Hurricane Forecaster Says Gore Does ‘Great Disservice’ with Film

By | April 9, 2007

  • April 9, 2007 at 11:43 am
    Rosie says:
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    I wonder how many Texas oil dollars Doctor Gray got for making this statement?

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:36 pm
    ad says:
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    Thank goodness for some sanity on the global warming issue. Gore should stick to his internet development

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:36 pm
    Rondobig says:
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    And how many dollars has AL (Bore/nerd) GORE received as Chairman of his bogus, carbon credit sales organization.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:37 pm
    Joe says:
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    Kerry Emanuel was a student of Prof. Gray.

    The fact is: The earth goes through cyclical weather changes and patterns; even those who agree that there\’s global warming, for the most part, also agree that humans contribution to it is less than 2%. It\’s not a cut-and-dried issue – many reputable scientits either agree with Mr. Gray or at least agree that warming, if any, is caused by cyclical earth weather patterns, which in turn, are subject to many, many other factors, including the orbit of our solar system through the Milkey Way galaxy.

    Keep in the that the greatest proponents of humans as the cause of global warming were Enron and are Honeywell, the nuclear industry and many other industries that stand to profit if all of us have to switch to new appliances, cars, and etc.

    Be a thinker and skeptic on this issue – accurate and sophisticated weather records are barely 40 years old.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:37 pm
    Trippy says:
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    Yeah & Gore knows it all – I mean hey – he invented the internet too!

    Gore needs to stick his head back up his butt for a few more years & see what he can invent when he pulls it back out!

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:37 pm
    laura says:
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    Probably none. If Scientists disagree with Gore, must they be getting paid to do so? The problem with alarmists like Gore is that when a truly factual piece of information comes out in the future, we might ignore it because we have been accustomed to the media blowing things out of proportion.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:39 pm
    bill baldwin says:
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    Kudo\’s to Dr. Gray. It is good to hear a voice of reason, coming from an expert in the field, who is basing his opinion on scientific facts, rather than from a politician who garners special interest favor by being an alarmist in a manner that helps furthur their cause.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:39 pm
    Al gore says:
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    I invented global warming in the basement of my dorm back in college when a roomate and I burned enough fossil fules in out encloes space to deplete all the oxyegen in the room and raise the ambiant temperature of the room a full 7 degrees in 2 hours. Extrapolated that would be the equivalent of raising the earth\’s atomospheric temperate by 50 degrees in one year Yikes now you know why I am so concerned. Also I pay better for nonsensical comments on the environment than the texas oil guys do but Dr Gray wouldn\’t take my money –the fool !!! Wait till he sees my next movie!

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:39 pm
    Kendall says:
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    Just because he happens to offer an opposing viewpoint to a presently popular notion does not make him an oil company stooge. Did you miss the portion of the article describing him as an expert in hurricanes? How is that oil related?

    And in case you\’ve never studied science, one of the wonderful things about science is that it is based on facts and time proven theories, not consensus. Therefore just because a group of UN scientists and a few actors decide that the planet is getting warmer based on less than 200 years worth of reliable data does not mean that we should all buy bicycles and stone anyone who buys an SUV.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:41 pm
    O\'Donald says:
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    I\’m sure ole Al knows a lot more about this global climate stuff that the Doctor does. I guess he picked that up while he was inventing the internet.
    Snow in April in Texas… yet sure is getting warmer.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:48 pm
    Dirk says:
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    Gore who won the 2000 election popular vote, but lost the elections to the electorial college, certainly has credibility issues. One has to wonder why someone who would use more energy in one year than the average American uses during their life time can preach something he does not practice. Some say he is a fraud, but whatever it is, he is not leveling with his followers.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:48 pm
    Dirk says:
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    Gore who won the 2000 election popular vote, but lost the elections to the electorial college, certainly has credibility issues. One has to wonder why someone who would use more energy in one year than the average American uses during their life time can preach something he does not practice. Some say he is a fraud, but whatever it is, he is not leveling with his followers.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:49 pm
    Rob says:
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    Dr Gray has been a vocal critic of Al Gore for many years, this is not new news. No one really cared what Dr Gray thought about anything beyond hurricans prior to Gore\’s Oscar.

    The fact that Dr. Gray is a denier of human enhanced global warming is not really relevant to Insurance Jouranl, but for some reason, here we are debating it.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:53 pm
    Chilly says:
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    Dr. James Hanson, Al Gore\’s mentor on human-caused global warming (not that there is such a thing) got $250,000 from Theresa Heinz Kerry\’s far-left Heinz Foundation. You didn\’t know that, did you? Doesn\’t matter to you, does it?

    Tell us, what ended the last two ice ages?

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:57 pm
    plymn says:
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    Here we have an article by a expert in the field disagreeing with the crap being put out by Al Gore and the arrogant alarmist idiots. Still the press had to put in an opposing viewpoint…

    \”Kerry Emanuel, an MIT professor who had feuded with Gray over global warming, said Gray has wrongly \”dug (his) heels in\’\’ even though there is ample evidence that the world is getting hotter.\”

    Why doesn\’t the press ever do the same when there is an article that states global warming is all our fault instead of the natural cyclical nature of earth. Taking into account the age of earth, 100 years of records are proof of nothing.

    If it wasn\’t cyclical, we\’d still be dealing with massive sheets of ice while eating mammoth burgers. Thank goodness the cavemen drove enough SUV\’s to melt the glaciers.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:59 pm
    Jim says:
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    Hot air from whatever self-serving politician was around then most likely. Or maybe Gore as he likes to take credit for lots of things….

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:02 am
    Joe says:
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    If the earth is going through a natural warming cycle, that is all the more reason not to aggravate the problem. The biggest reason to cut down on use of fossil fuels, however, is to reduce our dependence on oil from overseas.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:03 am
    Chilly says:
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    April 09, 2007, 6:00 a.m.
    National Review Online

    Where’s the Tolerance?
    Hateful reactions from the Left.

    By Deroy Murdock

    The Tennessee Center for Policy Research (TCPR) recently generated headlines when it announced that former Vice President Al Gore’s Nashville estate “devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours” of electricity in 2006, “more than 20 times the national average.” This free-market think tank’s phones lit up when it analyzed Nashville Electric Service’s public records and identified an inconvenient gap between Gore’s conservationism and his energy consumption. TCPR’s one-page press release was greeted with enough megawatts of hatred to power the South.

    “I was accused several times of being a ‘stupid, redneck *****,'” recalls TCPR’s vice president Nicole Williams, who fielded numerous calls. “I repeatedly was called a ‘*****’ and asked ‘Whose ***** are you?’ for three days straight, almost as if those were talking points… I was shocked by these sexist insults — basically attacking my gender.”

    The calls continued beyond Williams’s Nashville office.

    “I had to change my home number and get an unlisted number,” Williams tells me. “I got about 10 death threats by phone that made an impression on me. I got the ‘I’m gonna get you’-type threats more than 100 times…I was worried that I would get shot walking to my car.” Williams discovered her obsolete address posted online. “If they could find my old home address, it would not be so hard to find a current one.”

    Gore’s defenders also spewed venomous e-mails. They sent TCPR nearly 3,000 Gore-related messages that exhibited the very bigotry the Left routinely denounces. Warning: These offensive, often-vulgar, and occasionally unschooled comments reveal the vitriol behind much of today’s “progressive” rhetoric.

    Many e-mails displayed Dixiephobia — an intense disdain for the south and southerners.

    After TCPR President Drew Johnson discussed his story on cable news, Kevin Lafferty objected: “Johnson said Gore’s home has gas lamps lining his driveway, a heated pool and an electric gate — all of which would be easy to do without. Well sure, that’s easy enough for you to say when you live in a frickin mobile home in Tennessee, eh Johnson?”

    “F**k you, and for that matter, f**k Tennessee,” wrote Thomas Brown. “I’ll never go there again.”

    “Why don’t you all go back to shooting one another across the hollows instead of trying to make people think anyone in Tennessee has an ounce of intelligence?” Roger Miller insisted. “Or better yet, get your snaggle tooth grins capped and learn to read and write…Someone who’s traveled the world here, and never ever wants to even fly across your state again.”

    “W.T.F. difference would it make if he was [sic] using 1000 times more energy than the average household if it came from clean energy?” Thomas Grinnell wondered. “Don’t think about that too much. It will give your southern mullet a headache.”

    “You really should concentrate on what Southerners do best,” D. Hunter advised. “Sodomizing and impregnating little children!”

    “You are the most despicable and pathetic types of people of all time,” Christopher LaBarge declared. “I hope you all die slowly and have your hearts and brains trampled to pieces you small-minded, ignorant, backwoods ideologues.”


    “Well it’s like I’ve always said, ‘we should have flattened the South when we had the chance!” wrote Mount Laurel, New Jersey’s Robert Dodelin. “If ever you confederates [sic] want to leave the Union please do. We Nothen [sic] states would love to stop having to subsidize you with our tax dollars.”

    This anti-southernism mystifies TCPR’s Johnson.

    “Some people must believe the Mason-Dixon Line runs between our office and Gore’s mansion,” Johnson says. “No one would call Gore a redneck, but when we uncovered his hypocritical energy use, it somehow made me a sister-dating hillbilly. That’s quite amusing, since Gore and I live in Nashville, less than five miles apart.”

    Some e-mails, like Benjamin Greuel’s, reflected anti-religious bias: “Go f**k yourselves you neo con, non-secular, bible thumpin, anti-science dumb f**k pricks.” Similarly, Anthony Black wrote:

    You bunch of stupid hick red-necks. I am sure you are quite religious, yet you have no problem destroying His creation with pollution; and, rather than addressing that, you cast dispersions [sic] on Al Gore’s home energy use. Absurd.

    Seriously, find one of those nice Tennessee hardwoods, get a nice stick from it, and stick it up your white-bread ignorant a**.

    Have a nice day, you ignorant red-neck.

    “How about you have a do [sic] humanity a favor and have a stroke,” Russ Smith recommended. “You silly metrosexual twit, need some more hi-lites in your hair?”

    Another gay-hater wrote: “You guys are the faggiest fags I’ve ever come across. How do you get any work done, what with all the c**k sucking and such?”

    “Keep licking Bush and Cheney’s privates,” Burton Ogle suggested. “Your time is up and we’re moving you’re a**es out.”

    Two e-mails feature chillingly violent imagery.

    “You people are such slime,” T. J. Williams noted. “You are a total waste of skin and air. Help the environment and jump off a cliff.”

    Bob Beaver urged: “Find a hole and stick a knife in it.”

    Such anti-intellectual intimidation reflects the high-octane hate that fuels so much Leftist discourse. Rather than simply argue that Johnson, Williams, and their colleagues are misguided or misinformed about global warming, these bullies call them barefoot, same-sex-loving, Winchester-wielding whores, and evangel-yokels. Remember this whenever liberals crow about diversity, tolerance, and open-mindedness.

    — Deroy Murdock is a New York-based columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution.


    National Review Online –

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:04 am
    Reagan says:
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    Not enough to feed your rotund rump, Rosie

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:04 am
    not \"Al Gore\" or \"Dr Gray\" says:
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    Wait! Is this the same guy who has been so phenomaally wrong in his sky-is-falling hurricane predictions? Every year he and his protoge predict doom & gloom and the insurance industry then goes ballistic, refusing to write insurance in places that haven\’t had a hurricane in over 20 years. I\’m sorry but I have no confidence in Gray.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:05 am
    Trippy says:
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    Sure I can answer that for you….

    What ended the last 2 ice ages?
    Global Warming!

    What started the last 2 ice ages?
    Global Chilling!

    Well, that\’s what I would be willing to guess, but since I have no degree, I just have to go by personal experience with hot & cold & climate…. hot melts ice, cold with rain makes ice if it\’s cold enough & so on & so on & so on….

    Happy to help!

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:10 am
    I\'m not Al either says:
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    I really have to laugh when some character sees an incidence of cold or snowy weather and says, \”See. There\’s no global warming!\”

    That just illustrates their ignorance. There IS a difference between weather and climate. People who refuse to see the difference will never understand that man\’s activities ARE contributing to global warming, whether or not they were the initial cause, and if the green house gases we are producing aren\’t redued, global warming and its attendant problems will be here that much sooner.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:12 am
    Dan says:
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    many of the global warming alarmists conviently ignore their own \”data\” (data for accurrate weather only goes back a few decades which in terms of geologic time are meaningless anyway)… they discount the medevial warming period, the warming period after the ice age, etc when man had no technology and no carbon emissions. What about he leading scientists in the world in 1974 (Time Magazine lead article)claiming a period of world cooling was upon us and possibly an ice age was coming. Heck, they can\’t even get the weekend weather right … so we are going to let them wreck our economy with this rubbish they are proposing now?!

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:12 am
    Rob says:
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    You clearly know your audience. You can pluck an obscure AP story about some guy no one ever heard of and turn it into a long-runnig commentary on your readership.

    Anyone care to debate Dr. Gray in the context of his position within the larger scientific community? Probably not…now on with the liberal bashing! Yee-Ha..

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:14 am
    Al Gore invented B.S. says:
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    Al Gore would do well to get his own (personal)house in order. He is the original energy P-I-G! His home uses many times more energy than is necessary and much more than the average American home. Al Gore would do well to study George W. Bush\’s ranch house in Crawford, Tx. Bush uses thermal, solar, and altenative energy where possible. The Bush house uses less than 1/4th of the conventional amount of energy from gas & electricity than the average American home. Al Gore is a liar and full of crap. Why anyone still listens to him is bewildering.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:15 am
    Gina says:
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    The thing is, people just need to use their brains when it comes to this stuff. You can\’t take any one opinion about this as the \’biblical\’ truth. I found the movie interesting but did not change any of my opinions because of it. All I need to do is look around and see how much energy and fuel we use to know that logically this can\’t be good when pumped into the air–no different than the fact that smoking isn\’t good for your lungs. Any pollution over time will have some ill effects. I don\’t need to be a scientist to know this. As for doing my part, I still recycle, have only one car between me and my husband as we don\’t have children so no need for two vehicles, I take public transportation when I can. However, I don\’t subscribe to the doom and gloom forecasts but I think it is important to cut down on sending harmful emissions into the air and constantly filling land fills. I want to be able to breathe without a safety mask like they do in some parts of the world and on occasion I want to be able to swim in a lake that isn\’t harmful to my health. I do think there is excessive greed in this country and people will sometimes say what they are paid to say.

    As for Al Gore, people can mock him all they want. Whatever he would have done while in office couldn\’t nearly measure up to the catastrophe that\’s been created in the last several years with our situations overseas and worldwide.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:16 am
    tarandfeatheralgore says:
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    OK moron if the the temps were above average it would be global warming and now that they are below average and even recordsetting lows it too is global warming. Pull your pants up and tell mommy you are shutting down her computer now!

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:16 am
    Logical says:
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    Every decade there\’s a new threat to end the world: The Cold War, Cuba Missile Crisis, Global Cooling, Global Warming, Terrorism, Economic Meltdowns, Nuclear Holocausts, Chernobyl. Why bother watching the news?

    Doesn\’t anyone see the money trail here? If you do some of your own research you would realize that most of the so-called scientists who are spouting global warming are only using 20+ years of data. Very few go back more than 40 years. If the earth is 10 billion years old, how can .00000002% of the earth\’s life tell you what is going to happen? We\’ve only been keeping weather patterns for a couple hundred years. We\’ve used different technologies every decade. Until you can see into the future, there\’s no need in predicting the future.

    I\’m sure the earth has had warming and cooling periods over time. What happened to the ice age? Was the melting of the ice \”Global Warming\”?

    Humans can\’t destroy the earth. One volcanic eruption polutes the earth more than all of the people in the world could in 100 years. Is that our fault too?

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:23 am
    Dirk says:
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    Politics drives what Al Gore says. Nobody in their sane mind would be using as much energy as Al Gore and then preach against it. If Al Gore can becaome a America\’s dictator due to his global warming scare, than he has accomplished his goal. For one to fly in private jet while telling everyone to ride their bikes is one who is severely hungry for power and control. I know eventually our friends on the left will see this, but for now they are sadly being fooled by Mr. Gore.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:25 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    I\’m a CSU grad, and I have actually met the professor in question.

    Without arguing the science for or against global warming, I would like to support Dr. Gray.

    He is not \”an oil company shill\”. He is a man of great integrity and strong opinions, and he doesn\’t really care if you share his opinions.

    Whether you agree with his position or not, rosie, you have engaged in slander and false accusations.

    You owe him an apology, and should seriously reconsider before using your keyboard again.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:26 am
    Dear Gina from Bob\'s Burkkas says:
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    If Al Gore would of won as many in the Mid East had hoped our Burkka sales to American & Canadian women would of been much better. Don\’t you agree.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:37 am
    Consumer says:
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    …they said my carbon credit score was too low.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:46 am
    Chilly says:
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    \”…they said my carbon credit score was too low.\”

    Oh exactly. Gore & co. think that they have finally found the path to their stalinist utopia with their BTU tax and carbon credit schemes etc. This is nothing but people control, rather than climate control. After the USSR went belly up the Reds turned green as camouflage for their tyrannical intentions.

    And as someone pointed out already, Gore is chairman of a company that brokers carbon credits – a scheme that he and Clinton cooked up IN THEIR WHITEHOUSE MEETINGS WITH KEN LAY OF ENRON. These meetings were designed to push the Kyoto agenda to the advantage of the utility companies and brokers who were going to get rich by making the Kyoto standards the law and then forcing people to comply or else, and by comply I mean buy carbon credits from them.

    So much for their concern about the climate. The only warming they care about is heating up their bank accounts at our expense.

  • April 9, 2007 at 2:34 am
    Mike says:
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    \”Anyone care to debate Dr. Gray in the context of his position within the larger scientific community?\”

    Yes, I would, and I\’ll start.

    Please explain to me how global warming is caused by humans.

  • April 9, 2007 at 2:38 am
    Danny says:
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    Gore needs to get a real job. He does not know and does not care one itty bitty bit about global warming. He could not win the presidency and instead of getting a job and becoming a producitve part of society, he is making money in the environmental racquet. He can not let go of the public spotlight. I agree with Joe in that the weather cycles and we do not have enough long term info to predict the end of the world. He just grabbed the hottest topic and ran with it the evidence be dammed.

  • April 9, 2007 at 2:42 am
    Chilly says:
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    95% of so-called greenhouse gasses is water vapor. 2.5% is CO2. How could we possibly impact the climate to the degree that the Algores want us to believe?

    If you read this book you will never be snookered by the Algore climate stalinists again: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism, by Christopher C. Horner, Washington, DC: Regnery, Jan 2007, 350pp softback, $20.

  • April 9, 2007 at 2:45 am
    Chilly says:
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    Oh yeah, and Ted Kazinski, aka The Unibomber, had Algore\’s book Earth in the Balance in his cabin, all dogeared and marked up like it was his Bible. But of course, this has nothing to do with anything, unless it suggests that the crazier you are the more Algore appeals to you.

  • April 9, 2007 at 2:47 am
    TheTruth says:
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    IJ paid a huge price for being one sided, I beleive they lost advertising revenue as well as subcriptions.

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:32 am
    Mike says:
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    One simple little question and no one can answer? OK how about this question?

    OK, we have determined the burning of fossil fuels causes global warming. What alternative fuel source(s) will you use to replace fossil fuels? And not five years or ten years, or 100 years from now, but tomorrow April 10, 2007?

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:35 am
    Rob says:
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    Thanks for the challenge Mike…Gore isn\’t arguing that global warming is caused by humans. I think you should probably beef up the facts.


  • April 9, 2007 at 3:37 am
    The TRUTH will set you free says:
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    I\’ve been using solar panels on my house since 1979 and have saved a bundle. Big industry doesn\’t like that sort of thing because it eats into BIG and BIG BUSINESS\’s mega profits.

    Solar is free once it\’s installed, as is wind. Once we can get independence from mid-East oil, many of the political problems that exist over there will disappear as well because we won\’t need them anymore.

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:38 am
    Mike says:
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    OK, so if it is not caused by humans, then how can it be prevented by humans?

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:41 am
    Chilly says:
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    \”Gore isn\’t arguing that global warming is caused by humans.\”

    That\’s ridiculous! Of course he is. That\’s the whole point of everything he does – \”Take the bus, turn down the t-stat, car pool, use solar power,\” etc ad nauseum. Are you serious?

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:44 am
    Chilly says:
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    \”I\’ve been using solar panels on my house since 1979\”

    And ya know what? Any year now they will have generated as much power as it took to manufacture them. It may be good for your finances, but as a solution to \”manmade global warming\” they are not a solution. Not that there\’s a problem, mind you.

  • April 9, 2007 at 3:46 am
    MIke says:
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    … your solar panels supplement your heating, and do not replace the fossil fuel burning. What about your car? Do your solar panels provide electricity? Sorry, but I am looking for a fuel source that eliminates fossil fuel burning.

  • April 9, 2007 at 4:02 am
    no name please says:
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    for all the doubters out there, you\’ll see that more scientists agree that we are experiencing global warming, most believe that man\’s contibution can\’t be discounted, and many beleive that man is to blame. Whether or not man is to blame, man can certainly help.

    IPCC Report Confirms Widespread Impact of Global Warming

    April 6, 2007

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its \”Fourth Assessment of Working Group II,\” which updates past studies and sets forth the \”current scientific understanding of impacts of climate change on natural, managed and human systems, the capacity of these systems to adapt and their vulnerability,\” the IPCC said in a summary of its findings. \”It builds upon past IPCC assessments and incorporates new knowledge gained since the Third Assessment.\”

    That report is ancient history. It was issued in 2001, when there were still many in the scientific community who still questioned the existence of a global warming trend and the seriousness of the impacts it might have. Six years later that\’s no longer the case. No serious scientist today disputes the existence of global warming, even though its potential impact remains the subject of continued analysis.

    The IPCC was unequivocal. It stated: \”Observational evidence from all continents and most oceans shows that many natural systems are being affected by regional climate changes, particularly temperature increases.\” The report cites the following examples — all of which are well documented with scientific studies:
    — Changes in snow, ice and frozen ground (including permafrost);
    — increased run-off and earlier spring peak discharge in many glacier- and snow-fed rivers;
    — warming of lakes and rivers in many regions, with effects on thermal structure and water quality;
    — earlier timing of spring events, such as leaf-unfolding, bird migration and egg-laying;
    — poleward and upward shifts in ranges in plant and animal species;
    — shifts in ranges and changes in algal, plankton and fish abundance in high-latitude oceans;
    — increases in algal and zooplankton abundance in high-latitude and high-altitude lakes;
    — range changes and earlier migrations of fish in rivers.

    Under the category of \”Other effects of regional climate changes on natural and human environments,\” which are harder to gauge, a partial list of the IPCC\’s report includes an analysis of the following:
    — Effects on agricultural and forestry management at Northern Hemisphere higher latitudes, such as earlier spring planting of crops, and alterations in disturbance regimes of forests due to fires and pests;
    — some aspects of human health, such as heat-related mortality in Europe, infectious disease vectors in some areas, and allergenic pollen in Northern Hemisphere high and mid-latitudes;
    — some human activities in the Arctic (e.g., hunting and travel over snow and ice) and in lower elevation alpine areas (such as mountain sports);
    — settlements in mountain regions are at enhanced risk to glacier lake outburst floods caused by melting glaciers. Governmental institutions in some places have begun to respond by building dams and drainage works;
    — in the Sahelian region of Africa, warmer and drier conditions have led to a reduced length of growing season with detrimental effects on crops. In southern Africa, longer dry seasons and more uncertain rainfall are prompting adaptation measures;
    — sea-level rise and human development are together contributing to losses of coastal wetlands and mangroves and increasing damage from coastal flooding in many areas.

    The last observation should be of particular concern to the insurance industry, as it is in the front line as far as underwriting the ever increasing risks inherent in rising seal levels and coastal development. For a thoroug analysis of the impact climate change potentially has on the industry consult Lloyds \’\’360 Report,\” which is detailed in the following article.

    The IPCC also warns of the impact of a flood/drought scenario. \”By mid-century, annual average river runoff and water availability are projected to increase by 10 to 40 percent at high latitudes and in some wet tropical areas.\” But they are also expected to \”decrease by 10 to 30 percent over some dry regions at mid-latitudes and in the dry tropics, some of which are presently \’water stressed\’ areas.\” In sum: \”Drought-affected areas will likely increase in extent. Heavy precipitation events, which are very likely to increase in frequency, will augment flood risk.\”

    The IPCC also documents the deleterious effects of carbon dioxide emissions. It warns that \”over the course of this century net carbon uptake by terrestrial ecosystems is likely to peak before mid-century and then weaken or even reverse, thus amplifying climate change.\” As a result \”approximately 20 to30 percent of plant and animal species assessed so far are likely to be at increased risk of extinction if increases in global average temperature exceed 1.5°-2.5°C [2.7° to 4.5°F]. The changes will effect \”ecosystem structure and function, species\’ ecological interactions, and species\’ geographic ranges, with predominantly negative consequences for biodiversity, and ecosystem goods and services e.g., water and food supply.\”

    The list goes on, and it\’s not good news. For instance the IPCC predicts a growth in cases of malaria, the second biggest killer of young children after malnutrition/starvation, as the mosquitoes that carry the disease extend their range.

    Africa is in fact the area in the world most vulnerable to climate change. Not only will the effects be more pronounced on the Continent, but it is also the least economically developed and consequently in the worst position to take remunerative measures.

    In its analysis of the potential impact on North America the IPPC notes: \”Moderate climate change in the early decades of the century is projected to increase aggregate yields of rainfed agriculture by 5 to 20 percent, but with important variability among regions.

    \”Major challenges are projected for crops that are near the warm end of their suitable range or depend on highly utilized water resources. Warming in western mountains is projected to cause decreased snow pack, more winter flooding, and reduced summer flows, exacerbating competition for over-allocated water resources.

    \”Disturbances from pests, diseases, and fire are projected to have increasing impacts on forests, with an extended period of high fire risk and large increases in area burned.

    \”Cities that currently experience heat waves are expected to be further challenged by an increased number, intensity and duration of heat waves during the course of the century, with potential for adverse health impacts. The growing number of the elderly population is most at risk.

    \”Coastal communities and habitats will be increasingly stressed by climate change impacts interacting with development and pollution. Population growth and the rising value of infrastructure in coastal areas increase vulnerability to climate variability and future climate change, with losses projected to increase if the intensity of tropical storms increases. Current adaptation is uneven and readiness for increased exposure is low.\”

    Although there will be some benefits accruing from the rise in global temperature — Europe had its mildest winter in recent memory — the overall effect of climate change is exactly what it says — Change is coming for all of us. If you want to understand it a bit more log on to the IPCC web site at: If you want to access the summary of the report go to:

  • April 9, 2007 at 4:21 am
    ad says:
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  • April 9, 2007 at 4:25 am
    Rob says:
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    OK, let\’s be clear here…Gore is not claiming humans cause global warming, nor is he claiming that humans can prevent global warming. Chilly, Mike and others should really read up on what is he is saying.

    Now if we want to debate Dr. Gray\’s accusations, we can and I will. But first we have to start with a logical basis and we seem to be missing each other.

  • April 9, 2007 at 4:50 am
    Joe says:
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    You confused my email with another one preceding mine; I, too, support Dr. Gray\’s position. (Re-read Joe\’s original email.) No one knows what causes climate and weather patterns to change long term; well, except for Al Gore.

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:09 am
    Joe says:
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    Joe # 2: You\’ve missed the point; the human contribtution (even by the U.N.\’s report) is too small to tip the scale. While developing alternative sources of energy is a good idea, right now, very few in the upper middle class could handle the cost of conversation, let alone the middle and below classes. Such developments will occur more quickly in a market environment, than by goverment decree.

    This actually is how it happened with other environmental issues that many people wrongly attribute to governmental action. In fact, just last week, a book was published on capitalism and environmental issues. But, hey, you don\’t need to read a book; look at what governmental solutions have brought to the former USSR and China and other authoritarian and totalitarian countries: they have the worst environmental records; it\’d be no different with the US if the government becomes involved with handling this matter.

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:12 am
    Mike says:
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    Please send me a question you would like me to answer. I am totally confused on what you are claiming about Dr Gray

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:32 am
    Mike says:
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    Yes I did and not one piece of information stating causes a/o solutions. The only thing the article states is that something needs to be done and by gosh were going to do it. Well I need a better answer than \”because I said so\”. (ahem) Now I have asked two simple questions and not even one attempt at an answer.

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:32 am
    JOHN says:
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    You are to afraid to place your name? You are a wimp with big glasses, small mouth and full of hot air! You would never know if the world\’s climate is changing because you are probably that fat guy that sits on his couch quarterbacking! Aren\’t you! CLIMATE CHANGE IS CAUSED BY IGNORANT PEOPLE LIKE YOU. You guys call yourself \”Conservative\” Ha! That word means that you can not think out of your little tiny box in live in and you are probably the type that would abandon woman and children to save your big \”A!\” Shame, you don\’t see anything beyond your beer, porn and hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:53 am
    Al Gore invented lying too. says:
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    My real name is John, also. I am a card carrying Liberal Democrat also. Vote Democratic and vote often I say. As you can see we are a lot alike. However I poke fun at our own while you and Libs like you spew out of control meaness and hate toward others.
    The following is something you hateful NeoLibbies need to see. Your hateful spewings are why we have already lost the momentum of the last mid term election. If fellow Dems & Libs keep on spewing we will loose in 2008 to the more balanced sounding right. Please understand that making fun of our own party will make us better. Al Gore lost. Get over it! We lost again in 2004 because we were not over it. Your comments will help lose 2008. Here is a good example of unleashed Liberals barking up the wrong tree. Try actually reading this. You obviously missed it the first time.
    April 09, 2007, 6:00 a.m.
    National Review Online

    Where\’s the Tolerance?
    Hateful reactions from the Left.

    By Deroy Murdock

    The Tennessee Center for Policy Research (TCPR) recently generated headlines when it announced that former Vice President Al Gore\’s Nashville estate \”devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours\” of electricity in 2006, \”more than 20 times the national average.\” This free-market think tank\’s phones lit up when it analyzed Nashville Electric Service\’s public records and identified an inconvenient gap between Gore\’s conservationism and his energy consumption. TCPR\’s one-page press release was greeted with enough megawatts of hatred to power the South.

    \”I was accused several times of being a \’stupid, redneck *****,\’\” recalls TCPR\’s vice president Nicole Williams, who fielded numerous calls. \”I repeatedly was called a \’*****\’ and asked \’Whose ***** are you?\’ for three days straight, almost as if those were talking points… I was shocked by these sexist insults — basically attacking my gender.\”

    The calls continued beyond Williams\’s Nashville office.

    \”I had to change my home number and get an unlisted number,\” Williams tells me. \”I got about 10 death threats by phone that made an impression on me. I got the \’I\’m gonna get you\’-type threats more than 100 times…I was worried that I would get shot walking to my car.\” Williams discovered her obsolete address posted online. \”If they could find my old home address, it would not be so hard to find a current one.\”

    Gore\’s defenders also spewed venomous e-mails. They sent TCPR nearly 3,000 Gore-related messages that exhibited the very bigotry the Left routinely denounces. Warning: These offensive, often-vulgar, and occasionally unschooled comments reveal the vitriol behind much of today\’s \”progressive\” rhetoric.

    Many e-mails displayed Dixiephobia — an intense disdain for the south and southerners.

    After TCPR President Drew Johnson discussed his story on cable news, Kevin Lafferty objected: \”Johnson said Gore\’s home has gas lamps lining his driveway, a heated pool and an electric gate — all of which would be easy to do without. Well sure, that\’s easy enough for you to say when you live in a frickin mobile home in Tennessee, eh Johnson?\”

    \”F**k you, and for that matter, f**k Tennessee,\” wrote Thomas Brown. \”I\’ll never go there again.\”

    \”Why don\’t you all go back to shooting one another across the hollows instead of trying to make people think anyone in Tennessee has an ounce of intelligence?\” Roger Miller insisted. \”Or better yet, get your snaggle tooth grins capped and learn to read and write…Someone who\’s traveled the world here, and never ever wants to even fly across your state again.\”

    \”W.T.F. difference would it make if he was [sic] using 1000 times more energy than the average household if it came from clean energy?\” Thomas Grinnell wondered. \”Don\’t think about that too much. It will give your southern mullet a headache.\”

    \”You really should concentrate on what Southerners do best,\” D. Hunter advised. \”Sodomizing and impregnating little children!\”

    \”You are the most despicable and pathetic types of people of all time,\” Christopher LaBarge declared. \”I hope you all die slowly and have your hearts and brains trampled to pieces you small-minded, ignorant, backwoods ideologues.\”


    \”Well it\’s like I\’ve always said, \’we should have flattened the South when we had the chance!\” wrote Mount Laurel, New Jersey\’s Robert Dodelin. \”If ever you confederates [sic] want to leave the Union please do. We Nothen [sic] states would love to stop having to subsidize you with our tax dollars.\”

    This anti-southernism mystifies TCPR\’s Johnson.

    \”Some people must believe the Mason-Dixon Line runs between our office and Gore\’s mansion,\” Johnson says. \”No one would call Gore a redneck, but when we uncovered his hypocritical energy use, it somehow made me a sister-dating hillbilly. That\’s quite amusing, since Gore and I live in Nashville, less than five miles apart.\”

    Some e-mails, like Benjamin Greuel\’s, reflected anti-religious bias: \”Go f**k yourselves you neo con, non-secular, bible thumpin, anti-science dumb f**k pricks.\” Similarly, Anthony Black wrote:

    You bunch of stupid hick red-necks. I am sure you are quite religious, yet you have no problem destroying His creation with pollution; and, rather than addressing that, you cast dispersions [sic] on Al Gore\’s home energy use. Absurd.

    Seriously, find one of those nice Tennessee hardwoods, get a nice stick from it, and stick it up your white-bread ignorant a**.

    Have a nice day, you ignorant red-neck.

    \”How about you have a do [sic] humanity a favor and have a stroke,\” Russ Smith recommended. \”You silly metrosexual twit, need some more hi-lites in your hair?\”

    Another gay-hater wrote: \”You guys are the faggiest fags I\’ve ever come across. How do you get any work done, what with all the c**k sucking and such?\”

    \”Keep licking Bush and Cheney\’s privates,\” Burton Ogle suggested. \”Your time is up and we\’re moving you\’re a**es out.\”

    Two e-mails feature chillingly violent imagery.

    \”You people are such slime,\” T. J. Williams noted. \”You are a total waste of skin and air. Help the environment and jump off a cliff.\”

    Bob Beaver urged: \”Find a hole and stick a knife in it.\”

    Such anti-intellectual intimidation reflects the high-octane hate that fuels so much Leftist discourse. Rather than simply argue that Johnson, Williams, and their colleagues are misguided or misinformed about global warming, these bullies call them barefoot, same-sex-loving, Winchester-wielding whores, and evangel-yokels. Remember this whenever liberals crow about diversity, tolerance, and open-mindedness.

    — Deroy Murdock is a New York-based columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution.


    National Review Online –

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:55 am
    It\'s Clear says:
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    Ok, we see that John is big and brave by putting his first name. I bet Johnnie (as in the toilet) usually hangs out on the Huffington blog. Go back over there Johnnie.

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:57 am
    ad says:
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    Oh my God. I did not think something like you existed. A sane Democrat?

    Either you are really a Republican but don\’t realize it, or you are a cunning Democrat? Haven\’t decided.

  • April 9, 2007 at 6:01 am
    Joe says:
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    John, relax, it\’s just an online discussion.

  • April 9, 2007 at 6:09 am
    Joe says:
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    I agree Plymn; gotta love the foresight of those cavemen. Hey, they should do GEICO commercials – auto insurance during the stone age.

  • April 9, 2007 at 6:36 am
    HOO BOY says:
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    Gore IS claiming people can do something about climate change.
    If Gore isn\’t claiming humans can \”do something\” about climate change, what\’s the big campaign about?
    That would be like petitioning congress to DO something about the sun coming up in the morning before I\’m ready to get up
    You\’d have to expect congress to be able to do something about the sunrise.

  • April 9, 2007 at 6:42 am
    Hal says:
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    You all need to google this if you think we have extreme weather now.
    Google year of no summer click I\’m feeling lucky and it will take you straight to the story.
    It was 1816. Colder temps world-wide. In New England it snowed in mid-may, then again in June. Temps bounced around from below freezing to 90 degrees. No decent crops were grown. 1800 people died in New England.
    Winston Churchill said, the farther back you can see, the more accurate you can predict the future……or something close to that.

  • April 9, 2007 at 6:48 am
    Hal says:
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    By-the-way, in his recent testimony before the senate, Gore admitted something about the chart supposedly showing CO2 heats up the atmosphere.
    The chart shows that CO2 TRAILS warming as often as it precedes warming. There is likely little relationship between CO2 and warming of the atmosphere.
    Read the text.

  • April 10, 2007 at 8:07 am
    Chilly says:
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    Yo genius: the IPCC summary was all that was released, not the report. As reported at the release of the summary, the report will comport with the sumamry: in other words, the conclusions were first reached, then the report, which has yet to be finished, will be mae to match it.

    Many scientists whose names were conscripted into the report have threatened to sue to have them removed, since they were either not involved in the report or disagree with its conclusions or methods.

    You can read this and other inconvenient truths in, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) by Christopher C. Horner. You can get it here:

  • April 10, 2007 at 8:22 am
    John says:
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    April 09, 2007, 6:00 a.m.
    National Review Online

    Where\’s the Tolerance?
    Hateful reactions from the Left.

    By Deroy Murdock

    The Tennessee Center for Policy Research (TCPR) recently generated headlines when it announced that former Vice President Al Gore\’s Nashville estate \”devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours\” of electricity in 2006, \”more than 20 times the national average.\” This free-market think tank\’s phones lit up when it analyzed Nashville Electric Service\’s public records and identified an inconvenient gap between Gore\’s conservationism and his energy consumption. TCPR\’s one-page press release was greeted with enough megawatts of hatred to power the South.

    \”I was accused several times of being a \’stupid, redneck *****,\’\” recalls TCPR\’s vice president Nicole Williams, who fielded numerous calls. \”I repeatedly was called a \’*****\’ and asked \’Whose ***** are you?\’ for three days straight, almost as if those were talking points… I was shocked by these sexist insults — basically attacking my gender.\”

    The calls continued beyond Williams\’s Nashville office.

    \”I had to change my home number and get an unlisted number,\” Williams tells me. \”I got about 10 death threats by phone that made an impression on me. I got the \’I\’m gonna get you\’-type threats more than 100 times…I was worried that I would get shot walking to my car.\” Williams discovered her obsolete address posted online. \”If they could find my old home address, it would not be so hard to find a current one.\”

    Gore\’s defenders also spewed venomous e-mails. They sent TCPR nearly 3,000 Gore-related messages that exhibited the very bigotry the Left routinely denounces. Warning: These offensive, often-vulgar, and occasionally unschooled comments reveal the vitriol behind much of today\’s \”progressive\” rhetoric.

    Many e-mails displayed Dixiephobia — an intense disdain for the south and southerners.

    After TCPR President Drew Johnson discussed his story on cable news, Kevin Lafferty objected: \”Johnson said Gore\’s home has gas lamps lining his driveway, a heated pool and an electric gate — all of which would be easy to do without. Well sure, that\’s easy enough for you to say when you live in a frickin mobile home in Tennessee, eh Johnson?\”

    \”F**k you, and for that matter, f**k Tennessee,\” wrote Thomas Brown. \”I\’ll never go there again.\”

    \”Why don\’t you all go back to shooting one another across the hollows instead of trying to make people think anyone in Tennessee has an ounce of intelligence?\” Roger Miller insisted. \”Or better yet, get your snaggle tooth grins capped and learn to read and write…Someone who\’s traveled the world here, and never ever wants to even fly across your state again.\”

    \”W.T.F. difference would it make if he was [sic] using 1000 times more energy than the average household if it came from clean energy?\” Thomas Grinnell wondered. \”Don\’t think about that too much. It will give your southern mullet a headache.\”

    \”You really should concentrate on what Southerners do best,\” D. Hunter advised. \”Sodomizing and impregnating little children!\”

    \”You are the most despicable and pathetic types of people of all time,\” Christopher LaBarge declared. \”I hope you all die slowly and have your hearts and brains trampled to pieces you small-minded, ignorant, backwoods ideologues.\”


    \”Well it\’s like I\’ve always said, \’we should have flattened the South when we had the chance!\” wrote Mount Laurel, New Jersey\’s Robert Dodelin. \”If ever you confederates [sic] want to leave the Union please do. We Nothen [sic] states would love to stop having to subsidize you with our tax dollars.\”

    This anti-southernism mystifies TCPR\’s Johnson.

    \”Some people must believe the Mason-Dixon Line runs between our office and Gore\’s mansion,\” Johnson says. \”No one would call Gore a redneck, but when we uncovered his hypocritical energy use, it somehow made me a sister-dating hillbilly. That\’s quite amusing, since Gore and I live in Nashville, less than five miles apart.\”

    Some e-mails, like Benjamin Greuel\’s, reflected anti-religious bias: \”Go f**k yourselves you neo con, non-secular, bible thumpin, anti-science dumb f**k pricks.\” Similarly, Anthony Black wrote:

    You bunch of stupid hick red-necks. I am sure you are quite religious, yet you have no problem destroying His creation with pollution; and, rather than addressing that, you cast dispersions [sic] on Al Gore\’s home energy use. Absurd.

    Seriously, find one of those nice Tennessee hardwoods, get a nice stick from it, and stick it up your white-bread ignorant a**.

    Have a nice day, you ignorant red-neck.

    \”How about you have a do [sic] humanity a favor and have a stroke,\” Russ Smith recommended. \”You silly metrosexual twit, need some more hi-lites in your hair?\”

    Another gay-hater wrote: \”You guys are the faggiest fags I\’ve ever come across. How do you get any work done, what with all the c**k sucking and such?\”

    \”Keep licking Bush and Cheney\’s privates,\” Burton Ogle suggested. \”Your time is up and we\’re moving you\’re a**es out.\”

    Two e-mails feature chillingly violent imagery.

    \”You people are such slime,\” T. J. Williams noted. \”You are a total waste of skin and air. Help the environment and jump off a cliff.\”

    Bob Beaver urged: \”Find a hole and stick a knife in it.\”

    Such anti-intellectual intimidation reflects the high-octane hate that fuels so much Leftist discourse. Rather than simply argue that Johnson, Williams, and their colleagues are misguided or misinformed about global warming, these bullies call them barefoot, same-sex-loving, Winchester-wielding whores, and evangel-yokels. Remember this whenever liberals crow about diversity, tolerance, and open-mindedness.

    — Deroy Murdock is a New York-based columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution.

  • April 10, 2007 at 9:04 am
    DH says:
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    Did you know that when Gore was in office he cut the EPA staff of investigators and prosecutersby hundreds. The result -unable to move on big business. So get real – they are all self serving, but at least others don\’t pretend they are for the enviornment when their actions clearly show they are not.

  • April 10, 2007 at 9:09 am
    Wabohabe says:
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    Greens and the save the planet bunch are a violent group. Look back over the last 25 years and see what they have done. From spiking trees to the uni-bomber, all a dangerous group.

  • April 10, 2007 at 9:18 am
    Chilly says:
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    \”A summary of the full, 1,572-page document written and reviewed by 441 scientists was released Friday.\”

    If you\’ve been following this nonsense you would know that the \”441 scientists\” figure was over 2,000 when the first summary was released, but as I posted earlier of them many threatened to sue to be removed because they were not advised that their names were going to be appended to this bogus study, and many were not even climate scientists but biologists, sociologists etc. It\’s a total and complete government power grab -which is why it appeals to your average democrat voter.

    Live Free or Die!

  • April 10, 2007 at 10:05 am
    Mike says:
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    So I get one solar panel, a question answered with a question, and some guy John who just rants. Just shows how pathetic the Republican party has become to lose elections to these people. Very sad state of affairs on both sides.

  • April 10, 2007 at 10:25 am
    Hal says:
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    The original reports included scientists who were \”doctors\”. These Phd people were doctors in subjects such as english and philosophy. Not exactly scientists.

  • April 10, 2007 at 12:54 pm
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    about the time they announce another big deal on \’global warming\’.

    I\’ll be the first to admit, I don\’t really know.

    But it is more than interesting to see someone like Algore pretend he has no self serving interest in pushing his \’science\’ forward.

    It\’s also interesting to see someone, such as Dr. Gray, state something different, and have folks like Rosie immediately accuse them of being on the pocket of \’big oil\’.

    Just a couple decades ago the experts were concerned we were causing global cooling. I have no problem with conservation; many conservatives forget it shares it\’s root meaning with conservative. But what\’s going on these days with the global warming folks is best described as a religious movement based upon \’faith and belief\’, which is really ironic since what they claim to fear most of the current administration is their \’faith and belief\’ in God.

    Just food for thought.

  • April 10, 2007 at 1:35 am
    Cat says:
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    Why don\’t you post some of the religious bigotry that the right spews out? anti gay, racial, etc…? There are ignorant people on both sides of the spectrum.

  • April 10, 2007 at 1:43 am
    Chambalambra says:
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    What does religeon have to do with anything? – Other than you have to really believe in global warming to believe global warming is caused by anything over which we have control.

  • April 10, 2007 at 1:59 am
    Mary B. says:
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    \”…environmental \’racquet\’\”, I love this! Man I love stupid people, thanks for the great laugh.

  • April 10, 2007 at 2:07 am
    Cat says:
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    The article Chilly posted indicates that \”liberals\” are vulgar. I was reminding him (or her) that conservatives can be too. Ignorance falls on both sides of the fence – there is no point grouping all people as vulgar based on their political disposition!!!

  • April 10, 2007 at 2:08 am
    Jewel says:
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    I\’ll bring the \”\”…environmental \’racquet\’\”


    Really Mary B., this is why I don\’t take some posters seriously. How can you have an intellectual conversation when every other words is either misspelled, misused or just plain wrong? Sometimes I can\’t even \”dumb\” myself down enough to understand the point between all of the typos and misspellings. But then again, considering the source, why bother right?

  • April 10, 2007 at 2:08 am
    Not the best speller says:
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    I love condescending people even more.

  • April 10, 2007 at 2:13 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Sorry to those out there but the \”racquet\” comment just had me laughing on a really bad day. Didn\’t mean to be condescending but it\’s all about the interpretation…

  • April 10, 2007 at 2:14 am
    Cat says:
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    There are extremists in all sectors with all political views. Lets not forget the abortion clinic bombings and other acts of violence by those with a conservative viewpoint – Or the abuse by Catholic priests (can\’t get more conservative than most Catholics!) Talk about a dangerous group!

    My point is, not all people who care about the environment are domestic terrorists – nor are all religious followers pedophiles.

  • April 10, 2007 at 2:17 am
    Jewel says:
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    In all fairness, sometimes people are just typing quickly or have a mental slip.

    In my prior post I meant to type word, not words.

    Environmental racquet could have been one of those \”moments\”. It was funny though. :) I can\’t remember who posted it but I hope the rest of the post was well put.

  • April 10, 2007 at 2:21 am
    Jewel says:
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    Good points CAT!

    Too bad stereotyping will probably always be around…

    How anyone can judge someone based on color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc. is beyond me…

    I think to do so is ignorant.

  • April 10, 2007 at 2:38 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Stereotyping has certainly obtained a \”bad rap\” over the years. Stereotyping per se, is not bad or good it\’s just a tool people use to describe, explain or develop an idea of what that group or groups of people. It\’s the person using the stereotype in a negative way to disparage a group of people or persons is what is truly bad. My view is that stereotype have to have a kernel of truth to it or it (the stereotype) would be a myth. IMHO.

  • April 10, 2007 at 3:02 am
    Jewel says:
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    Agreed. :)

    Sometimes people prove you wrong. Other times, people prove you right.

  • April 10, 2007 at 3:05 am
    B says:
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    Like what?

  • April 10, 2007 at 3:35 am
    Missy says:
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    Obviously no one here has any real education on the subject of geology or weather….everyone is just taking sides on global warming for political reasons, and that\’s how they vote too…Everyone has an opinion. In my opinion, no one can predict the hurricanes with any more accuracy than they can predict the long-term weather forecast, despite how interesting the historical patterns may be….but fear does sell insurance, and logic suggests that some people should buy some coverage.

    Could we at lease agree that the planet has a finite amount of fossil fuel, which cannot be replenished, and that as nations such as China start using fuels extensively we will be competing for supplies….and it is better if the US develops independent fuel resources, preferably non-fossil in nature?

  • April 10, 2007 at 3:35 am
    DWT says:
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    Saw a report the other day about how the magnetic field that surrounds the earth is about 10% weaker than it was just 100 years ago. According to this researcher, as the magnetic field weakens, more of the suns radiation penetrates our atmosphere warming the planet.

    This is an actual report and there are various references to this report available on the web.

    Now, do we believe this? If it’s true, then what? Is there anything that our species can do to correct this? And excuse me, I just can’t resist the temptation… Mr. Gore, save us from ourselves… please!

    I guess the bottom line on this is that while I think most scientist agree that we are in a warming trend, no one is for sure why. Not only that but this is apparently a regular cycle that the earth goes through.

  • April 10, 2007 at 3:38 am
    A Democat in Texas says:
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    I thought it was interesting that Al Gore\’s house in TN used 20 times more energy than the average American home but George W.Bush\’s home in TX uses 1/4th the energy of the average American home. Gore burns gas lamps vs. Bush runs geo thermal, solar, and wind. Who is more green? Gore or Bush?

  • April 10, 2007 at 3:38 am
    A Democat in Texas says:
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    I thought it was interesting that Al Gore\’s house in TN used 20 times more energy than the average American home but George W.Bush\’s home in TX uses 1/4th the energy of the average American home. Gore burns gas lamps vs. Bush runs geo thermal, solar, and wind. Who is more green? Gore or Bush?

  • April 10, 2007 at 3:54 am
    Chilly says:
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    \”Fossil Fuel\” is a misnomer. Petroleum is not the residue of rotted dinosaurs, nor is it finite. There is credible scientific evidence that the earth produces oil.

    Dr. Thomas Gold\’s theory asserts that oil is produced not by decayed fossils, but instead by a continuing action below the surface of the earth, and when the hot gaseous mixture meets the cooler crust it condenses producing methane and petroleum. It rises because it is forced to the surface of the earth by the centrifugal force resulting from the earth\’s rotation.

    Rotten flesh and vegetable matter is in a state of decomposition by definition, and could not possibly produce more energy than it contained before it decomposed. Hence, we ain\’t gonna run out no time soon.

  • April 10, 2007 at 4:15 am
    Fuel User says:
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    Good one Chilly. I read a few months ago that there are more oil reserves today than there was 30 years ago, which blows the fossil fuel theory. The problem is where the \”cheap\” oil is located. There is a lot of oil in the shale out west but it is expensive to extract.

    I am for alternative fuels but I am not convinced that corn is the answer. It’s beginning to look like a government directed money grab for the corn/ethanol producers.

  • April 11, 2007 at 7:45 am
    Chilly says:
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    Ethanol is more expensive per gallon to produce than oil is to extract and refine. It is nothing but pork for farm states. Worse yet, it places tremendous pressure on corn producers to make corn to burn rather than to eat.
    This is yet another example of the pernicious effect of government influence in the free market, not to mention science, education, charity, etc. Whatever goverment touches outside of its legitimate sphere of activity (law enforcement, defense, and a few other things) it corrupts.

  • April 11, 2007 at 8:03 am
    Corn Farmer says:
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    Dear Hal,
    I think that putting our corn to work is a mighty good thing. Soon gasoline will be a quarter a gallon. The goop it leaves in your engines creates jobs for mechanics. Corn prices are way up so I may just buy me another new pick up and a new 8 wheel drive air conditioned John Deere with cruise control and a DVD player to celebrate. We almost got this stupidity through with Clinton but those stupid Republicans stopped us. Well we learned. Like my mammy always said you gotta lube both sides of the isle to get Washington D.C. moving.

  • April 11, 2007 at 8:45 am
    Hal says:
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    Ethanol is a great idea.
    Its energy coeficient is 1.1 to 1 if you make it from corn, 8 to 1 if you make it from sugar cane. Both are well under petroleum sourced gasoline. This means you get less gas mileage and it burns dirtier. See both EPA and DOT web sites.
    It is corrosive and will damage your engine.
    The association of fiberglass gas tanks (for boats, etc) has issued a warning against ethanol because it will disolve older gas tanks. Watch for the mess in the lakes.
    Anyone who thinks a second will realize that burning your food for fuel is a bad idea.
    The corn price has more than doubled this last year causing severe problems for many in other countries. Beef, chicken, pork are increasing due to the cost of feed.
    Other than that, ethanol from corn is a great idea.

  • April 11, 2007 at 11:12 am
    Wood Chuck says:
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    Right-on brother.
    Burn your food. A couple bad harvest years and we\’ll be hunting mice for dinner.

  • April 11, 2007 at 6:32 am
    DWT says:
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    Folks, it is not really an issue of cheap oil. One of the main issues that we have is that we have not (as a country) built a new refinery for almost 40 years. There is plenty of oil out there. We just can not refine it.

  • April 12, 2007 at 8:09 am
    Just a dumb ol TEXAS Redneck says:
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    I am just an ol redneck living on the Texas Gulf Coast. In the 1950\’s we had a big ol drought for 7 years. Then it rained a whole bunch. Back then we blamed it on Ike and the Republicans. Figured God was mad at us just like some of you act now about ol George Bush. Until about the late 1970\’s the tree hugger told us we were causing the next ice age with our pickups. Now for about darn near 30 years we are causing global warming with our pickups or cause we voted for the Bush family so many times. That just depends on which tree hugger you talk to and their personal degree of hatred for all things Bush or Republican or basic American values. Guess your stupidity is why I left the Democratic party after ol \”Jummy\” Carter.

    Well now I am getting around to my question. I live on the ocean. I have lived there since 1940. The gulf which is part of the ocean system has not gone up or down at all. This is per them there scientists at NOAA and all the tree hugger associations.

    Ok fellers if all them ice bergs and glaciers are melting which one of you bastards is stealing the water?

  • April 12, 2007 at 9:39 am
    plymn says:
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    Although I am far from a tree hugger, I will attempt to answer your question. If the polar ice cap is melts, there will be no rise in the sea level. After all it is floating on top of the ocean. Fill a glass with ice and water and let the ice melt. Does the water then spill over the top of the glass?

    I have a size 9 carbon footprint. I wonder what tomorrow\’s PC catchphrase will be.

  • April 12, 2007 at 9:54 am
    ad says:
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    Are you the same guy who wrote on the suing coach with stomach surgery? Eating dog food while in the grocery line?

    Regardless, you are too funny.

  • April 12, 2007 at 12:53 pm
    Hal says:
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    \”If the polar ice cap is melts….\” is more funny grammar than talking with Gupta in teck support in India.

  • April 16, 2007 at 12:11 pm
    Realist says:
  • April 16, 2007 at 12:22 pm
    Algore says:
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    Yes Realist, the sun is hotter, but that is only because I have used highly efficient reflective coating on my green investments to reflect back the sun and further illuminate what will happen if we don\’t shift our priorities to those industries I have heavily invested in.

    I made the sun hotter because I knew, after inventing this other technology to prevent global warming, that unless we actually could prove warming was occurring, then no one would buy into this theory. I have used great amounts of faith in my carbon credit investments. Once we have properly adapted our usage of energy in the U.S., I will take my technology to China, so it may be copied and sold at Wal-Mart for such a ridiculous low price that all will be able to afford it. I will then quit reflecting light rays back off the sun so it is not as hot. I did this only as a warning for what might happen if I did nothing; aren\’t you glad I care?

  • April 16, 2007 at 12:23 pm
    Eric says:
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    All corn farmer seems to care about is himself. By the way, corn farmer… I would bet $100 that you are a republican in democrats clothes. many farmers proudly proclaim that they are a democrat until you ask them what they understand about the issues. then they realize they are really a republican. stop and think for yourself. your daddys world is gone and the democrat of yesteryear that cared about the wellbeing of the America vs. their own power struggle is also gone.

  • April 16, 2007 at 12:42 pm
    Abe says:
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    No actually most farmers are Rebublicans actually. The fall for the gun contol issue, they like the military, and they hate gay rights. They are usually gullible enought to believe what republicans (the party of the rich) tells them as well.

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:01 am
    Chilly says:
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    Republicans are the party of the rich? What are democrats, the party of the poor? Like Cheryl Crow, Laurie David, George Soros, Ted Kennedy, Steve Bing, Steven Spielberg, Tim Robbins, Michael Moore, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, Sen. John Kerry, Sen. Herb Khol, Sen. John Edwards, Sen. Bob Graham, Sen. Ben Nelson, Sen. Frank Lautenburg, Terry McAuliffe and all those other po\’ folks that run the democrat party?

    Go to and you will see that the

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:03 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    wow Abe, can you straighten us out on the other demographic groups in our country? Your broadbrush is missin\’ some bristles…

    It\’s interesting how so many \’farming\’ states have democratic governors/senators…why, golly, farmers might be more diverse than you think! Heck, they might even have brains and…….opinions!!!! They may not like gays and love their guns, but they might prefer gays with guns, but it didn\’t look like that was the issue here…not sure how ethanol wraps around to guns, but we\’re all anxious to learn from you.

    For your next valued opinion, why don\’t you tell us what Barbers are like and how they vote on the issues. Thanks!

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:12 am
    Chilly says:
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    I didn\’t say anything about guns or gays, what are you talking about? You said that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. I showed that there are plenty of dems who, despite their socialist mouthings and voting records, are wealthy.

    Like a typical liberal, you can\’t think straight and have no problem accusing conservatives of things they haven\’t done or said. No surprise there, since a man with a conscience does not make a good liberal.

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:24 am
    beatindeadhorse says:
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    Hybrid fules such as hydrogen will be produced by burning coal or nuclear. You just cant make hydrogen you morons. It likes oxygen so much it binds up with explsosive power —duh that\’s why it is a fuel. Cleve it away from oxgen or pull it out of fossil fuled also known as Hydro (for hydrogen)carbons (for carbon and what do you lieberate —-carbon but Al and the liberal scientists that make millions of grant money paid by tax payers dont wany you to think this thing thru!

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:43 am
    Jewel says:
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    Not trying to be rude, but I think you have your posts mixed up. It was Abe who called Republicans the party of the rich. Chad was talking to Abe, not you.

    I assume you were talking to Chad (is that correct?), but he never said anything to you…

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:43 am
    Abe says:
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    I didnt mean to start anything guys, I was just saying most farmers arent very well educated and they tend to be swayed very easily by silly little issues like gun control and killing terrorists and beating up gays and stuff.

    They usually vote as a block, and are all very similar, this is a fact. There really isnt that much diversity in the views of famers. So um, get a clue.

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:47 am
    Chilly says:
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    \”I was just saying most farmers arent very well educated and they tend to be swayed very easily by silly little issues like gun control and killing terrorists and beating up gays and stuff.\”

    Anyone who would say such a thing is either a total imbecile or a democrat. Have you interviewed \”most farmers\” before reaching this inane conclusion?

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:51 am
    Abe Hater says:
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    Wow Abe you are completely ignorant. Congrads!

  • April 16, 2007 at 2:03 am
    Realist says:
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    LOL at \”poor\” Democrats post by Chilly.
    Good one!
    Abe, you need to study a little history and human nature too. Maybe vitamins would help. Do something, though.

  • April 16, 2007 at 2:22 am
    Smart says:
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    What a silly thing to say. Even the animals and trees will tell you our climate is changing! You don\’t need fancy statistics for that!
    A silly old koot like Gray can stick to his old viewpoints because he\’ll be long dead by the time this issue is uncontrolable. The denial of the past can\’t seep into the awareness of the future… it\’s the only chance we have!

  • April 16, 2007 at 2:26 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    I don\’t think you\’re doing it intentionally, but you have a \’Green Acres\’ point of view on Farmers that is a very old, out of date stereotype. I went to a school with a strong Ag program; they\’re aint many dummies out there. Think about the balancing they have to accomplish: they depend on weather being just right, commodity prices, consumer demand; and they\’re supposed to make their own profit. They have to be plant science experts, animal experts, understand profit and loss so they can at least attempt to plant the \’right crop\’ or handle the right livestock. Some have some very nice tractors, but I don\’t envy what they they have to balance on a daily basis.

    There are some conservative farmers out there, but there are also many who mind their own business and stay out of others business.

    I\’m thankful they\’re as smart as they are.

  • April 16, 2007 at 2:33 am
    B says:
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    Barbers are with the green party and vote for Ralph Nader. I thought that was pretty obvious. ;-)

  • April 16, 2007 at 2:33 am
    ad says:
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    If the trees and animals are talking to you, maybe you should see a psychiatrist. It\’s called psychosis.

    Dr. Gray has studied weather conditions and has the Doctor in front of his name because he has the credentials. What has Gore have besides the ability to blow out more hot air than all of the ATVs in the US in one of his speaches?

    You should be ashamed of yourself comparing Gorbal Warming to Dr. Gray.

  • April 16, 2007 at 3:18 am
    comeonnow says:
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    place enough wind generators on the west coast and wait for the impending desert formations as once you syphon off the kinetic energy in the wind you will slow it there is no free energy and no one knows the affects of that or of massive numbers of solor panels absorping sunlight and creating less natural heating of the soil since panels would shade the earth. Cant talk about this though as that would be crazy talk the tree huggers will tell you thats ridiculus it will have no effect but again no one knows and worse yet no one will even consider it. Physics say every action has a reaction.

  • April 16, 2007 at 3:21 am
    Farmersshouldrunthecountry says:
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    Silly little thing like supporting the second ammendment -wow you are right what a bunch of fools they must be. They obviously are too stupid to understand global warming

  • April 16, 2007 at 3:28 am
    Chilly says:
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    Amen, Farmersshouldrunthecountry. How liberals can find abortion in the Constitution but not people\’s right (\”endowed by their Creator\”) to keep and bear arms just baffles me. But then, that\’s why God made liberals, to keep us humble in the realization that there but for His grace is us.

  • April 16, 2007 at 4:02 am
    Cold In Florida says:
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    How is \”Dr\” Gray such an expert on Florida Huricanes while he lives and works in Colorado. I will now give my forcast for Colorado It get cold there next winter with 100\” of snow.( and like \”Dr.\” Gray if that does not happen I will ammend my forcast at any tlime and brag about how accurate I am. P.S. I am going to buy my Doctorate from some Bible college next week.

  • April 16, 2007 at 4:22 am
    ad says:
  • April 17, 2007 at 8:33 am
    Mjolnir says:
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    Dr. Gray\’s credentials are as strong as the guys living in Paris and discussing arctic ice melting.

    You don\’t have to live in Florida to study satellite imagery of cloud formations and accumulated sea temperature readings.

    You should shut up now.

  • April 18, 2007 at 12:28 pm
    Corn Farmer says:
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    Well I got me a fancy degree in Agriculture. A whole bunch of you say I must be stupid because I am a Farmer. Well looking at the posts of some of you I am in good company.
    For the record turning corn into fuel is stupid rather Bush or Clinton is behind it. But thanks for the high corn futures. You all can kiss my *** when you see me driving my new 8 wheel drive John Deere this summer. I will be watching the DVD movie with the a/c on high so knock real hard on the cabin door.

  • April 18, 2007 at 12:31 pm
    Corn Farmer says:
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    By the way my insurance agency keeps my family going during the lean times. Does yours?

  • April 27, 2007 at 11:06 am
    A guy watching the world die says:
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    What gets me the most… is people mention stuff like Gore sucks, impeach Bush, bla bla bla…

    Guess what? You can\’t beat those guys. Guess why? They worship Satan and you are in Satan\’s base camp on planet earth… AMERICA.

    I used to give a **** about telling people the \”truth\” about things that happened… but then I realized… nobody ever gets it… they are like, \”That\’s horrible, let\’s do something about it\”… YOU CAN\’T AND NOBODY HAS BEEN ABLE TO FOR THE PAST 400 ****ING YEARS! RICH WHITE GUYS WHO WORSHIP SATAN OCCULTLY ARE IN POWER AND AIN\’T NOTHING GOING TO CHANGE THAT!

    When you go to the polls… if you pick between democrat and republican presidential candidates… you are choosing between Satanic Occultists… plain and simple. No ifs ands or buts. You want things to change… grab your balls and vote for a different party and get ready to hear the government try to explain a whole lot of other weird things…

    As far as the global warming goes… it\’s the tiniest threads of physical reality unraveling… it will reach it\’s climax in 2012. Do with that tidbit what you will… It\’s a string-thing

  • April 27, 2007 at 11:29 am
    Chilly says:
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    I can assure you, the only remedy to which he subscribes is a tin foil hat to keep Karl Rove from reading his mind.

    Actually, I really hope he\’s just spoofing, but there are people out there who really do think like him.

  • April 27, 2007 at 12:13 pm
    Mjolnir says:
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    My response is \”who cares\”?

    I have to pay the mortgage, and grabbing a crucifix and scaling the white house walls won\’t change that, so what difference does it make?

    Satanists or incompetents, it doesn\’t matter.

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