Congress Prepares to Tackle Global Warming Legislation

By H. Josef Hebert | January 15, 2007

  • January 15, 2007 at 11:02 am
    James L says:
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    How wonderful if this legislation actually gets passed. I doubt that it would be enough, but it would signal bi-partisan or Tri-partisan (if you include Lieberman)willingness the biggest problem the world faces today.

  • January 16, 2007 at 7:32 am
    Mark says:
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    How arrogant of us to believe that we caused global warming in a few short years, and that we can fix it by reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The Earth has warmed and cooled millions of times during its five billion year history. During mans existence, the Earth has been much cooler than now, and also much warmer than now.

  • January 16, 2007 at 8:59 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    Nice. We do nothing about genocide in Africa, totalitarian regimes in Russia, massive governmental corruption in Mexico, or an increasingly vicious war in Iraq, but we\’re going to halt global warming.

    It\’s comforting to know that with all the problems in the world, John McCain feels that limiting pollution from refineries is the biggest one.

    I\’ve got an idea- why don\’t we duct tape everybody in Washington\’s mouth shut. That should limit hot air.

  • January 16, 2007 at 12:46 pm
    Scott says:
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    Don’t\’ forget the biggest emitters (by far) of greenhouse gases…volcanoes. Let\’s make sure we get them capped.

  • January 16, 2007 at 12:49 pm
    bob says:
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    global warning is a vast left wing conspiracy
    the earth is flat
    fossils were put in the ground to test your faith
    the holacoust is a myth

    See anything similar in these statements?

  • January 16, 2007 at 12:53 pm
    carbonrealist says:
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    You forgot one -Bob is well educated on this subject!

    Morons… Mark is the only one with a clue. Free the carbon –man is insignificant to the global changes our planet experiences wildfires and volcanic activities far exceed the CO2 produced by mankind each year. More BS for the Govt to tax us on! Free the carbon!!!!!! Going home to burn leaves today as a protest!

  • January 16, 2007 at 12:59 pm
    carbonrealist says:
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    California Citrus Growers Face Big Losses as Cold Snap Continues
    By Marcus Wohlsen
    January 16, 2007

    California\’s $1 billion citrus industry suffered record-low temperatures this past weekend, and agriculture officials continue to worry about widespread crop destruction.

    Counties where most of the state\’s oranges, lemons and tangerines are grown saw temperatures plummet into the teens to mid-20s both in the pre-dawn hours of Saturday and Sunday, according to the National Weather Service.

    \”It was a very bad night,\” said Nancy Lungren, spokeswoman for the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

    Damage to citrus groves in the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California was \”widespread\” and \”significant,\” Lungren said. But the full impact would not be known until inspectors had a chance to check fruit picked after the cold snap began Friday.

    State officials asked fruit packers to keep produce harvested during the freeze off the market for five days so they could look for quality problems and keep damaged fruit off store shelves.

    \”If it turns to slush, that\’s bad fruit, and they\’ll dispose of it,\” Lungren said.

    Citrus growers rushed to pick as much fruit as possible before the cold weather hit. That should keep citrus supplies steady for the next week to 10 days, said Dave Kranz, a spokesman for the California Farm Bureau Federation.

    Forecasters had predicted the mercury would dip below freezing starting on Saturday, with a freeze watch remaining in effect through Tuesday morning.

    Starting Wednesday, cloud cover from the Pacific coast could trap heat and increase temperatures to slightly above freezing, National Weather Service meteorologist Cindy Bean predicted on Sunday.

    Farmers said they would continue to burn bonfires, blow warmer air through 30-foot wind machines, and spray trees with warm irrigation water in attempt to protect crops. A severe cold snap can destroy crops, leave hundreds of farmworkers unemployed and have long-term effects if trees are damaged.

    The industry took two years to recover from a 1990 freeze that lasted a week, said Joel Nelsen, president of California Citrus Mutual, a 2,000-member trade organization. A three-day freeze in December 1998 destroyed 85 percent of California\’s citrus crop, a loss valued at $700 million.

    Officials estimated the value of the 2007 citrus crop still on the trees at $960 million.

    Record lows were reported Sunday throughout Southern California, including downtown Los Angeles, which hit 36 degrees, breaking a record in place since 1932. Long Beach hit 31 degrees, beating the record set in 1963. A 3-degree reading in Lancaster, about 70 miles northeast of Los Angeles, shattered the old record of 10 degrees, also set 1963.

    In Bakersfield, temperatures tied the record low at 25 degrees, according to the weather service.

    On Friday, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued an emergency proclamation that made more state funds available to counties coping with cold weather. More than 1,300 people have sought shelter from the subfreezing temperatures at warming centers opened by the California National Guard throughout the state, said Greg Renick, a spokesmen for the Governor\’s Office of Emergency Services.

    No deaths have been linked to the cold snap so far, Renick said.

  • January 16, 2007 at 1:06 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    While I appreciate your attempts at witty repartee, I think you miss the mark.

    I am not denying the reality of global warming. I have admitted that the earth is getting warmer in other threads on this website.

    I am denying the knee-jerk assumptions that humanity caused it, that it\’s possible for humanity to stop or reverse it, or that it\’s America\’s responsibility to unilaterally fix it.

    But hey- thanks for pounding the keyboard.

    Keep randomly punching buttons and you and your friends might write Hamlet.

  • January 16, 2007 at 1:07 am
    Bulldogg says:
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    How about that annoying little disk about 93 million miles away? That may have something to do about the cycle the planet goes through.

    I agree, man is but one grain of sand on a beach the size of the east coast when it comes to influencing the climate on this planet.

    But this is another way to punish properity. Whatever happened to Acid Rain and Ted Danson\’s claim that the oceans were going totally devoid of life, which should have happened a few years ago? All of these are myths just like a few others I have to offer Bob.

    1. Democrats love small business, that\’s why they want to raise the minimum wage.
    2. Only tax increases boost the economy, so what\’s your explanation on the markets the past 4 years?

  • January 16, 2007 at 1:26 am
    Another Non Issue says:
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    Global warming is a political issue because the mainstream media has decided they want it to be. If \”true\” science was a factor they could have just as easily picked the other side and said it a multi decade or century trend.

    Instead, and as usual, the media sided with their liberal, anti big business, pro big goverment friends and have created an issue out of nothing.

    Just as legislating morality does not work, neither will regulating the temperature of the earth.

  • January 16, 2007 at 1:37 am
    J Dubs says:
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    Global warming is not a myth, it is a reality. It is ridiculous to say that man has no effect climate change. This is not partisan issue, it is a human issue.
    By the way, no one expects the US to unilaterally fix global warming, we can\’t even be bothered to comply with the Kyoto protocol.
    So get off your argumentative high horse and accept that reality is not a red state/blue state issue.

  • January 16, 2007 at 1:44 am
    Emily Latella says:
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    why do we keep hearing about this? I just don\’t see what the big deal is with global worming. We get cars from Japan, and clothes and services from India. Who care where our worms come from. For diversity sake, I say lets get our worms from other spots in the world, so we don\’t run out of American worms.

  • January 16, 2007 at 2:06 am
    Goreisadope says:
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    This whole global warming sham is nothing but the Communist Party turned Green. Mt. St. Helen\’s spewed more CO2 and methane etc etc into the atmosphere than the entire human contribution of all time. If I needed any more reason to hold McCain in contempt it is this.

    Even if it mattered if we reduced CO2 emmissions by the miniscule goals set by this bill, returning them to 2004 levels, do you think the rabble rousers will stop whining about it? They were whining about it in 2004!

    What caused climate changes in the distant past, before the industrial revolution? What caused the Ice Age and the Mini Ice Age, and what caused them to end?

    What happens when CO2 levels rise? Plants get bigger. Bigger plants emit more O2. What happens when water is heated? It evaporates. If the earth is getting warmer then so is the water, the evaporation of which is the essence of – refrigeration!

    There is nothing that can happen to this planet short of the supernova of the sun that could possibly cause the climate to change to the degree that it warrants the involvement of the Almighty US Congress.

    Lord save us from Democrats and RINOS!

  • January 16, 2007 at 2:13 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    When John McCain expects Americans, but no one else in the world, to pay more money in order to lower greenhouse gases world-wide, that\’s unilateral.

    When people with different political beliefs than mine want to enact legislation that affects me directly, without giving me the choice to opt out, that makes it a \”red state, blue state\” issue.

    You think it\’s ridiculous that some people claim humanity has little or no influence on climate change. I think you are making assertions that have no bearing in reality. The entire scientific world does not support the idea that the temperature increase is man\’s fault. That means there is great room for debate.

    When the debate is settled, I\’ll support the scientifically proven view.

    And by settled, I mean when the only people arguing against \”it\’s humanity\’s fault\” are the same people who blame it on Atlantis.

    Currently, actual scientists, with access to actual data, are debating what\’s happening.

    Until those scientists agree on a cause, stop costing me money with your wishful thinking.

  • January 16, 2007 at 2:16 am
    bob says:
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    okay, you guys have me convinced

    the world really IS flat

    maybe when we have another 6 billion inhabitants, some of them will start falling off the edge and slow things down a bit

    WE certainly don\’t have any responsibility to do so (slow things down).

    And believe it or not, I voted for George W!

  • January 16, 2007 at 2:18 am
    Goreisadope says:
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    The Soviet Union means us no harm. We are just scaring the Communists into taking belligerent stances.

    Terrorists would stop hating and bombing if the USA just stopped oppressing them.

    Fidel Castro is just an agrarian reformer. He means us no harm.

    The capitalist US is causing all of the problems among third world peoples.

    Capitalism is causing global warming.

    See anything similar in these statements?

  • January 16, 2007 at 2:36 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    Bob, you have me confused. Do you have an article or study to refute the Mount Saint Helens claim?

    There is evidence to support your contention that global warming is caused by humanity.

    There is also evidence to support the contention that global warming is the result of natural processes.

    At what point do you stop accusing us of being backwards, and start realizing that there is room for serious debate?

    My stance, based on my personal understanding of articles in science journals, is that the jury is stilll out.

    Your stance, based on your understanding of information you\’ve recieved, is that the case is closed.

    What, in those two statements, makes you a genius with the right to call names?

    I\’ve been very clear that I oppose legislation based on partially understood processes.

    You\’ve been very clear that you think anyone with a different opinion from yours is stupid.

    That makes you look like a narrow minded, self aggrandizing monkey who merely regurgitates popular media spin.

    Although entertaining, that stance doesn\’t do a whole lot to advance the conversation about the proposed legislation.

  • January 16, 2007 at 2:54 am
    Bulldogg says:
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    I have a small penis, was that caused by global warming?

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:04 am
    Mr. Recall says:
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    The reason I also joke around about having a small penis is because:
    I grew up near smokestacks. The air is horrible. I moved to LA, the air is horrible. I have friends that live in cancer clusters. SO maybe we are not causing global warming?

    But are we causing cancer and poor air and water quality with our pollution and emisions?

    PLus dont we want to get off of coal and oil anyway? What about peek oil and running out of it? Shouldnt we be seeking alturnatives to these dirty fules whether or not we are causing global warming?

    Sounds to me LIKE IT DOEST MATTER.

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:07 am
    Goreisadope says:
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    So funny. Are you compensating with a moniker like \”Bulldog\” then? If global warming caused penile shrinkage, then I can say with full confidence that there is no such thing as global warming…

    Mjolnir is spot on. It\’s the \”Liberals\” who are the closed-minded bigots. Whoever refuses instantly to swallow their newest orthodoxy without complaint or question is accused of being a flat-earther, when in fact, all we want is to get all the facts on the table for an informed discussion.

    Whenever the press or the politicians etc. insist that you stop thinking for yourself and just to get in line, you can easily discern who is in the best tradition of the American spirit, and who is the authortarian despot in waiting.

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:16 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    Thank you. I would be very happy to see an open discussion about what environmental and energy problems this country faces, and what (if anything) we should do about them.

    I\’ll go first-
    I think we should not worry about the lack of oil. I think we should take money from the bloated and fraudelently managed NASA budget to fund bio-diesel and ethanol research. After all, NASA rockets are HUGE polluters and all they\’re doing is firing (and losing) useless junk into space. Those funds and that research should be focused on generating clean, renewable power, and we should let $5.00/gallon gas determine how many SUV\’s get sold.

    I think we should force factories and power plants to reduce or eliminate particulate discharge and poisonous emissions. I think the companies that profit from those factories and power plants should be forced to foot the bill. I think any company that closes a factory or power plant and moves it out of the country to a non-regulated environment should be heavily penalized by import duties and outright fines.

    See? That wasn\’t so hard. Let\’s have an adult discussion that doesn\’t rely on competing arguments. Let\’s see if we can come to some sort of compromise based on mutual respect and concern for another citizens viewpoint..

    Then all we have to do is print it out and jam it down the nearest congressmans throat with a combat boot.

    Just kidding.

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:20 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    the GOREISADOPE is a sophisticated scientific instrument, which when used properly, allows the user to determine exactly what amount of hysteria can be blamed on your opponent. It also allows you to balance your points so they are acceptable to your believers. Effectively used to bring moonbat, tree huggers into line in liberal end of Democratic Party. Your results may vary.

    Side effects are similar to sugar pill. Do not use while operation heavy machinery. Follow advice of physician of doing any kind of running, including running for office. May result in weight gain if running fails to locate office. Often mistaken for Rose Colored Glasses, however, while Rose Colored Glasses bend light rays to the rosey part of the spectrum, they do not allow one to paint doom and gloom at your opponents as well as a GOREISADOPE; except no substitutes! Not to be mistaken for original thought or proof of any kind of thought process.
    (patent pending once we get this internet invention thing worked out).

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:26 am
    Goreisadope says:
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    An interesting thesis I\’ve been reading about is that oil is produced when byproducts from the heat and pressure of the earth\’s core are distilled in the cooling process as they near the crust. Methane separates from the petroleum in this process which is ongoing, and is the furthest thing from being rotting dinosaur fossils. This is off topic, but since one argument the libs often throw out is that we have a finite supply of oil anyway. In fact, it is being made as I type, deep in the bowels of Momma Earth.

    As for cleaning up pollution, I believe that if you can\’t afford to clean up your mess then you can\’t afford to make it. I have no problem with forcing people to be responsible citizens and not pollute the community. However, some of the arguments that seem to be environmentally focused are destructive of jobs and disrupt the economy, with little or no practical benefit. The Kyoto Protocols for instance offers draconian costs for minimal benefits, if any, and is to be imposed only on the West, not on India, China, etc.

    The cleanest countries are Christian and have the freer markets. I wonder why that\’s so.

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:42 am
    John F. Kerry says:
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    The vote is the vote. I voted to authorize. It was the right vote, and the reason I mentioned the threat is that we gave the–we had to give life to the threat. If there wasn\’t a legitimate threat, Saddam Hussein was not going to allow inspectors in. Now, let me make two points if I may. Ed [Gordon] questioned my answer. The reason I can\’t tell you to a certainty whether the president misled us is because I don\’t have any clue what he really knew about it, or whether he was just reading what was put in front of him. And I have no knowledge whether or not this president was in depth–I just don\’t know that. And that\’s an honest answer, and there are serious suspicions about the level to which this president really was involved in asking the questions that he should\’ve. With respect to the question of, you know, the vote–let\’s remember where we were. If there hadn\’t been a vote, we would never have had inspectors. And if we hadn\’t voted the way we voted, we would not have been able to have a chance of going to the United Nations and stopping the president, in effect, who already had the votes, and who was obviously asking serious questions about whether or not the Congress was going to be there to enforce the effort to create a threat. So I think we did the right thing. I\’m convinced we did.

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:45 am
    Goreisadope says:
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  • January 16, 2007 at 3:49 am
    Adirondacker says:
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    Though most posts here do have deserving evidence for debate, no matter which side of the fence one stands on, Mr. Recall actually hit the nail on the head. It may take a few generations to realize it but the earth will eventually run out of fossil fuel. Though the Hubbert Peak Theory may not be universally agreed upon, most common since individuals will not disagree that an (eventual) alternate means of energy must be found to fuel our lust for power.

    In that light, perhaps the entire debate about what, if indeed an actual human cause, is responsible for our climate changes is moot. Perhaps the scientific divas and political blow-hard\’s time would be more economically spent researching the true issue facing our future generations… What\’s the next \”cheep fuel?\”

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:49 am
    bob says:
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    and I voted for him, too, dammit

    and will again, and the other guy, too.

  • January 16, 2007 at 3:54 am
    Jesse Jackson says:
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    my friends, we have a struggle on our hands, and my advise, as always, is to vote early, vote often.

  • January 17, 2007 at 8:18 am
    carbonrealist says:
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    Using this relationship and the time rate of change of the population from eq. 1 we get that on average the activity of each person produces 0.65 metric tons of CO2 per year. Multiplying this number by 6 billion (the present population) we get 3.9 billion tons of CO2/year, a number which is close to the estimated production from fossil fuels.

    If we look at the popular vote most US citizens are liberals so if they all just stop breathing we can cut the CO2 levels back to probably 1900 levels.

  • January 17, 2007 at 8:29 am
    Oliver Stoned says:
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    So very wrong- al gore invented the internet and now gets royalties on every computer sold in the world. Computers are made mostly of plastic-plastic is obtained from petrolium by products Al has calculated using a form of 5th degree polynomial equations that only he understands that we will run out of plastic before the year 9,287. Since the population at that point will be over 900,000,000,000,000 and everyone including those considered partial birth abortion citizens will be required by law to own a computer (The Gore Act of 2012) and since computers will cost $900,000 each due to inflation he stands to loose a sh-t load of money. Reducing oil consumption by 5% back to 2004 levels will allow him another 36 days of sales and that is huge!

  • January 17, 2007 at 8:59 am
    J. ERB says:
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    It\’s about time. The peoples of the world suffer because the U.S. uses most of the world\’s oil and more of the coal creating most of the global warming.

    Hopefully the Congress will over ride the Presidents veto.

  • January 17, 2007 at 9:17 am
    Goreisadope says:
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    We probably use the most fuel because we produce more than anyone else, genius. I guess we should all become park rangers and stop exhaling?

    So tell us, what caused the global warming that ended the ice ages? What caused the ice ages? You cannot answer these questions consonant with your propagandized views.

  • January 17, 2007 at 10:08 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    As much as I hate to agree with goreisadope, he raises at least one valid point.

    Did the last ice age endbecause all those wooly mammoth sports coupes we\’ve found buried in the ice?

    That sentence alone should be your wake up call.

    The earth goes through natural cycles, and until you can definitively prove that humanity is the cause of this latest change stop agitating for economic and legislative penalties on me.

    Or, you could read all the previous posts before hitting the key-board.

  • January 17, 2007 at 1:29 am
    carbonrealist says:
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    OK seriously would you fine CA, MT, WY etc for CO2 emissions of wildfires as a solution. Ever fly into CA during the wildfires? The smoke is so think you cant see the ground and covers several states and these are not small states-I might add. Dont know about you but I have never flown in anywhere even high industrial areas where that the effect is even noticible but for right around a specific plant and during cold months under a thermal inversion climate. The wildfires do this during hot months with no thermal inversion. Volcanoes are even worse. But lets not stop there take all aerobic organism on the planet and the co2 they emit add that to the human population and fossil fuels equate to about the same amount. BA Biology and minor in Chemisrty 1984. Global cooling was the big scare back then and we were supposed to be in an ice age by 2050 due to the expected high level of volcanic activity predicted. Again you all have no concept of the magnitude of Mother Nature. Have any of you morons supporting this stuff ever even taking a basic biology or climatology course? And last but not least I want the moron who is worried about cancer tell me how reducing CO2 emission will change cancer rates. Last I checked CO2 was in no way linked to Cancer in fact it might be the only thing in the universe not known to be carcnogenic. Also did you all know O2 is actually toxic and if you breath 100% O2 for any length of time you will die it is why we put CO2 in O2 –to keep you alive! Hate to tell you bout aerobic organisms can not survive without CO2! Friggin dis-informed liberals!

  • January 17, 2007 at 2:56 am
    Bradley says:
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    Are you saying that the stuff that comes out of tailpipes is not bad for the air and not bad for my health? I just want to get this clear.

    Plus how is your degree of any relevence compaired to the many scientists who agree with global warming?

    Ok communist socialist Repuvlican neocon, that should shut you up for a while – Go suck on a tailpipe.

  • January 17, 2007 at 3:20 am
    Al Gore says:
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    I am not a scientist, but I do talk to those who agree with me, and I have found that those who agree with me are 86% certain that Bush is responsible for globular warming. I know this is true; you should believe me, I am not a scientist, but I did invent the internet awhile back.

    Yeah, I know there are allot of science folk out there who do not agree with me; I simply do not listen to them because they are closed minded.

  • January 17, 2007 at 3:34 am
    Actual AlGore quotes says:
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    Had Dan Quayle said any of these things that Gore said, the Lib press would still be shreiking about it. Read these and ask yourself, is this sociopath capable of telling the truth about anything? Is it possible that he could know that mankind has nothing to do with global warming, but doesn\’t say so because he has an agenda?

    \”When my sister and I were growing up,\” Mr. Gore told a small audience made up mostly of women, \”there was never any doubt in our minds that men and women were equal, if not more so.\”
    (Source: NY Times, 08/12/00)

    During the second debate, while discussing the environment, Gore said: \”And I\’m a grandfather now. I want to be able to tell my grandson, when I\’m in my later years, that I didn\’t turn away from the evidence that showed that we were doing some serious harm. In my faith tradition, it is written in the book of Matthew, \’Where your heart is, there\’s your treasure also.\’ And I believe that we ought to recognize the value to our children and grandchildren of taking steps that preserve the environment in a way that\’s good for them.\”
    Gore got the quote from Matthew 6:21 backwards. Matthew 6:21 states: \”For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.\” This follows verses 19 and 20 which say: \”Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.\”
    This quote has nothing to do with the environment; it has to do with devotion to salvation The Bible verses specifically refer to being careful where you store your treasures – it follows the the reason would have to be because heart follows treasures. So not only did he misquote and misuse the quote – it is obvious he didn\’t know the context of the verse.

    Oct. 25 2000 JACKSON, Tenn. (Reuters) — Criticizing Bush\’s Social Security privatization plan at a rally in Tennessee, Gore said, \”He is proposing to privatize a big part of Social Security and he\’s proposing to take $1 trillion, a million billion dollars out of the Social Security trust fund and give it as a tax incentive to young workers.\”
    A trillion is one thousand billion, not a million billion.

    On July 16, 2000 during a \”Meet the Press\” interview, Gore was asked if he would be in favor of postponing the execution of a pregnant woman. His hesitant response was \”I\’d have to think about it\”.
    Apparently not prepared for this curve ball of a question, Gore must have been so conscientious about upsetting his pro-choice constituency that he couldn\’t even give the answer that was obvious to every member of the House which in uncharacteristically unanimous fashion passed legislation shortly after this interview to prohibit such a practice.

    RUSSERT: Right now there\’s legislation which says that a woman on death row, if she\’s pregnant, she should not be executed. Do you support that?
    GORE: I don\’t what you\’re talking about.
    RUSSERT: It\’s a federal statue on the books that if a woman is pregnant and she\’s on death row, she should not be executed.
    GORE: Well, I don\’t know what the circumstances would be in that situation. I would–you know, it\’s an interesting fact situation. I\’d want to think….

    In his 2000 convention acceptance speech, Gore said the Bush tax cut would save the average family 62 cents a week (\”enough for a diet coke\”). He later clarified it and said 62 cents a day per family… which is still wrong. Even at 62 cents a day, that\’s only a little over $226 a year. Under the Bush tax plan, the average family would save $1500 — $4.20 a day, which is almost $29 dollars a week.

    During the October 3, 2000 Presidential debate, Gore mentioned 79-year-old Winifred Skinner, who has become the campaign\’s mascot for his Medicare prescription-drug program. \”In order to pay for her prescription drug benefits, she has to go out seven days a week, several hours a day, picking up cans ,\” Gore said. \”She came all the way from Iowa in a Winnebago with her poodle in order to attend here tonight.\”
    However, Skinner doesn\’t need to collect cans for her medication. Her son, Earl King, who formerly owned his own business and now lives on an 80-acre ranch and describes his lifestyle as \”comfortable,\” has offered repeatedly to help her make ends meet. She continually declines his offers. In addition, the Winnebago Gore referred to, as well as the gas, was paid for by the Gore campaign. Five campaign workers accompanied Skinner, a longtime Democrat and former union organizer.
    (Source: New York Post, October 5, 2000 \”Gore\’s nose is growing again\”; Washington Post, October 5, 2000, page A20)
    In the Presidential debate on October 3, 2000, Governor George W. Bush gave credit to the Federal Emergency Management Service (FEMA) for their work in Texas during fires and floods in Parker County. Vice President Al Gore said \”I accompanied James Lee Witt down to Texas when those fires broke out.\” Carl Cameron, of Fox News first reported that Gore had not, in fact, been to Texas with Witt to look at the damage in Parker County. Gore WAS in Texas, but FEMA officials said Witt never went to Texas to deal with the 1998 fires.
    To say that he was traveling with Witt implies strongly that Gore was traveling to a location in an official capacity. Gore was on his way to a fundraiser, and happened to run into FEMA people at the airport. The purpose of his trip was to attend a fundraiser, NOT to see the damage, as Gore implies. While Gore has accompanied Witt on other occasions, Gore didn\’t on this occasion, AND the purpose of this particular trip wasn\’t even connected with the disasters. Some claim Gore just \”forgot\” that Witt wasn\’t with him on this occasion… did Gore also forget the purpose of this particular trip?
    \”If James Lee was there before or after, then you know, I got that wrong then,\” Gore said on ABC\’s Good Morning America on October 4, 2000.
    (Source: New York Post, October 5, 2000 \”Gore\’s nose is growing again\”)

    At a Sept. 22 press conference, Gore stated \”I\’ve been a part of the discussions on the strategic reserve since the days when it was first established.\” However, President Ford established the Strategic Petroleum Reserves when he signed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) on December 22, 1975 — two years before Al Gore became a congressman
    (Source: Washington Post, Sept. 24 2000)
    (note: it was actually 13 months, not 2 years as the Post states)
    Now, technically, 1975 was when it was declared U.S. policy to establish a reserve, but the reserve was not established (sites purchased or built, etc) until 1977, when Gore was in Congress. However, isn\’t this yet another case of \”fuzzy wording\”? Gore phrases the initial statement to give the impression that he was somehow responsible or \”part of something\” from the outset, but leaves wiggle room so that he can later justify the statement. And isn\’t saying he was part of \”discussions on the strategic reserve\” meant to leave the impression that he was was part of the planning process, prior to the sites being purchased, etc? Decide for yourself.

    And so on and on.

  • January 17, 2007 at 4:10 am
    bradleysfirstnamemustbebill says:
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    Here I will use as small words as possible so you can understand. I am saying CO2 does not cause cancer and that fossil fuel emission are actually not bad for the environment – they are the environament, came from the environment and will go back to the environment. They actually have never left the environment. I am also say men women and children are insignificant to the rest of mother nature and when an asteroid nails us or the moon or a super volcano like yellowstone goes active all the legislation and taxes anyone has passed or collected will do nothing to provide for our childrens\’ grandchildren PS If you are worried tailpipes you should focus on CO not CO2— CO will get you much quicker but Al Gore grew up breathing CO and doesn\’t seem to care much about regulating CO!

  • January 21, 2007 at 11:49 am
    t says:
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    You must be stoned…Al Gore never said he invented the internet. He said he created it. Bob Dole and Al Gore did in fact introduce legislation that createdd the internet. The armed forces were using a variation on the internet called arpa-net. The legislation that made the internet a reality was created by Al. Just so you know when you make another ridiculous post.

    \”actual algore quote\”, fine work in digging up quote from Al Gore. I know how hard it would be to pick up ridiculous quotes from our brilliant commander and cheif, but I think it wouldn\’t be that terribly hard.

    \”Al Gore\”, Dan Quayle did make many upon many silly quotes…and guess what, the liberals are not still talking about it. Bill hasn\’t been president for over 5 years and I\’m still hearing crap about Monica. It\’s not the left that won\’t let things die. How many times die we hear \”I didn\’t enhale\”. Do I have to mention who said that? I don\’t think so. George Bush got a DUI from being on Cocaine in his 30s, and that was barely mentioned. When you \”righties\” start whining about the \”liberal\” media, just remember that the shelf life for a democratic mis-step is like wine, but for Republicans is like fruit.

  • January 22, 2007 at 9:08 am
    Ray Balaamababa says:
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    lets see…the internet has been around for a long time…

    The Internet began as a Cold War project to create a communications network that was immune to a nuclear attack. In the 1969, the U.S. government created ARPANET, connecting four western universities and allowing researchers to use the mainframes of any of the networked institutions. New connections were soon added to the network, bringing the number of \”nodes\” up to 23 in 1971, 111 in 1977, and up to almost 4 million in 1994. As the size of the network grew so did its capabilities: In its first 25 years, the Internet added features such as file transfer, email, Usenet news, and eventually HTML. Now, new developments come to the Net one right after the other. It is this explosive growth in recent years that has captured the imagination of computer users the world over.

    To give Uncle Al credit for talking about the internet in congress, many years after it was already IN USE (even if not in it\’s current format) is like giving me credit for talking about what a hot babe Heather Locklear in TJ Hooker and taking credit for her career after that.

    ALGORE loves to embellish himself; he takes credit for things he didn\’t do, he steps out for bathroom use during illegal contribution activities (I had too much ice tea), and he transcends space and time to attend to wildfires when he was no where near the place in question.

    No one no this post knows whether there is global warming, cooling, or whatever. But lets get one thing clear: ALGORE definitely doesn\’t know. Let\’s go forward and approach the subject with caution; it should get attention, but let\’s not hyperventilate over what we don\’t know. And let\’s not be like uncle AL, and refuse to discuss the subject with anyone who disagrees with him.

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