New York AG Confirms Pay Freeze for Ex-AIG Execs Sullivan, Cassano

By | October 22, 2008

  • October 23, 2008 at 12:22 pm
    Big D says:
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    Does this indicate that our counties GNP is all one big fat paper lie, in the end? All it takes is a few keystones to be pulled and the whole country collapses? How scary.

  • October 23, 2008 at 12:23 pm
    Big D says:
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    Sorry, I meant Country’s

  • October 22, 2009 at 2:40 am
    Back to the Subject says:
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    AIG was bankrupt whether or not they filed. The only money that they had was our (taxpayers) money. It was meant to keep them in business and avoid a world crisis. (so they said) So we the taxpayers are not obligated to fulfill AIG’s promises or debts(includinbg to the counterpartieses), And I along with the majority of voting Americans are not in favor of paying out millions our our dollars that we don’t owe to executives who failed or to counterparties who made bad bets. This is especially true since many Americans are losing our homes.

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