Best Affirms Ex-AIG Personal Lines Company Ratings; Outlooks Stable

July 21, 2009

  • July 21, 2009 at 12:53 pm
    riverrat says:
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    For this country’s media, it’s always stylish to run down an insurance company whenever the opportunity arises. Recall: “AIG…the largest insurance company has been found to be at the helm in toxic mortgages and swaps as well as phony financial transactions and may bring down this country’s financial system”
    We all knew the 70 or so insurance arms of AIG were sound…why? Because the states know how to control their own. The left wing leaning socialist media didn’t want this info out since it supported government control of this industry as well as auto, banking, health care, et al. Maybe…just maybe…we have a chance in stopping this madness at the top levels of government and all the way through every news organization buying into the idolizing of this administration.

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