Democrats Push OSHA to Regulate Worksites with Popcorn Flavoring

By | September 28, 2007

  • September 28, 2007 at 9:00 am
    Cap says:
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    A misinformed Congress passes yet another meaningless, expensive law, ignoring two regulatory bodies that exist to manage this – OSHA and the FDA. On evidence from ONE unproven study.

    When are these schmucks going to stop passing bills that don’t matter and no one cares about and start DOING something?

  • September 28, 2007 at 9:53 am
    Mark says:
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    or so they think.

  • September 28, 2007 at 11:29 am
    a says:
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    Let’s see, medical evidence is found that inhaling this chemical causes lung disease so severe that sufferers require lung transplants. And some people react to Congress taking action with knee-jerk anti-government rhetoric? That’s more than enough reason to vote out anyone with an “R” after their name. News bulletin: Ronald Reagan was wrong. Government is not the problem. Profit at all cost is. And here’s a novel idea: instead of using a dangerous butter-flavored chemical, why not just put butter on the popcorn?

  • September 28, 2007 at 12:07 pm
    Nobody Important says:
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    One undocumented unproven case and you are willing to ban the product. You must be a liberal. Sorry about the politics, but this opinion is just so, how can I say it, dumb!

  • September 28, 2007 at 1:08 am
    Cap says:
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    Congress did this because it was a “safe” vote that sounds good if you only read the first three sentences of any article about it – which is all the average -D voter ever does.

    It’s not that taking safety measures is somehow stupid or wrong, it’s that Congress thinks that they are even minutely capable of understanding this better than the people appointed to manage it. They’re wasting their time on this instead of solving our actual problems.

  • September 28, 2007 at 1:36 am
    Proof Positive says:
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    This is proof positive that politicans don’t have enough time or brains to occupy their time with important matters. Doesn’t matter if it’s D or R, they are all the same it seems.

  • September 28, 2007 at 1:44 am
    Willy says:
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    Where does the constitution give the US Congress the right to regulate popcorn flavoring. Failure to cite article and section means that you don’t care what the Constitution says, meaning that you are a nascent Stalinist.

  • September 28, 2007 at 2:45 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    Nanny goverment at it’s best. After all it takes a, village to spend your money.

  • October 4, 2007 at 3:23 am
    DJ says:
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    The one person who was harmed by this popcorn did two bags of it per day for ten years and deliberately inhaled the fumes because they smelled good.
    I do not think that justifies further regulation. But certain elements will regulate anything…its not about protecting people, it is all about exerting power.

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