Trucking Under the Influence: Is a National Clearinghouse Needed?

By | May 23, 2008

  • May 23, 2008 at 1:15 am
    Patriot says:
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    How about the drunken mexican truckers coming across our borders with NO requirments for safety, sobriety, nothing. Oh I forgot our Government thinks that is OK for this A..holes but think our own American truckers require more scrutiny? God help us.. And Oregon welcomes illegals as does the great moronic state of Washington, just up the road…

  • May 23, 2008 at 1:48 am
    KLS says:
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    Our government actually did not want the Mexican trucks crossing the border. But that didn’t stop Mary Peters from allowing them to come over anyway.

    Congress said no and she proceeded to ignore them.

    Just FYI.

  • May 24, 2008 at 9:20 am
    Lewis Gibbs says:
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    As a PROUD driver since1985, I have seen alot of changes in this profession, ALL IN THE NAME OF “Safety”. The CDL program, drug testing, back-ground checks, etc etc.
    ALL- in the name of SAFETY!
    Personally, I can pass ANY drug screen that ANYONE wants to throw at me; whether it be a breath-alyzer, or blood test, or a urine sample.. BUT.. I am sick and tired of the whole SAFETY ISSUE being placed upon MY back.
    I have done it all for the sake of safety, and PASSED!!
    NOW, for what MY 2 cents is worth, why don’t the officials take a look at some OTHER problems ?
    Let’s take a Chevy S-10 pickup pulling a 28 foot camper trailer with a bass boat in tow?
    How about an 70 something driver who can’t see past the end of his hood driving a 33 foot RV with a car on a trailer in tow ?
    OR the good ol boy going camping pulling a 33 foot 5th wheel camping trailer, bass boat in tow, who has done a 8 or 10 hour shift at his job, and then wants to drive 8 or 10 hours MORE to a favorite camping spot ?
    YES!! I hear everyone grumbling… they do not present a threat to safety.. their accident rates are low… yada-yada.. HOWEVER… neither and I… and yet, because I DRIVE A TRACTOR-TRAILER, I HAVE TO CONFORM!!!!
    ALL I am saying, I DO NOT THINK that I can bear this “SAFETY BURDEN” all on my bck much longer!
    If you want to pass laws concerning SAFETY< pass them for EVERYONE! A car, RV, pickup, or even a RIDING LAWN MOWER, have the ability to cause an accident, and therefore, cause a loss of human life !!!

  • May 25, 2008 at 3:26 am
    Breaker One Nine says:
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    OK- So Lewis is a handful of drivers that take his driving seriously.

    Lewis, what are we to do about the majority of you guys?


  • May 26, 2008 at 12:29 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    well, i used to be a trucker/driver trainer for 7 yrs (LONG HAUL)…here’s the problem, we see a small portion of drivers who don’t abide by the rules and then the whole group of drivers is being tagged…i remember when folks did not abide or fudge on their log books…yet, i was always legal on hrs and don’t drink/drive or do any other drugs…now, i am an insurance agent…if you look at the amount of drivers, you will see that we are considered professional drivers and do this for a living and have higher standards to go by…now what if we applied this to the basic driver? how many of them do drugs? how many are distracted while driving? i bet you will find more there than in the industury of truckers!

    I am ready to go back to the road myself and see the great USA. i don’t have trubs with the mexicans on the road, so long as they abide just like the canadians with the log books, laws of the road and safety issues (incl truck and driver)…

    main concern to the truckers and their industry — price of Diesel and what costs that will bring to the commodities (raw and finished goods) up?

  • May 27, 2008 at 10:29 am
    KLS says:
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    I agree with wudchuck and Lewis.

    It’s the civilian driver aka 4-wheeler who is a real danger on the road.

    The majority of 4-wheeler vs. commercial truck accidents are the fault of the 4-wheeler’s driver, NOT the trucker.

    Not enough people are educated on how to drive, let alone how to share the road with big rigs.

  • May 27, 2008 at 1:20 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    I know that cars competing with trucks are the bulk of the problem, but I have seen more unprofessional driving from truckers in the past couple years than ever before. Just poor driving and judgement of situations. Are the standards lower for truckers these days or is this just ooincidence?

  • May 27, 2008 at 1:28 am
    wudchuck says:
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    so, its just coincidence. most truckers are the better driver out there. but if you look around, how many others make bad moves, including your local police force. how many of you actually use a turn signal to change lanes? do you signal before you change or as you change? when you make a left turn, do you stay in the most left lane or do you move to the right lane? how many of you actually obey the rules of the road for your passenger car? when you compare the number of big rigs (18 wheelers) to the number of passenger cars, there is a disparity. more accidents are caused by passenger cars. truckers are professional drivers and are held in highest regard to driving. as a former driver trainer, our logs books had to be ready for inspection anytime. our trucks are inspected at will by the dot. you don’t want to have an error on your book or the truck during these inspections, because a ticket is very costly! because we are held to a higher standard, we can get tickets whereas a passenger car driver can possibly get a warning. what makes it worse, is that we are looked at the same way when driving our own personal vehicle.

  • August 22, 2009 at 9:58 am
    midnightrider says:
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    i think the gov should get out of trucking ins it ajob for us trucker that why trucking co have safey personal + drug for pot saides you smoke it .pot get you hi for 3 hour thc stay in your body for 2week inwitch dose not get you hi the gov trying to take over everthing and so all the insurance co and all the lab someone has to justifey their job u see they go home 8 hour we dont they get to said if we are bad or good

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