Democratic Congress Not Necessarily Bad for Industry, Says PIA

November 9, 2006

  • November 9, 2006 at 7:07 am
    ClaimHawk says:
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    Abusive and deceptive loss claim adjusting practices against homeowners via major carriers, which include Allstate, State Farm, Safeco, USAA and others, may now stand a chance of being truly examined, exposed, and punished.

    Ones in positions of governmental authority who have chosen to not expose such insurance fraud issues in the past/present should be aware that there is [public] record of non-support of their neighbors they know they are supposed to be protecting.

  • November 9, 2006 at 12:22 pm
    Mr. Recall says:
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    This is definetly one article that I will print and refer to many times during the next two years. So, someone thinks the new Democrats are moderates? Anyone who follows politics knows that the Dems running for office campaign on the right and the momemt they are elected they quickly swing to the left(how quicly we forget Mr. Clinton – I\’m still waiting for the middle-class tax cut he promised). The insurance industry, and our economy, are in big trouble. Let\’s see what happens.

  • November 9, 2006 at 1:10 am
    Worried Agent says:
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    You have got to be kidding me. The Democrates have always been bad for the Insurance industry. PIA is out to lunch. Thats why we no longer are members.

  • November 9, 2006 at 1:22 am
    Amused says:
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    Sounds like we have a couple of sore losers out there. What major gains did you see under Republican rule? Hmmmmmmm?

  • November 9, 2006 at 1:37 am
    Been here before says:
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    This new congress should be very interesting as they help to form our macro-economic environment over the next session. Our customers (end-users) have enjoyed a soft market for the last few years. What will happen when the Congress takes away or greatly diminishes the tax breaks the insurance companies have enjoyed over the last few years? What will happen when the investment income that insurance companies have enjoyed heads south? Will the insurance companies then return to pure underwriting rather than underwriting with a heavy emphasis more on cash flow than underwriting profit? If we return to a hard market are you agents ready?

  • November 9, 2006 at 1:39 am
    Mr. Recall says:
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    Dear Amused,
    I could ask the same question about the Clinton years. Have any name-calling answer for that? You guys never change and your true colors always come out, just like your question.

  • November 9, 2006 at 1:39 am
    An agent that has been around says:
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    This new congress should be very interesting as they help to form our macro-economic environment over the next session. Our customers (end-users) have enjoyed a soft market for the last few years. What will happen when the Congress takes away or greatly diminishes the tax breaks the insurance companies have enjoyed over the last few years? What will happen when the investment income that insurance companies have enjoyed heads south? Will the insurance companies then return to pure underwriting rather than underwriting with a heavy emphasis more on cash flow than underwriting profit? If we return to a hard market are you agents ready?

  • November 9, 2006 at 1:50 am
    36yrs in Insurance says:
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    This is like standing still in front of the T-Rex thinking \”If I don\’t move, he won\’t eat me\”. Is PIA getting a case of Ostrichitis?

    Can you spell Democrat? Anti-business, anti-insurance, pro-socialism, deep pockets theory, etc, etc. Cinch up \’cause here it comes, especially with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Look for higher taxes and more entitlements for their voter bases. We don\’t want to encourage anyone to work too hard for anything afterall. Oh, yes, watch for more judicial law making under the Demos as well.

  • November 9, 2006 at 1:52 am
    Mr. Recall says:
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    Thank you \”Mr. 36 Years In Insurance.\” Somone actually gets it.

  • November 9, 2006 at 2:06 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    Of course Democrats are good for insurance; they get their biggest contributions from trial lawyers and unions…maybe PIA is going to transform itself into a failed union and file suit against the carriers that no longer subscribe on the basis of \’not fair\’. The scary thing is anything that goes wrong on the next two years will be blamed on the president; most Americans do not understand economics and regulation, and the same ones don\’t understand the psychological economic damages that could occur before they even take the oath of office; if they understood, they wouldn\’t have been hoodwinked by a campaign about nothing except \’we\’re against Bush\’.

  • November 9, 2006 at 3:58 am
    Hawk says:
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    Democrats have no faith in the free market. Almost all are closet socialists and feel our money is the goverments. They love jobs and hate the job creator. When my estate is being settled I\’m sure they will want to confiscate a good portion to pass along to others who did not earn it.

  • November 9, 2006 at 4:55 am
    Southern Agent says:
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    Chucky Shummer already threatened China with a 27% tarriff on all goods and Charlie Wrangle can\’t wait to whip up on Republicans. The only good thing is I believe the winning Demo\’s ARE more conservative than Demo\’s of old.
    Time will tell if they (the Demo\’s of old)can get the votes for their socialist policies. Plus, this is a good sign to let the people of Iraq that they better get up off their asses and help themselves more or we\’re outta there.
    Finally, fudgepacker Barney Frank is going to be head of the Banking committee……..

  • November 9, 2006 at 5:00 am
    Proud Democrat Agent says:
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    My family has been in the insurance industry as agents for over 50 years. Small businesses as a whole do better when Dems are in charge. More small businesses = more policies for our agency.

    Too bad so many of us have bit on the line from the Republican Spin Machine. Repubs may be better for large mega-corporations, but there are not that many of those available to agents to write. I\’ll take a mainstreet filled with successful small businesses any day of the week.

  • November 10, 2006 at 2:31 am
    misty meanor says:
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    Southern Agent – you are a total dick and I hope you choke on a bagel and die. You are a bigot and deserve nothing less than a slow, painful death.

  • November 10, 2006 at 3:26 am
    Southern Agent says:
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    Don\’t blame me, my environment made me like I am.
    You\’re a mean person, Misty.

  • November 14, 2006 at 10:06 am
    Big Insurance says:
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    Harry Reid always looks like he just sucked on a lemon – or maybe it\’s just the foul after-taste of Jack Abramoff; Nancy Pelosi will be visited by the ghost of Cesar Chavez for making millions on the backs of her vinyard slaves; Charlie Rangel, the white-hating New York socialist will be in charge of the Ways and Means committee – can anyone say \”reparations\”? Hillary will move again to entitlementize the healthcare industry, they\’ll start with Medicare Part D. And speaking of the insurance industry; does anyone remember the OCC who would take away state rights to govern and oversee the business?

    Let\’s hope the impulsive voter quickly get a reminder of what used to be, but suffer buyer\’s remorse long enough to remeber to expectorate the Democrats in \’08.

  • November 16, 2006 at 9:14 am
    KLS says:
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    Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Also visit and get contact information for your local lawmakers.

    There is a ton of information on VoteSmart, too. What committees are they on, how do they vote, what is their educational or professional background… It goes SO MUCH deeper than party lines.

    You\’re all very passionate about how you feel, so please make sure your government knows how you feel, too.

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