U.S. Prosecutors Eye Grand Jury on AIG Financial Products Chief

September 11, 2009

  • September 11, 2009 at 4:58 am
    KFC says:
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    Fry em, fry them all. Running a business into the ground and then passing the blame. Come on now, let’s not stop there, then asking for Government money to stay afloat. I say, “Hey, they taste like chicken.” :-)

  • September 13, 2009 at 11:53 am
    Taxpayer says:
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    Is any one going to look at the payments to the counterparties. I seem to remember complaints in the past from members of Congress about about lack of supervision and the lack of negotiations taking place. There is a lot of money going out the door. I wonder also what are the chances that some of the payments are going to supporters of terrorist organizations? I hope that we aren’t paying for the people who are killing our young men and women. Or doesn’t that make a difference to us?

  • September 14, 2009 at 8:18 am
    wudchuck says:
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    ok, does anyone have any eyes?! look:

    1) it’s going to cost the taxpayer money money money to take this to court.

    2) it’s going to cost AIG money money money to help defend him in court.

    3) it was our taxpayer dollar being given to AIG, so is this not counterproductive? more money going out? then they if they lose, more money for any fines being needed to be paid.

    4) so if they go after the product chief, then why not the president of AIG? afterall, he’s responsible for the whole operation. OH! does that mean more money?! um..um..

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