents in \”white\” zip codes if the basis were per 100,000 homeowning households rather than per 100,000 population, or perhaps per $100,000 of insurable values in the zip code.
    I\’d be the last to say racism doesn\’t exist, but pure economics sometimes looks like racism, if that\’s what you are looking for.

  • October 30, 2006 at 1:57 am
    Ob V. Us says:
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    Try to get an appointment in Washington D.C. Erie does NOT redline writing accounts; they REDLINE AGENTS who write those accounts.
    If HUD is looking into Erie practices, they must have not contributed enough or HUD has a rogue inspector.

  • October 30, 2006 at 2:13 am
    Chris says:
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    I am fairly rural and write only commercial insurance, but I know that there are areas even around these parts that are \”high hazard\”, whether they are inhabitated by white, black, hispanic, whatever . . . There are high crime areas that I really don\’t want to write property coverage in! I hope that the ethnic background of the policyholders is not the ONLY factor contributing to these adverse underwriting devisions.

  • October 31, 2006 at 7:31 am
    Rocketman says:
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    But if your doing business in Penna, you would experience Erie at their game. Erie stays away from average risks and only goes after the best risks. They concentrate on the market areas outside of the metro area\’s and very cleverly avoid writing anything that even smells average. If you have 2 claims inside of 3 years per household, your gone, the whole household. I\’ve seen people cancled after 1 violation. If you try to write a Youthful on a Corvette, good luck, it usually won\’t happen. They were in the habit of re-underwriting like Nazi\’s. Erie has great claim support, Average Agent representation, and poor long term commitment to their clients. They Love you as a client when you don\’t have claims, but when you start to look \”Average\” your days are numbered. We have a saying in our office, you can tell the Erie client\’s autos in a parking lot, they have the cars with all of the unrepaired damage ! Their clients are afraid to submit claims for fear of being cancelled.

  • October 31, 2006 at 3:03 am
    Adrian says:
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    Interesting to note back to back articles, same day–one, this article concerning HUD, the other relating the fact that Erie is rated very high by J.D.Power in Homeowners area,among others–must be doing something right.

  • August 6, 2008 at 2:39 am
    Greg Hearn says:
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    I’m white and wouldn’t buy insurance from Erie or any affiliates. Black or White or any other color pull up “FBIC” on the internet and you’ll see why.

  • November 1, 2012 at 4:55 pm
    Billa says:
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    Pit bulls have gotten a bad rap b/cause of their idiot ornews. They are not a bad breed You are not stuck with that insurance company take your business down the road. My dogs Barney and Waston send hugs to your boy! ♥

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