Some of the Arson Convictions Now Being Questioned

December 11, 2006

  • December 11, 2006 at 7:24 am
    Randall Rossbach says:
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    I was convicted of Arson and Insurance Fraud. I was charged with all 4 types of Arson after I refused to accept a DEAL with the prosecutor. I did not intentiallly set fire to my home however, with the State of Michigan paying the bill for all types of experts I had no way of defending myself. I worked for the State of Michigan as a Corrections Officer at the time of the accidental fire to my home, when the State fire marshall representative barged into the motel I had my family staying at he treated me from the start as a criminal. As a result I refused to speak with any of them and ultimately paid the price with a conviction. They did a video re-enactment of there investigation because they had no working cameras for the actuall investigation just to start the ordeal I was up against. I have since accepted the fact that I cannot afford to beat the case set up for me by the Michigan State Police and have since become self employeed and will continue to be sucessful. There is no doubt in my mind that the Michigan State Police did a directed Investigation, every piece of evidence was circumstantial, you would think that as professionals they would have some hard evidence to support the unprofessional approach. My reason for the response is to do my part to let others know about the misrepresentations of court appointed attorneys and the system itself. Had I continued to be paid or aloud to continue to work for the State or have been able to have had input on how and what to look for in specific fields. I would have been able to hire an attorney and undoubedly prove my innocence. Incidentally the Insurance company paid the claim and had not been part of the prosecution as far as I know. The Investigation is paramount and needs to be done independant of anything else. In my case it was not, in my opinion.

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