Insurers Blast Insurance Regulators as Closed to Open Dialogue

By | June 4, 2008

  • June 4, 2008 at 12:33 pm
    Ned says:
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    If you talk to a closed door, will anyone hear you?

    If NAIC holds closed door meetings and doesn’t tell industry what they’re planning, how can industry offer proposals?

  • June 4, 2008 at 1:05 am
    Karen Jamison says:
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    Ned is right. When parties meet behind closed doors the parties on the other side of the door cannot give constructive criticism. ONLY when the outcome of the closed door meetings go haywire in the public arena are the decisions reviewed–hence criticism.

  • June 4, 2008 at 1:47 am
    Why Why Why says:
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    Would Kevin McCarty be chosen to speak on any topic outside of Florida since he has so royally screwed up that state?

  • June 5, 2008 at 1:45 am
    bud says:
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    Individual commissioners from states with strong sunshine laws should be legally challenged if they participate in closed door meetings on issues of public policy.

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