Despite Higher Costs, Insurers Encourage ‘Green’ Rebuilding of Homes

By Lauren Villagran | January 10, 2008

  • January 10, 2008 at 11:33 am
    Dave says:
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    I don’t get it. So their house burned down, and in response they’re rebuilding using wood framing; albeit it being sustainably grown. It’s still going to burn next time. And solar panels don’t do a whole lot when they’re charred to a crisp. It typically takes at least 7 years to break even with a well planned solar setup.

    What they should be doing is focusing on building fire-resistant houses that are built partially underground. By being below ground level, they will see massive increases in energy efficiency, not to mention less material exposed to the fire. Build the above ground portion with a fireproof material and they’d be much better off.

    If anyone’s interested in other energy saving techniques, check out . The website has TONS of info on everything from solar to geothermal to wind for consumers, as well as really interesting info on larger commercial/industrial design plans.

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