Tornado Losses in N.J., Conn., Ohio Could Top Those of Great Plains States

April 18, 2007

  • April 19, 2007 at 8:18 am
    morcia says:
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    You people chose to live where you do – dont expect the rest of the nation to foot the bill because you built in a vulnerable place – if your insurance doesnt cover it, too bad…….. oh wait, this isnt the southeast coastal regions this time, is it? i guess it will be okay to suck off the public teet to rebuild then…..

  • April 19, 2007 at 8:44 am
    PLJ says:
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    Is this the same Jewel that was so sarchastic to me about big CEO bonus\’ and salaries?
    I can\’t believe what I\’m reading.
    you only want to pay whats fair?

    Jeeze make up your mind.

    Last week you were arguing with me on the very issue you agree with today!

  • April 19, 2007 at 8:50 am
    PLJ says:
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    But the Northeast is the insurance capital of the world!
    They deserve special treatment.

    You couldn\’t have written your statement better!
    my hats off to you!

  • April 19, 2007 at 1:47 am
    Adirondacker says:
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    Tisk tisk Morcia… an ax to grind perhaps? What makes you believe the northeast would, as you put it, \”suck off the public teet\”? Just look at the good folks from New Hampshire, heck they even paint \”Live free or die\” on their license plates… not exactly a welfare state.

  • April 19, 2007 at 2:17 am
    Midwest says:
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    People in most areas of the country pay for their own insurance without whinning about how expensive it is all the time. Unlike some in the coastal states we don\’t expect the rest of the country to foot our living (insurance) expenses.

    I\’m starting to wonder if all the sun and humidity down in the southeast coastal areas are affecting people where as they are delusional to the point where they are expecting the rest of the county to help support them by offsetting their insurance costs — Strange that you haven\’t heard people from NJ, Boston, etc. asking for help after all the rain and flooding they\’ve had in the past week or people from the Midwest (after damages done by tornados/hail/flood/snows) asking for help the same way as some southeast coastal residents do.

  • April 19, 2007 at 2:38 am
    Jewel says:
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    I think there is a huge assumption being made here. Not everyone (or even mostly everyone) in the southeastern states expects to be subsidized any more than people in other states. There are a lot of vocal people; the media spins the story to suit them and to stir up controversy. That is how the rest of the U.S. then views the southeastern states. I don\’t want a government handout; I don\’t want other people to subsidize my insurance premiums or any other part of my income, etc. Neither does anyone else I know. I just want to pay my fair share, no more and no less (but the less the better- ha ha).

    I can understand where you are coming from but our part of the country is not any different than anywhere else. Lots of people want something for nothing. No matter which part of the US they live in.

    What I would like to know is how many people who complain about subsizing premiums for others were eligible for the earned income credit on their taxes this year. That would open a whole new can of worms.

  • April 19, 2007 at 2:41 am
    Jewel says:
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    I missed a syllable. Subsidizing…


    The real shame is how people don\’t take responsibility for their actions (or lack thereof) and want others to bail them out. This happens everywhere, not just the southeastern US, by the way. I am all for helping others, but where does it end?

  • April 19, 2007 at 2:57 am
    Cheetoh Mulligan says:
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    It all ends when people are made to be accountable for their actions and the attorneys are prohibited from suing everyone and sliding the accountability off to bystanders. For instance, recently a 22 year old (in Michigan I think) drank too much, drove, and killed himself and a passenger when he hit a tree. An attorney is hired for the parents of the driver, and he sues the bar and bartender. Isn\’t it the kids fault for drinking and driving, it is someone else\’s fault. It isn\’t my fault I got lung cancer from smoking even though all the warnings exist saying don\’t smoke, it is the manufacturers\’ fault for making them.

  • April 19, 2007 at 3:08 am
    Jewel says:
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    I agree.

    By the way, next week I am going to court to sue McDonald\’s for serving me french fries when I paid for them. You see, I have a bad cholesterol problem. It\’s been so rough; at the end of May I have a court date because I am suing Nike. You see, I was going out for a Happy Meal (I was going to say jog- ha ha!) and I didn\’t lace up my sneakers. So I ran in the parking lot to get in before they closed and- WHAM! I fell on my face. They should put warning labels on sneakers- TIE SHOES BEFORE WALKING, etc. Anyhow, I should probably sue McDonald\’s too for my clumsiness and the oil manufacturer because I slipped on an oil spot in the parking lot. Did I miss anything?

  • April 20, 2007 at 7:58 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”Is this the same Jewel that was so sarchastic to me about big CEO bonus\’ and salaries?
    I can\’t believe what I\’m reading.
    you only want to pay whats fair?
    Jeeze make up your mind.
    Last week you were arguing with me on the very issue you agree with today!\”

    You can\’t believe what you are reading because you had no clue on the other posting what I was saying. I don\’t need to make up my mind because I never changed it. So, next time before you comment, try READING the post.

    P.S. Sarcastic, not sarchastic… it\’s sarcasm, not sarchasm… We aren\’t going spelunking.

  • April 20, 2007 at 8:48 am
    Jewel says:
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    I\’m a little cranky this morning. I hadn\’t had my caffeine yet. :)

    But, I am glad it\’s Friday.

    So, anyway, PLJ, I didn\’t change my mind about anything. I just wanted to reiterate that to you.

  • April 20, 2007 at 9:30 am
    Question For Jewel says:
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    Hi Jewel – just asking you a non-confrontational question because I will admit i\’m dense when it comes to this stuff and hoping you can just put it into laymen terms for me….

    here\’s a quote from you…
    \”What I would like to know is how many people who complain about subsizing premiums for others were eligible for the earned income credit on their taxes this year. That would open a whole new can of worms.\”

    can you explain how the earned income credit tax works?

    much appreciated!!

  • April 20, 2007 at 9:44 am
    Jewel says:
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    Sure. I didn\’t know how it worked either until I learned to prepare taxes.

    Essentially, when taxpayers file a return and don\’t get all their money back (or have to pay) there is obviously a surplus of funds. This money is then distributed to lower income individuals and/or families. Hence, a tax subsidy. I hope this explanation helps out a bit. If not, let me know.

    Let me further clarify (for others) that I do not really agree with the EIC; however, I am not going to raise a fuss about it either. I would prefer to help those less fortunate directly rather than in this manner. This would make me feel better because then I would know I was helping someone who really needs it. For example, just because someone claims EIC does not mean they are poor. They could have the financial support of a sugar daddy (or momma) and still take your tax dollars and mine. I don\’t mean to be blunt but it is true. I have seen it happen. I guess if we lived in a world where everything was fair, I wouldn\’t be talking about this situation.

  • April 20, 2007 at 1:59 am
    PLJ says:
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    Well said Jewel! I couldn\’t agree more!

  • April 25, 2007 at 1:37 am
    Jewel says:
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    Subject: RE: Better not come looking for a handout
    Posted On: April 19, 2007, 1:47 pm CDT
    Posted By: Adirondacker
    Tisk tisk Morcia… an ax to grind perhaps? What makes you believe the northeast would, as you put it, \”suck off the public teet\”? Just look at the good folks from New Hampshire, heck they even paint \”Live free or die\” on their license plates… not exactly a welfare state.

    Well, I guess this comment gets blown away now… considering N.H. just asked for $36 million for flood damages sustained less than a week after this comment was posted.

  • April 25, 2007 at 1:39 am
    Jewel says:
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    \”Strange that you haven\’t heard people from NJ, Boston, etc. asking for help after all the rain and flooding they\’ve had in the past week or people from the Midwest (after damages done by tornados/hail/flood/snows) asking for help the same way as some southeast coastal residents do.\” – Midwest

    So please give back the $109 million that the feds sent to Nebraska… and if they haven\’t sent it yet, don\’t bother sending $36 million to New Hampshire.

    Just trying to make a point… people all over the US ask for help. Either help out others when they need it (for when your turn comes) or no one helps anyone out at all.

  • April 25, 2007 at 1:45 am
    PLJ says:
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    New Hampshire is a live free state as long as you don\’t own property.
    THAT\’S where NH gets hit the hardest and where their taxes comes from.
    Learn their local government Jewel you can live no where for free.
    New Hampshire is actually quite expensive to live!
    Our government has it all figured out.
    It\’s checks and balances!Nobody gets a free ride.South Carolina is less expensive to live than NH.

  • April 25, 2007 at 1:49 am
    PLJ says:
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    Oh contrare Mass has asked for help! They weren\’t hit as hard as New Hampshire that\’s all.
    I have to say I have more respect for the state of Florida they are used to dealing with these sorts of crisis. The N.E.gets hit once in a while they are some of the richest states in the country and they are looking for handouts from the government?
    The problems is these states have not kept pace like Florida to be prepared for such losses. Shame on them!

  • April 25, 2007 at 3:33 am
    Adirondacker says:
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    My comments were for humor only; FEMA had earmarked millions for last year\’s flood in NH, no big mystery there… the live free or die line… truly a joke. I should know, I live up here… they DO have tax-free booze though!

  • April 25, 2007 at 3:39 am
    Jewel says:
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    daughter, actually ;)

    OK, I get it now… we should have audio so we can tell if a person is being sarcastic or not…

    next time I am up there, I will buy you some booze as an apology :)

  • April 26, 2007 at 9:44 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    You must realize that many here have not a clue about insurance, therefore their insane argmentative and conflicting statements.

  • April 26, 2007 at 10:24 am
    PLJ says:
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    Very well understood!

  • April 26, 2007 at 2:12 am
    Jewel says:
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    Great, right back at you.

  • April 26, 2007 at 3:34 am
    adjusterjoe says:
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    PLJ. She sits at her computer all day telling everyone they are stupid and wrong. She really has such little knowledge of insurance, you cannot hold a ocnversation with her. As I have said before, a light speed study could be completed just above her head as that is the speed at which the simplist of concepts zoom past her.

  • April 26, 2007 at 3:55 am
    JeweI says:
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    Speaking of posting all day, did you have fun posting as me all day?

    Get a life Joe. Tell your mom to get one too.

  • August 20, 2007 at 6:41 am
    Shahsem says:
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    Hey All ! ! !
    Successful people say “Time is money”,
    go Clock ,
    and make sure that …

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