Marsh Ends President’s Role; Targets Middle Market, Tech, Construction

November 3, 2006

  • November 3, 2006 at 12:51 pm
    Justin Othermove says:
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    Could this be the SAME middle market that Marsh felt it was too good to service? That their economy of scale was so HIGH that working on Volume Business was detrimental to their success? Or is it just the Flavor of the Quarter? Maybe even Blue Blood runs thin after a while. Assuming of course that there IS any blood left on Mars.

  • November 3, 2006 at 1:10 am
    Marshmorass says:
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    This is final proof they are no longer welcome at the top and now want to play the role of bullies, just to get some $$ in the door. Marsh has always been big on trying to re-position competition with phony prestige and a now supremely ironic message that as brokers they represent the client and not the insurer. (hah, hah, hah, hah, hah. We sure saw how that proved out).

    How about this for re-positioning competition–\”Dear Mr Client: You can\’t trust these Marsh people. Look at their published and well known dishonest actions as well as deliberate, utterly cynical abuses of trust. They\’re not making it in the big market that they burned so bad, so they are looking for fresh victims and they must think you smaller companies are stupid or something…\”

    Most reasonable people are going to throw them out, based on their indisputable history of malfeasance. My anti-Marsh sales kit is assembled and has already been effective, offensively and defensively. Why don\’t they all just fade away? Like a bad penny, they keep turning up.

  • November 6, 2006 at 10:27 am
    John Scrader says:
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    \”..Mark Feuer, formerly at Merrill Lynch, has joined Marsh as leader of the Middle Market practice During his career at Merrill Lynch, Feuer held several leadership positions, including responsibility for the firm\’s retirement business. Most recently, he headed up the Merrill Lynch Trust Company and Private Banking & Investment Group Platform.\”

    So can someone explain to me how this person is qualified to run a middle market? This is another fine example how F*\’d up Martian\’s really are. OOOOHH an ex merrill lynch person with ZERO insurance experience…Yeah I\’m scared, really scared….

  • November 6, 2006 at 11:05 am
    Puzzled says:
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    For the last several years Marsh has sold off business with revenue less than $50,000 and made the decision not to write any new business with revenue less than $50,000. This would be an average premium size account of about $350,000. Nice middle market business. So now they have decided that they made another mistake and really are interested in this type of business?

    Wow, we as past clients and current clients of Marsh are confused!

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