Health Groups Hope Savings Vow Wins Them Say in Obama Reforms

May 12, 2009

  • May 12, 2009 at 12:30 pm
    Joe Public says:
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    Hospitals, insurance companies, drug makers and doctors told Obama they’ll voluntarily slow their rate increases in coming years

    That sounds just like a Cartel….We all hate OPEC but guess what……

  • May 12, 2009 at 1:07 am
    Doc says:
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    This is a bunch of crap. If they could save that much, why didn’t they do it before. This lets the media make Obama look good but it has no substance. He will end up screwing them all.

  • May 12, 2009 at 1:31 am
    jack says:
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    Did someone just lower their cost of capital? Well, they’re learning from the master. Tell the people whatever they want to hear, but do another.

  • May 12, 2009 at 1:59 am
    m & m says:
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    I guess that’s why my health insurance is going up 20% next month.

  • May 12, 2009 at 3:29 am
    Joe says:
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    Courtesy of the grace of our lord, the commander-in-chief.

    And coming soon: everyone will own their own Brooklyn Bridge.

  • May 12, 2009 at 3:40 am
    Ron Patt says:
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    I am the son of an 88 year old man who happens to be my father and is now in a skilled nursing home facility. I have taken over the responsibilities of helping my mother deal with Medicare. I just spent over 45 minutes talking with 3 medicare reps today and got no where. I have to be a designated personal authorized by my father which I did. He was involved in an auto accident where the other party was drunk and driving an uninsured vehicle. Guess what no insurance on he borrowed vehicle and what makes matters worse the Church owned van had rejected both medical payments and uninsured motorists coverage. My father had medical payments on his policy because he is a respnsible man. Thank goodness. Medicare had paid some the initial bills for the emergency treatment but when the medical was paid by his carrier they have to notify medicare that there is other coverage available. I spent 45 minutes trying to talk to a rep at MSPRC which is the recovery firm for meidcare. I got no where as they want to talk to my father who is deaf and in a skilled nursing home facility. This nation has no idea what we are being duped into. If you like the empathy of the IRS and the responsiveness while standing in line at the Post Office you will love national health care. I feel for the children of our grandchildren as our government just keeps printing money without regard for fisical responsibility.

    Hopefully someday reason will return to power before it is too late.

    Ron P

  • May 12, 2009 at 6:43 am
    Baxtor says:
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    It’s too late!!

  • May 13, 2009 at 8:54 am
    IKASAN says:
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    I have just lost a third family member back in England where health care is rationed. I would caution all of you Obamacrats to not get old because when you do the state will simply let you die.

  • May 13, 2009 at 10:07 am
    nugget says:
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    The article slipped in a statement about how the U.S. “unlike other developed nations” doesn’t have universal government run healthcare. They meant to imply that we are somehow “Third World” in that respect. However, as one contributor here already noted, in England for example, universal health care is much closer to Third World standards than our system.

    The solution is to break the cartel like hold on healthcare that the government enabled hospitals and insurance companies have over doctors and patients.

    A good solution is proposed by Regina Herzlinger in her book- “Who Killed Healthcare.” Give control back to us in a consumer-driven and focused-care system.

  • May 13, 2009 at 10:14 am
    Joe says:
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    How right you are about healthcare in London. Two years ago (July, 2007), a TV producer around the age of 30 went into a hospital emergency room on Friday night, because she’d fainted and was getting dizzy spells. She was concerned, because up until about age 18 or so, she’d had epileptic episodes.

    She asked the hospital to perform a brain scan, b/c she was concerned about seizures and hadn’t needed medication to prevent them for several years. The hospital told her that it couldn’t authorize a brain scan, because there wasn’t a neurosurgeon on duty and that only a neursosuregeon could authorize a brain scan. They told her to come back on Monday.

    She had a seizure at her home on Saturday night and died from the seizure. Her death was the headline story in most UK papers on Monday morning.

    You may google this and many other such events. Nationalized health care is nothing more than allowing the government to decide how long you’ll be allowed to live.

    Don’t be suckers; don’t fall for this.

    This push by the left-wing wackos of the Dem party really causes one to consider the implications of the NH state motto of ‘Live free or die.’

  • May 13, 2009 at 12:39 pm
    Bubba says:
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    You guys have all nailed it. This is not about providing health care coverage for people. It’s about Gov’t control. If it were just about insurance, it could be done easier and much cheaper. The Gov’t could just cut a check to anyone who wants insurance but can’t afford it, and that person could go get it from a private carrier. The coomon phrase is healthcare for all Americans. Millions of them don’t want or need insurance. They are doing just fine paying cash for their medical needs. This is just a grab for power. It’s about the Gov’t controlling your medical care and having all the money flow through them. The earlier than expected bankruptcy of medicare and social security is just the sort of crisis Obama needs to push national healthcare through. When those programs are bankrupt, and national healthcare is strapped for cash, guess what you get to do? You get to die because there isn’t enough money to pay for the treatments that could save you.
    That’s the change I was hoping for.

  • June 2, 2009 at 10:05 am
    Ed says:
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    all I see is a bunch of people harping on one side of the story. Where are the proponents of the middle ground?

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