Survey: Claims Service Is Tops for Agents When Evaluating Carriers

By | July 8, 2009

  • July 8, 2009 at 9:00 am
    Ha Ha says:
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    Are you kidding? The agents I know are pouring all they’ve got into Indiana, Peerless, and Lib Mutual- all known to have cruddy claim service. And not to mention, AM Best and just about all other financial rating sources have downgraded them or given them NEGATIVE ratings. And the agents keep dumping business into these carriers. Why? because they are C-H-E-A-P.

    This is not somebody whining. what I’m saying is please stop filling out surveys and telling everybody how much you value claim service. Aren’t you all righteous? Oh but when it comes time for that sale, when you need that order, it is price, price, price, price, price. To agents I say: Who you lyin’ to?

  • July 9, 2009 at 8:17 am
    Hi I'm Reality says:
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    Hi, I’m Reality, have we met?

    Apparently I’m operating in an alternate universe, because what I see on a daily basis from agents does not jive with this survey at all. Glorified used car salesmen…

  • August 11, 2009 at 5:26 am
    Peter Price says:
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    Agents want price, price, price. And when they can’t sell price (INDIANA, PEERLESS) then they ask for more price.

    Policy delivery? HA! who cares if you can get a policy out the door as long as you have price? Claim service? NOPE! Not as long as you have price.

    Be proud professional agent! You have brought this market and our profession to the lowest lifeform possible. We are nothing more than price worms.

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