Fraud Investigators Brace for Arsons from Subprime Mortgage Crisis

December 3, 2007

  • December 3, 2007 at 7:50 am
    Hillary will save us all. says:
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    Lie #1 The check is in the mail.
    Lie #2 Don’t worry baby I won’t…
    Lie #3 Your Government is here to help.

    Hillary should easily win her 3rd term next Fall. She will fix everything. Vote for Hillary and vote often.

  • December 3, 2007 at 12:53 pm
    Saints Fan says:
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    I’m just going to put it out there…

    Sam White is an idiot and makes race relations even worse. Try to work things out with the lender and move on. Don’t make a bad situation worse, doggonit!

  • December 3, 2007 at 1:11 am
    Worried Prodcuer says:
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    How so? He’s only reporting the facts – he didn’t make any of this up! It is what it is, and if anyone should be accused of racism, it should be the homeowner that was puposely trying to defraud his insurance company by making the fire look like a hate crime.

  • December 3, 2007 at 1:15 am
    Saints Fan says:
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    I think that was what I was doing. I am referring to the stupid homeowner.

  • December 3, 2007 at 1:29 am
    Matthew says:
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    Oh please, spray painting racial slurs is so 1960!

  • December 3, 2007 at 3:00 am
    Dread says:
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    Samuel White is the epitome of a bigot and a racist. As usual, he tries to blame whites for his own stupidity and poor judgement by playing the race card. It’s amazing how low some people will stoop to take care of their sorry a s s es. These people obviously had no equity to secure their shaky mortgages so the least they can do is let it foreclose. They won’t see a penny of insurance money, assuming they had any insurance to begin with.

  • December 3, 2007 at 4:08 am
    another guy named Rick says:
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    I’ve heard it also cures arthritis, rheumetism, bunyons, acne and bad breath ;o)

  • December 4, 2007 at 9:47 am
    N. Judge says:
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    This is about an idiot or committed arson and used what is real – and not “so 60’s” but still happens – to attempt to mask his crime. When the insurance was issued, his credit score was probably fine. But so many people are in financial trouble – particularly middle class, middle managers who stretched with creative financing to get into home they really couldn’t afford. They were thinking that with appreciation they could refinance, take the appreciation to put on the principal and finance a lower mortgage amount even if the rates went up. Or they were lulled into believing the rates would not go up. Either way, they were not prepared for their homes to not appreciate. And the mortgage companies were more than happy to lead unsuspecting homeowners down this path. I don’t mean to say the homeowners are blameless. I’m just try to explain the desperation of those who find themselves in this situation. They’re usually middle income workers who have just gotten over their heads. It’s a unfortunately coincidence that those chose the black guy to highlight this growing trend.

    Now, why is it that if women use their wiles we don’t refer to “using the female card” and if a white person says oh my family is from County Cork, we don’t refer to it as “using the Irish card?” Human beings all use whatever THINK might be an advantage for them at a given time or place.

  • December 4, 2007 at 10:52 am
    Reggie says:
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    I believe that this is someone conspiring against Mr Sam White (perhaps a white arson investgator, or insurance commissioner). Why would a black person spray paint racial slurs in there own house? Come on people, this is not something black people do to there own house. It’s a shame that this man is a victim of a hate crime, and now they are saying he did this. White America is trying to destory our communities.

  • December 4, 2007 at 12:01 pm
    N. Judge says:
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    Interesting take but we KNOW that any people are capable of any thing. And let’s not forget Tywanna Brawley. But really that is just not the point. This issue of subprime lenders and all of the people out there who live in homes where they put little to nothing down, the home depreciates and they’re left with these mortgages they couldn’t handle if they ate crackers for every meal and turned in their cars for bikes. Do we want government bailing them out? The very people who scream for small government will want to be bailed out of their own greed. If people didn’t buy houses they couldn’t really afford, they wouldn’t be in drive to desperate measures.

  • December 4, 2007 at 12:04 pm
    N. Judge says:
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    Pardon the typos below. They wouldn’t be driven to desperate measures such as burning down their own homes.

  • December 4, 2007 at 12:46 pm
    Dustin says:
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    Agreed. I feel that the subprime meltdown has been a product of some predatory lending; however, we must all take responsibility for our actions. If you make 75k a year, it might not be a good idea to buy a 500k house. My wife and I make good money, but we live in a modest house. Sure, I want a 2 car garage, kitchen with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, 2500 square feet, and all the great things that several people who live just down the road from me have. The reality it, at this point in my life, I can’t do that. My wife and I made a conscious decision to not work to make a house payment, or have a house we can’t afford. Just because the bank can give you the loan, doesn’t mean you should take the loan!

  • December 4, 2007 at 12:54 pm
    Compman says:
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    Reggie, I hope your comments were sarcasm as if they weren’t, you need to pull your head out of the sand. Just because you might be the same color as someone, doesn’t mean they are not guilty of a crime.

    As for these poor people who are thinking of torching their homes, if you hadn’t bitten off more than you could chew from the beginning, you would not be in this predicament. I know people in my neighborhood who make less than half I make and bought twice as much house as they could afford. Stupidity should not be rewarded.

    If you couldn’t understand the contract, you shouldn’t be buying a house.

  • December 4, 2007 at 12:56 pm
    Dustin says:
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    I think he means Reggie as in Reggie Jackson. I too was worried at first, but I think he meant it sarcastically.

  • December 4, 2007 at 1:01 am
    Saints Fan says:
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    As I might have stated before, we all might not like the notion of bailing people out but I would rather bail fellow Americans out than Iraqis that hate our guts anyday…and North & South Koreans, the Afghans, the Pakistanis, etc., etc.

    I also agree with not taking on more than you can afford but personally speaking, having to wait on Road Home and insurance funds at one point is exhausting and I have a great paying job (now!) with a great interest rate. Thing happen to people – natural disasters, lay-offs and not matter how much you save or how much fortitude you THINK you have, lose everything due to the above and see what happens. You can all the money in the world but at the end have only a piece of a mind while trying to get things back together again. Sam White was desperate and stupid and I am sure there are other cases where people have committed despicable acts too. I think sometimes the IJ zeroes in one case that can cause an incendiary reaction and stir up a debate that doesn’t need to occur in the first place and then again most times people like to look for smoke where there’s no fire too.

  • December 4, 2007 at 1:20 am
    Compman says:
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    Sorry Saints Fan, I do not agree with a govt bailout. Now as far as the negotiations to freeze the rates for 12 months for current up to date homeowner’s, I say ok for that as it is not govt money. What is to stop these people from doing it again if they are bailed out. No pain, no gain. Plus, a lot of these forclosures are speculators and not from sub prime loans. Everybody thinks this whole forclosure issue is about sub-prime lending. Well, there is plenty of regular loans going bad too from people who just bought more house they could afford. They were betting on appreciation and the ability to flip the house because if they were going to keep it past 3 years, they knew perfectly well there payments would go up.

  • December 4, 2007 at 2:20 am
    N. Judge says:
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    One of the problems with bailing people out is that they are rewarded for their avarice. If you were conservative and didn’t buy all of the house that some lender would afford you, with a bail out the irresponsible buy is in better shape because the government helps him stay in a better house. I’d prefer to help the people who are in trouble through no fault of their own – catastrophic loss, major uncovered healthcare issue with no income for a lengthy period of time – before I’d help someone who just bit off more house than they could pay.

  • December 4, 2007 at 3:46 am
    Reggie says:
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    This is not being sarcastic and no my last name is not Jackson. You must think all African American people have the last name Jackson. I don’t have time for you.

  • December 4, 2007 at 3:55 am
    Compman says:
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    Wow, just wow. Think about it. If there was any inkling of a set up or any way to spin a set up of this black man, the “justice brothers” Jesse and Al would be jumping on this in a heartbeat to line their own pockets. There absence pretty much proves this guy is guilty. This is no different than a white jewish guy painting swatstikas on his walls to make people think it was a hate crime. If the black population wouldn’t cry racist all the time and take responsibility for their actions, maybe you would get a fair shake.
    By always claiming “them man” is keeping you down, you only emasculate yourselves.

  • December 4, 2007 at 6:18 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    would suggest that a member of his race was incapable of committing heinous crime.

  • December 5, 2007 at 7:27 am
    Dustin says:
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    I just gave you the benefit of the doubt that you weren’t a complete looney. Guess I was wrong. I was hoping you were being sarcastic and saying what Al or Reggie might say in this situation. Thankfully you don’t have time to come up with another half brained response.

  • December 7, 2007 at 1:48 am
    Mia says:
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    The problem with that line of thinking is that the borrowers did not just “bite off more than they can chew”. It should be noted that 10 years ago in order to secure a mortgage it was mandatory to have good credit, and at least 10% – 20% down payment. What happened about 5 years ago was the lending institutions opened the floodgates for anyone with a pulse to obtain a mortgage. They advertised bad credit, no credit, no money down financing. It was everywhere and every lender in the country had one or more of these types of programs available. They advertised “fire your landlord”, “pay less then what you pay for rent”. Their target market was poor to middle class working RENTERS. Very few tax and insurance escrow accounts were made mandatory and almost NO ONE was required to pay the private mortgage insurance premium. This epidemic has now reached rich, middle and the poor working class. It has affected black, white, yellow, and brown people. The inner city and suburbs in every state in the country. So do we place all blame on the borrowers who were basically seduced and entrapped into purchasing these homes? They were sold into the loan the same way that everyone else was. Expecting to gain equity in a few years, so they can refinance or sell. So should the unsuspecting and usually naive first time borrowers be punished for the industry’s blatant attempt to erase financing requirements? Allowing someone with bad credit to purchase a home, does not make them responsible borrower. Most credit companies know that. You can’t get a credit card with bad credit, so why would lenders offer homes to people with bad credit???

  • December 10, 2007 at 9:40 am
    James says:
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    Who are the yellow people?

  • December 10, 2007 at 10:10 am
    Compman says:
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    James, the yellow people come from the planet Kumquat. It is just about 2 billion miles from Saturn. Doesn’t everyboby know this?

  • December 10, 2007 at 10:21 am
    Anonymous says:
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    You can’t get a credit card with bad credit, so why would lenders offer homes to people with bad credit???

    The answer…with a mortgage, the lenders have some recourse since it is a secured debt, they can foreclose and THEY now own your home.

  • December 10, 2007 at 10:22 am
    Saints Fan says:
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    Thanks, Mia

    Also, at that time you could use whichever spouse’s credit was better. Now it’s contingent on both credit scores. That’s another way even great companies like Suntrust also got people into homes. And at that time, apartments were losing out on so much money because people were getting into homes, that apartment owners drastically dropped their rates in Atlanta. It’s no wonder that Atlanta, Georgia is in the top five for foreclosures. Now, you see some vacancy at apartments but not the great deals and new ones are going up every other week to accomodate those unfortunate souls that will go from mortgage payments to rent payments.

  • December 19, 2007 at 9:26 am
    greer says:
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    The person who wrote this silly, insulting response it is clear that the writer did not get a decent elementary school education.

    Sir, “their” is possessive.

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