U.S. Bailout Faces Delays as Goldman Gets $5B Boost from Buffet

By Mark Egan | September 23, 2008

  • September 24, 2008 at 5:16 am
    milo says:
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    Obviously we seem without choice. If this happens the feds should demand to have all pres, ceo, coos, finaical officers of all of the companies this bail out is for to return ALL remineration for the years 06/07/and 08. They are paid eneough and can afford that hit. There is no reason america should baill them out without them paying their fair share of which they helped cause.

  • September 24, 2008 at 1:20 am
    Are you kidding? says:
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    Perhaps I’m missing it, but Paulson said the American taxpayer is “already on the hook” for this expense – if the bailout doesn’t go thru, how are we on the hook?

  • September 24, 2008 at 1:54 am
    Baxtor says:
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    “(They) have been wrong about nearly everything since this crisis began years ago,” said Barry Ritholtz, director of research at New York investment firm Fusion IQ. “Why should we trust (their) judgment on the largest bailout in American history?”
    Barry is correct. I seen Paulson on NBC Sunday morning. They played a clip back in March where he said the financial markets were very strong and there was no reason to worry. When the camera went back to him, his eyes were huge as he knew he was busted. Why can’t the rest of America see that this will not solve the problem but add to it a few years down the road? 57% per the poll on here says they are for it. Hey if the big companies go down the board of directors go too, so they will be less likely to hire another $20 million a year CEO. Plus the big business will go to the hard working little guy. Send this to congress!!

  • September 24, 2008 at 2:28 am
    Chris says:
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    What are the options? It’s not realistic to expect $700 billion in a bailout plan to be approved within days. Insanity with the tax payers ultimately stuck with the bill. Not a proud time for our country

  • September 24, 2008 at 4:22 am
    Carole says:
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    Now who is the communist?

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