3 States Accuse FedEx of Misclassifying Drivers as Independent Contractors

By | October 21, 2009

  • October 21, 2009 at 1:07 am
    big corps. need to pay taxes says:
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    It is about time that this disgraceful sham was ended. I pay my taxes. Why can’t so many of these big US corporations that lobby and demand that our sons, daughters and spouses die protecting their interests around the world.

    What a disgrace! Unpatriotic elitist managers!

  • October 21, 2009 at 1:36 am
    Me-O-My-O says:
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    BCNTPT: If you don’t mind paying more to have your Amazon order shipped overnight, then FedEx won’t mind paying more in taxes.

  • October 21, 2009 at 1:41 am
    Lude, Rude and Screwed says:
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    You want to see a sham? Allstate Insurance has been doing the EXACT same thing to their agents for the past 9+ years! Wish the states would sue them!


    Former Allstate Agent

  • October 21, 2009 at 3:15 am
    former fed-ex driver says:
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    I worked for Fed-Ex as a “1099” employee. We did not have the liberty to operate our truck and route as we desired. We were required to show up early, sort our truck, deliver the packages and if we returned too many undelivered packages we would get in trouble. If we did not have our truck out by a certain time from the terminal, they would call us or try and get someone to deliver our truck for us. We had to buy their uniforms and follow a dress code. We had to buy a Fed-Ex truck which most had a monthly payment of $800/month. There were weekly meetings we had to attend, it was horrible. This was all just a big scam so they could get out of payroll taxes and comp.

  • October 21, 2009 at 3:43 am
    Mark says:
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    former fed-ex driver,

    Oh, my God! I can’t believe you were FORCED to work for such a HORRIBLE company!!! I bet they didn’t even PAY you, either!

  • October 21, 2009 at 3:59 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Isn’t it your turn to clean out the grease traps at your job at McDonald’s?

  • October 21, 2009 at 4:33 am
    Mark says:
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    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

    Funny guy!!

  • October 22, 2009 at 7:56 am
    Nugget says:
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    Speaking of McDonald’s- it sounds like FedEx set their drivers up like franchisees, without any of the benefits of being a franchisee. I hope FedEx at least pays really well…

    Do they make FedEx pilots buy their own airplane?

  • October 22, 2009 at 12:48 pm
    Doctor J says:
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    Taxes? Hardly.

    Following insurance laws? You bet

  • October 23, 2009 at 11:58 am
    Realist says:
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    I found this thread to be quite enlightening. I did see one person had a clue, and that clue is that if FedEx pays more in taxes, then its customers will pay more for deliveries.

    Now stay with me here. This is not a difficult concept, but a lot of people miss it. Here it is: Companies do not pay taxes, only people pay taxes.

    If you tax a company, the company just passes the taxes off to its customers in the form of higher prices. If it cannot pass off the taxes in its prices, it goes out of business because it cannot make enough money to pay its employees, suppliers, management, stockholders and whoever else it has to pay.

    This is the problem in the US today, many are so concerned about making companies pay higher taxes just because we pay our taxes, that many people have missed the point that they are just raising taxes on themselves. When customers can no longer afford to pay the price for the company’s product (with built in taxes) the company closes. We have a nice auto factory here and that company is not paying any tax at all. It is closed. Another greedy company bites the dust and its employees bit the dust, too. So lets move on and tax some other company more to make up for it. China likes it when we do that.

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