Sens. Dorgan, Specter Move to Halt Mexican Trucks in U.S.

September 11, 2007

  • September 12, 2007 at 7:01 am
    lastbat says:
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    Mexico is already divided into states. I don’t know how many, but it’s a lot.

    We would also inherit all that poverty, decay and corruption. I can’t think of too many people who would agree with annexing Mexico. We had our chance back in the day when we marched all the way too Mexico City and settle for taking half the country (CA, AZ, NM and I’m forgetting some territory). I’m not too sure Mexico would like being annexed.

    Though I agree it would end a huge chunk of our current problems it would probably just replace them with more. Interesting thought though.

  • September 12, 2007 at 8:51 am
    Northbounder says:
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    Why worry? Have applicant Mexican trucks inspected in the US by US entities in the Trade Zone, and if they meet the requirements, have the drivers go through proper training certification, licensing and every requirement IN the US, you’ll see progress.

    The real problem is MONEY: are your truckers able to compete? These Mexican drivers -and I know a lot of good ones- are paid real low labor rates! Imagine a company offering WalMart a cargo agreement for $300 billion/year worth of merchandise at $4.62 per hour less meals less lodging? They’d go for it like thunder!

  • September 12, 2007 at 9:25 am
    Jose Canusi says:
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    With the outsourcing of American manufacturing jobs to Mexico (to take advantage of cheap labor without the higher cost of overseas shipping) it was only a matter of time to allow even more cheap labor to move the cheap labor made product throuout our country. This will take a toll on one of the last bastians of DECENT PAYING JOBS FOR THE AVERAGE, MIDDLE CLASS AMERICAN WORKER, Truck Driving. Although, American truckers can return the favor and deliver our goods into Mexico. Yea Right! Would you want to deliver a truck load of extremely valuable and desireable goods deep into Mexico? If the American truck driver survived the highjacking without being killed, what recourse would the American truck driver have within Mexico? NONE. The American trucking COMPANY would be lible for injuries and trauma for not hiring ARMED SECURITY to protect their drivers while in Mexico. What American trucking company would pay extra for this. Goods going from America to Mexico will be dropped at the border as always. There will be NO RECIPROCITY, furthermore are Mexican maps accurate? At least with Canada, we have true reciprocity, and Canadian drivers make MORE than American drivers, so the chances of Canadian trucking companies setting up shop in America and moving Canadians to America for HIGHER PAYING jobs in American is NON EXISTANT. However, if I were an eterprising Mexican trucking company, I would move my terminals and bring my Mexican, LOWER PAID DRIVERS all accross America and UNDERCUT the existing price base for transporting goods in America.

    The American laboring (middle?) class is under assault by corporate outsourcing and insourcing to satisfy the corporate quest for lower labor costs. The reason lower labor costs are prevelent is because the people willing to work for LESS have a MUCH LOWER STANDARD OF LIVING than what the AMERICAN LABORERS FOREFATHERS FAUGHT FOR. When the American laborer is willing or has been reduced to LIVING IN A HUT or THREE FAMILIES TO A SMALL APARTMENT, Willing to LIVE AT THE FACTORY, willing to ride a bicycle, willing to or reduced to social handouts like Medicaid, food stamps etc… THEN and only then, when the American laboer’s standard of living has been REDUCED to that of his cheap labor rivals, will the American laborer be appreciated and welcomed back to the job by his corporate employer, at a much lower hourly wage of course.

    I liken the American trucker to that a conteporary Cowboy. Unfortunately, like the cowboys of the old west, I fear their demise’ as our government has reduced them to fodder with this legislation.

    The President says his primary job is PROTECTING AMERICA, but not necessarily AMERICAN JOBS. Is there irony here?

    Yippie Kay Yea!

  • September 12, 2007 at 10:18 am
    lastbat says:
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    I’m not a NAFTA fan in the least, but as long as the trucks are inspected as they are supposed to be and meet our safety standards I don’t see a problem.

  • September 12, 2007 at 12:51 pm
    Scott says:
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    …and drugs, and weapons. What about insurance requirements? This is a bad idea all around.

  • September 12, 2007 at 1:19 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    For some people it appears that it’s more a problem that they are Mexican than anything else. Let’s do what we can to make sure they comply with our laws and forget the remarks about how awful “those people” are. We have a few poorly maintained trucks in this country too.

  • September 12, 2007 at 1:39 am
    Al says:
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    Yeah, but I think that our standards might be higher than theirs. “Those poeple” are a 3rd world feudal mess with a well-deserved reputation for sloth and ignorance. Nobody worries about Canada, probably not even you. The fact that it’s Mexico is why we’re even talking about it.

  • September 12, 2007 at 1:54 am
    lastbat says:
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    I had an uncle who ran trucks that were a miracle of duct tape technology and knew how to beat the system. I’m not worried the trucks are from Mexico, I want to ensure they are up to par when they get here. The same goes for Canadian trucks. The same goes for American trucks.

    And if someone wanted to smuggle in a dirty bomb they could do that now.

  • September 12, 2007 at 2:06 am
    Texan says:
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    Having lived in Texas all my life, I’m used to dealing with folks from Mexico (although they are becoming a majority now). Now y’all in other states can see what we have to put up with – drivers who cannot read English and are unaware of Federal & State traffic right-of-way laws, for one thing. Also, everyone here knows the majority of business & governmental entities in Tijuana are run based on bribery… it’s just el sistema (the system)! So a truck that’s been “inspected” in Tijuana….?? Ha!

  • September 12, 2007 at 2:41 am
    Al says:
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    Lastbat will come back with, “Well, there’s bribery in the US too…”

    It’s like Geraldo Rivera complaining when people mention that another murderer of US citizens is an illegal Mexican or Salvadoran etc, as if we aren’t supposed to realize that if these turds weren’t here their victims would still be alive.

    Sure, maybe there are US truckers who bribe officials here, but that’s bad enough without importing more problems from the third world.

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:10 am
    BIG AL says:
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    Instead of dwelling on concerns such as ethnicity, why not focus on suggestions that might resolve the problem. How about U.S. vehicle and cargo inspection – U.S. driver licensing – laws covering vehicle safety, insurance requirements, etc. Are the roads that cross Mexico all one-way streets?

    Too often we are willing to oppose a change for the wrong reasons, and offer little to remedy the condition.

    Do not be blinded by personal dislikes – look a what is fair and equitable for all!

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:13 am
    Dread says:
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    Instead of banning Mexican trucks………..let’s ban MEXICANS.

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:21 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Now there you go, nothing subtle here. Let’s just allow our racism to be out in the open. Damn dirty Mexicans.

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:26 am
    Ray Shashana says:
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    Some of you folks dont know what you are talking about. Before getting into the insurance business I drove a truck in Mexico for more than 20 years.

    The people work hard and deserve a break from the US. Are the trucks in as good of shape as ones in the US?

    Not by a long shot, but when driven at much slower speeds they are not nearly as dangerous as some people say.

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:30 am
    Dread says:
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    Dear Nobody: It’s not racism at all and shame on you for trying to make it so. America is having enough financial difficulty today without having to subsidize illegals who just want to come here because it’s better for them. It’s not like they’re making significant contributions. They want the benefits and it remains to be seen if they can “earn their keep”. Do you ever have anything to say other than the bleeding heart routine?

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:31 am
    Nancy says:
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    The same can be said of Canada and “terrorists” sneaking bombs, etc. via Canadian routes. Why aren’t you worried about that? Why only against Mexico.

    If these truck pass inspections, are safe and have proof of valid and collectable insurance then why not let them in the US?

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:39 am
    Bin says:
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    Nancy, I think its more likely that terrsts would come in through the Mexican border. They even have the same skin color.

    Its not really related to this issue though because if terrsts wanted to come into this country with bombs they could have done it long ago – Just walk accross the open Mexican American border.

    But you see, there are no terrerists, so thats not gonna happen, if it was, it coulda been done LONG AGO.

    Its been 6 years folks…. and nothing.

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:48 am
    Al says:
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    Wow, I didn’t know that Mexican was an ethnicity. Does that mean they’re all the same? Thanks for that.

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:54 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Where did you see the word illegals in my posts? I am not in favor of any illegals being in this country. The post I referred to is blatantly racist. If you can’t see that you are blind.

  • September 12, 2007 at 3:54 am
    Ray Shashana says:
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    You learn something ever day I guess. I lived down there for a while as I said. And yes they are all the same ethnicity and are all very similar. Pretty much all good people in my experience.

  • September 12, 2007 at 4:07 am
    Johnny says:
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    Wow Al I am so surprised that you can type so well under your KKK hood. Your racism really erodes the little credibility that you have.

  • September 12, 2007 at 4:12 am
    Nancy says:
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    Wow Bin you’re not only stupid but a racist, what a combo. So basically your post has told me nothing and added irrelevance. Please do the human race a favor and don’t breed and please kill yourself immediately.

  • September 12, 2007 at 6:09 am
    lastbat says:
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    No Al, sorry to disappoint. Bribery in the U.S. is not systemic. All I’m saying is that as long as our laws and standards are met, and our weigh stations inspect for those, I’m fine with truckers from Canada and Mexico being on the roads.

    That being said it may be easier to continue on the vein we’ve already started, by vetting certain companies. We can work on exanding the program from there.

  • September 12, 2007 at 6:12 am
    mexican says:
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    I think we ought to make Mexico a series of new States. That way we not only get the population, which is by and large very honest, hard-working and industrious, but we get all those wonderful natural resources, beaches, resorts, etc. We could divide Mexico into three new States and our border problems and NAFTA discord would immediately vanish.

  • September 13, 2007 at 7:40 am
    Al says:
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    Really? What did I say that was “racist”? Shall we just start calling names now or do you want to make an intelligent comment?

  • September 13, 2007 at 8:06 am
    Dread says:
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    NobodyImportant: “if you can’t see that you are blind.” What smug, self-righteous remark……that doesn’t surprise me in the least. Look up the word “racist” in the dictionary and you’ll see your picture next to the definition. Have fun in your “happy place”.

  • September 13, 2007 at 8:48 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Al & Dread, you must be joking. The racism is obvious in Al’s post. Sounds like the nutters are out in force again this morning.

  • September 13, 2007 at 9:40 am
    KLS says:
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    Well stated, Jose.

    Mexican trucks entering the US does not bode well for American truckers.

  • September 13, 2007 at 11:40 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    I think this statement qualifies.

    Those poeple” are a 3rd world feudal mess with a well-deserved reputation for sloth and ignorance.

    You probably aren’t bright enough to understand what you said. “commie, homo” You certainly are an intelletual giant. You and Dread must have the same toilet training. You can call me all the names you want moron and it won’t change my view of your ignorant rantings.

  • September 13, 2007 at 11:48 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    If they are paid that much less they will drag down the pay of our truckers. I doubt that the Mexican truckers pay will come up to meet competition. Too bad for our truckers. They earn every dollar they make. We are going to have to learn to live with international competition, NAFTA or not. It’s not going away.

  • September 13, 2007 at 12:12 pm
    Al says:
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    Fact 1)The population of Mexico that is below the poverty line is 40%.

    Fact 2) They receive over $1B a year in foreign aid.

    Fact 3) The population is 60% mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish), 30% Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian, 9% white and 1% other. Hardly the homogeneity of Sweden, so I don’t see how pointing out negative facts about Mexico is racist.

    Fact 4) Mexico is rich in petroleum, silver, copper, gold, lead, zinc, natural gas and timber, and yet 40% of the population is in poverty, while unemployment is less than 4%.

    Summary: a basket case economy despite rich natural wealth. Wonder why?

  • September 13, 2007 at 1:44 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Read your prior posts. This is the first one that purported to show anything resembling facts. If you want to say that the entire population of the country is lazy, go ahead. I just think that point of view is ignorant. By the way, once again, I support legal, not illegal immigration. I don’t want anyone in this country illegally. Illegal means against the law. If you are here illegally, regardless of race, religion or place of origin, you should immediately be placed in a bus back to wherever you came from. Geraldo is an idiot.

  • September 13, 2007 at 4:13 am
    Nancy says:
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    Calling Mexicans tacos and saying they live in Tacoland is extremely racist. Calling you a racist is not name calling it’s just pointing out a fact.

  • September 13, 2007 at 4:15 am
    Nancy says:
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    Wow not only is Al racist but homophobic and xenophobic. Gosh Al is just the pillar of christianity isn’t he?

  • September 14, 2007 at 7:45 am
    Dread says:
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    Nobody Important & Nancy: You two have taken a page out of Al Sharpton’s book. If you’re inclined to do so, you’ll think you see racism in every situation that involves people of other ethnic origins. Tell me this……I’ve never heard any Mexicans claim racism……..only you, why is that? There’s only one race that has the corner on the racism market…….and that’s not racism……just fact.

  • September 14, 2007 at 1:34 am
    Nancy says:
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    Dread you are dumber than a rock. You also suck and that’s too bad.

  • September 14, 2007 at 3:11 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Don’t insult rocks that way. Dread lives under them.

  • September 14, 2007 at 3:14 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    On second thought, a serious response. I can’t believe that what I thought was a fairly obvious racial(or ethnic) slur is being defended so much. I have known a lot of people Dread, and you aren’t one of them.

  • September 14, 2007 at 5:17 am
    Nancy says:
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    Thanks for the laugh N.I. I guess idiots like Dread can only respond with idiotic answers. I never search for racism in things like Dread said but please… the racism in Al’s statement was as blatant as a burning cross.

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