Ironshore to Offer Liability for Owners of Uncompleted Real Estate

August 13, 2009

  • August 14, 2009 at 10:25 am
    Envious says:
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    The absolute ingenuity of this coverage finds its’ etiology either in Kevin Kelley or someone who is as intellectually stimulated by our profession. AIG/Chartis/Lexington Insurance has got to be suffering unbelievably as a result of his departure. His talent in this profession is beyond any boundary one might comprehend. Congratulations, Sir…

  • September 2, 2009 at 8:46 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Did Kevin Kelley write this himself??? This guy visited our office a year before he left AIG and his pompous attitude was so off putting. A good leader should not be a kiss up, kick down person, as this man is. In addition, his “rider” was worse than what one would expect from Janet Jackson. He requested special foods (regardless of what everyone else was being catered) and had other rediculous mandates during his visit. I would expect a good leader to be gracious and engaging, the opposite of this guy.

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