Congressional Report Questions Germ Labs’ Security

By Larry Margasak | October 5, 2007

  • October 5, 2007 at 10:16 am
    lastbat says:
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    I’m not one to think we need to worry our heads off about NBC attacks because they are very difficult to pull off. However it would make me feel more comfortable if the government at least knew where these labs are.

    “Well, we know where the monkeypox is but not the HIV. That’s okay – we need to wipe out the gays anyway.” (satire, people!)

    It’s good to know I have fewer freedoms and the government still can’t get the basics right. How about spending the money on tracking these labs and let me wear my shoes at the airport? Maybe if you want to actually protect the labs I can take my deodorant and toothpaste on the plane too?

  • October 5, 2007 at 12:49 pm
    Pogo says:
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    Way to go neocon, nutball, outsourcing minimalist government guys! This place is falling apart–and in some very frightening ways.

    Let’s get one of those mercenary armies we lavish money on in Iraq to go out on our streets to protect us against our government’s shorthandedness and incompetence! In a defensive mode only of course–that ought to cut the body count by a third or so.

    Better yet, let’s follow that classic neocon script–deregulate, underfund, wait for the shock loss event and then profit with calls to privatize.

    Who needs terrorists when the lab workers won’t report incidents so they don’t put their jobs at risk.

    Time for new and different leadership and ideas.

    “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    Oh, I almost forgot–“Libby-Cheney 2008! Eight more years of Shadow Government!”


  • October 5, 2007 at 12:50 pm
    At least they were honest says:
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    At least now they may have better info in place to know where these labs are. This might be at time they can find their butts with both hands.

  • October 5, 2007 at 12:59 pm
    The All Seeing says:
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    Government by definition is totally incompetent at whatever task it undertakes-except killing people. It achieves that with chilling efficiency (Stalin: 30 million; Pol Pot: millions; Hitler: 6+ million; Bush & Co.-about one million & counting). Or the mother recently killed in the Phoenix airport by those illustrious TSA agents and the Phoenix police (she had it coming of course-for all who don’t get it, that was a sarcastic remark).

    My wife & I flew recently. She accidentally packed a-are you ready for this?-6 oz. tube of toothpaste in her luggage!!!!! Somehow, this deadly tube of toothpaste/deadly explosive/other instrument of terrorism (just think how many people we could have killed by cleaning more teeth with that extra 3 oz!) got by those intrepid airport screeners. I bet that everyone in this here nation sensed the danger as we boarded that flight with sub-conscious terroristic intentions! My God! It’s a wonder that anyone is still alive to read this!

  • October 5, 2007 at 1:04 am
    M says:
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    I for one do not feel safer. Isn’t it funny how the government Or the US press always says “hey citizens of the USA, this is waht you need to worry about today. This germ lab over at 123 Main Street has 17 deadly virus. We need to be careful because terrorist could attack it.” Come on people – lets stop drawing this guys maps & giving them new ideas. I DON’t want to hear the news talk about how they did an undercoiver story & infiltrated the airport security by doing a certain thing. I really would like to sleep again at night.

  • October 5, 2007 at 1:40 am
    Mary B. says:
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    That woman in Phoenix killed herself. She was a total nutter and bascially brought on everything that happened to her. From everything I have read, she appeared to be mean, mediocre and full of entitlement. Of course the family is going to blame everyone but the dead woman as the police and the airport have deep pockets and, of course, there is no concept of personal responsibility or accountibility in this country. No sarcasm in this post.

  • October 5, 2007 at 4:28 am
    Only in America says:
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    Only in America would we post the locations of “secret” labs, but we even publish what is handled there! Go figure.

  • October 7, 2007 at 7:31 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    The fruit bats are out on this line.

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