First Trial Dates Set For FEMA Trailer Suits in New Orleans

February 12, 2009

  • February 19, 2009 at 9:37 am
    Paul says:
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    This new supposedly class action suit just puzzles me.

    The money grubbing lawyers involved are suing FEMA (the government) plus others. I do not see how they can bring FEMA into this. FEMA did not build the campers, only bought them from a supplier. The supplier was supposed to suply a livable product. They did not. The suit should be against the supplier and the supplier only.

    The judge is out of his mind with his ruling and this should be appealed immediately.

    There is still one thing that I do not understand. FEMA is a help organization of the US Government, supported by taxpayers. I can see their purpose, but what I cannot see is the constant handouts to the same people year after year. They choose to live in an area that is hazardous to both themselves and their property. They should be required to carry insurance to protect themselves, but opps, I forgot something. These people are already mostly on a government handout with their foodstamps, HUD, medical insurance and it goes on and on.

    So why shouldn’t the government step in and take care of them during a disaster. Now, I have made another error, it is not the government, but the working people of the Depressed States of America who takes care of them with our taxes. Leave it up to Reid and Pelosi and now mr media to spend our taxes on subsidies for a group of people that are on assistance from womb to tomb, generation after generation.

    I do think it is time for a change, and the present administration is not IT!

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