CNA Gives Restructuring Details

November 7, 2007

  • November 7, 2007 at 8:03 am
    gaskier says:
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    This company is laying off seasoned underwriters and claims people to balance their budget.

    Underwriters and claims people which have 20 years of experience and most likely make too much money now that they have build the current book of successful business.

    The top managment of this company needs to be readjusted. They get greedy, they get big bonuses for cutting cost and service. They like to run it on and off to fit the top executives bonus programs.

    I am not happy with them right now.
    Good luck experience underwriter, claims and loss control people.

    For the people who saved this company.

  • November 7, 2007 at 2:33 am
    Kent says:
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    I just love quotes like these ;

    “we are going to create a more streamlined, customer focused operating structure” and ….. “make it easier for agents to do business with us.”

    If they would have listened to me I was preaching this 10 years ago to CNA. I wonder if they have a job for me in the ivory tower. As a bonus, I have stockpiled numerous catch phrases I’d love to get quoted. Heres an example, “At the end of the day, our customers will tell us if we are on right track”

  • November 7, 2007 at 2:48 am
    Believer says:
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    Kent, I couldn’t agree with you more. As a ten year CNA employee and an eighteen year independent agency representative for CNA, many of us tried to tell them withdrawing to their ivory tower (which in actuality is red, not ivory) was not the answer to success. Maybe they need to understand their customer is THE INDEPENDENT AGENT!! The tragedy of that is that they are not alone in the situation.

  • November 7, 2007 at 3:03 am
    JB says:
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    This is right on time…you can set your stopwatch by the 5 year cycle of reorg.
    The government tax write-off rules won’t let them lay off employees but every 5 years. I got caught up in the last one.
    They have to show action or the top flops.
    Good luck to the poor employees ( usually the ones that are over 50)that get caught up in the roll.

  • November 8, 2007 at 4:07 am
    N.Judge says:
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    I’d heard that they recently laid off some very senior claim staff; should have known it impacted more. Getting thrown out at 58 or 59 is a very scary thing. No one will hire you, they certainly won’t pay you what you’d been paid and yet you can’t really retire. And for many, they haven’t looked for a job in 25 years. But we all know there’s no real loyalty on either side of the employment aisle any more.

  • January 28, 2008 at 9:35 am
    Harry Ducey says:
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    I am studying CNA’s dumping and downsizing of product lines and people. My former wife had a PS 1 long-term care policy, and was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I am looking for employees, and agents who wrote, sold, or worked in the claims department, so they can help send a message to the present decision makers.

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