Democrats Blast FDA Labeling Rule as Product Liability Shield for Drug Makers

By | January 25, 2008

  • January 25, 2008 at 1:46 am
    Matt says:
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    For a manufacturer such as pharmaceuticals mfg, “failure to warn” is an element of negligence.

    I do not have a legal background. But I would think that if a manufacturer was unable to warn the consumer due to federal regulation then that may be a valid defense against a “failure to warn” negligence accusation.

    Could one counter that defense by claiming the negligence was on the failure to include a proper warning on the original label?

  • January 25, 2008 at 1:49 am
    patriot says:
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    I wonder how they will survive after they have destroyed this country, starting with business, then you and ME!

    When it comes down to ME (!) I get damn nasty.

  • January 25, 2008 at 2:22 am
    My Friend says:
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    Died last December age 50.

    Uterine cancer at 19; radical hysterectomy at 20; many many health problems throughout her life.

    Where were the warnings for the DES that was prescribed for no apparant reason for 18 years!

  • January 25, 2008 at 3:27 am
    Casual Observer says:
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    Bush wants the FDA to make it harder for drug companies to warn the public if it is discovered that their products produce more harmful or severe side effects…and the Democrats are the bad guys?

    Patriot, you’re a totalitarian’s wet dream

  • January 25, 2008 at 3:35 am
    Killer says:
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    Finally someone is standing up to the Bush admin as they roll over to large corporations at the cost of the American people.

    At least there are still enough a holes like the poeple on this list that are like sheep and will vote republican no matter how bad things get.

  • January 25, 2008 at 3:56 am
    Patriot 2 says:
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    Oh the great Dem humanitarians. All they care about is that their ambulance chaser friends and campaign contributors are protected. Sure they care about people being able to sue manufacturers, but only because it lines the plaintiffs’ lawyers pockets and their own, too.

  • January 25, 2008 at 4:33 am
    Difference between Dems & Reps says:
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    All politicians are as you describe. The only difference between Democrats & Republicans is that the Dems let the money slip through the poor people’s fingers before they steal it.

  • January 25, 2008 at 4:48 am
    lastbat says:
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    Let’s look at this politically – at long last the Democrats are standing up for a good-ol’-fashioned Conservative Republican value . . . smaller government.

    Yup, Republicans are supposed to stand for less government intervention, so by making it easier for pharmaceutical companies to alter their labels, by cutting out the FDA, the Democrats are upholding Republican values.

    I have always said there’s no real difference between the parties (sarcasm thick as mold on month-old cheese).

  • January 27, 2008 at 12:09 pm
    RC Barron says:
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    Big Surprise. The Bush administration has effectively reversed the purpose of so many of our Institutions that were originally formed to honor the intent of our founders. They were formed to protect “We The People” from powerful Corporations, Religions, Organizations or overly ambitious Individuals from gaining too much control over “The People. Instead, Bush has literally, and without shame, ransacked them and filled them with the very people these organizations were set up to protect us against. As a bonus they even get to us U.S. tax payer money to do their own bidding! The FDA has never been so ineffective at protecting her people…should this surprise anyone? Poor Bush! Who would have guessed a U.S. President would do so much harm to our great nation.

  • January 27, 2008 at 12:11 pm
    RC Barron says:
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    How is it smaller government to control when a company can warn it’s consumers of dangers?? It’s hilarious how “small government” folks love big government when it lines their pockets! LOL What a joke.

  • January 28, 2008 at 10:02 am
    wudchuck says:
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    it does not matter whom you are (democrat or republican) both have to work to give us a solution. don’t always try to blame bush or chaney, because they don’t control your life!!! why does it take so long for the FDA to approve a label? if it is a warning, it should go on. how big does your bottle have to be? how many warnings can they write? afterall, i look at my prescription bottle for my dau’s surgery and it’s got warning labels on the side sideways to fit them in. when is enough enough? practically everything listed on tv appears to have the same side effect! so will a side effect cause you to get other meds to take care of those? this is what is matter with the drug companies. create a drug that will solve my problem w/o the need for other meds to handle my side effects. sounds like $$$ in the drug industry along with the kickbacks to the doctor for keeping them in business. so who is truly in control – uncle sam or the drug companies who are making tons of $$$$$$.

  • January 28, 2008 at 10:19 am
    RC Barron says:
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    Good Point. It’s not that the Bush Admin is to blame for all our problems…and all polititians seem to be alike. I have been taking care of an ederly family member..and when she was under “doctor care” alone in her small town, she was only 12 diferent pills and taking 25 meds a day. Now, under my care and the care of a family guided member..she is off all of them except two! In her retiremnet home, the nurses state that 80% of the people there are taking drugs they don’t or should not be taking..including many of them being addicted to unneeded pain pills.
    The most overly druged citizens of our country are not a bunch of wild young our innocent elderly. The doctors and pharma companies should be terribly asshamed. And family members need to do more to question every pill they take. Alas, up the price to RETAIL that Medicare is paying drug companies (Thanks to Bush’s ridiculous drug bill) and take an extra 50-150 dollars a month out of our senior folks for “insurance” on high drugs..they may not need..and you’ve got an increased problem..not a fix!

  • January 29, 2008 at 12:28 pm
    George says:
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    Posts like yours only affirm my belief that Republicans keep safe the United States from complete destruction.

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