P/C Insurers’ Net Income, Surplus Rose But Profitability Dropped

December 27, 2007

  • December 28, 2007 at 12:00 pm
    Unknown says:
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    12-28-07 I have recently discovered that ISO is growing in some very interesting ways! ISO said in the above article, “ISO estimates that net loss and loss adjustment expenses increased $12.5 billion, or 6.2 percent, to $214.5 billion in the first nine months of 2007”. (Notice 214.5 Billion) Also stated, “According to ISO’s Property Claim Services (PCS) unit, catastrophes occurring in the first nine months of 2007 caused $4.8 billion in direct insured losses to property”. (Notice Property Claim Services) Recently, “this year” ISO purchased the largest property damage software company called “Xactimate”and or Xactware! Now they started a claims business and also have claims history databases, such as INDEX, PILR and more that were purchased a couple of years ago!

    This activity should be a concern to everyone in our industry and everyone should request a copy of his or her data on themselves from ISO. Note they will decline on detailed information about you and try to have you sign a waiver! This is very Scary!

    Good Luck and Have a Great New Year!!

  • December 29, 2007 at 5:16 am
    short memories says:
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    Please tell more on this .. Less jobs more greed..

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