House, Senate Healthcare Bills Have Major Differences

November 19, 2009

  • November 19, 2009 at 12:37 pm
    Bill says:
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    I just dont get congress, they set out on a misson of “healthcare” reform and 3 months later it becomes “health insurance” reform. Typical politicians to go after those “big greedy insurance companies”.

    This is the biggest boondogle in the history of our country. There are those that are going to get mega rich out of this and my bet, they are right now behind closed doors in Washington D.C.

    The only thing that is going to be just as corrupt is the Cap and trade legislation proposals.


  • November 19, 2009 at 12:58 pm
    Guy Fawkes says:
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    1. No congressman or woman has read the bills or even most of them.

    2. The bills were not written by congress but instead by lobbyists or lawyers for special interest groups.

    3. Both bills will leave us poorer

    4. Both bills will hasten the demise of the dollar into massive inflation or hyperinflation ($1,000 loaf of bread anyone?)

    5. Both bills will give “our government” (genuflect when you say that) many more pretexts to convict people, steal their property and throw them in jail.

    6. And finally, both bills will require us to bend over and take it.

    Hey, but at least we won’t have “anarchy.” Because as everyone knows the only thing that stops people from killing everyone else, burning their neighbor’s houses, raping trees, spewing forth lava from their eyes, drowning puppies, and also stops businesses from intentionally killing all their customers is government.

  • November 19, 2009 at 1:25 am
    sam says:
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  • November 19, 2009 at 1:25 am
    Bob says:
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    Well done. I 100% agree with you. This bill would be mortgaging our childrens and grandchildrens future. I think we need to vote out the current crop of so- called representatives and restock the House. I hope the Senate has more sense than the House but I doubt it

  • November 19, 2009 at 1:55 am
    work4aliving says:
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    If you read even the summaries provided by Congress’ own spin masters, it’s plain that the entire architecture is built on sand.
    The House version prohibits insurers from a greater than 2:1 cost ratio based on age. Anyone in the biz knows that a 55 year old consumes 5 times the medical services of a 25 year old.
    So it’s great that they have my son subsidizing my insurance… no wait, he’ll just pay the tax. Since pre-existing conditions can’t be excluded, he’ll wait till he’s sick to buy coverage.

    Build on sand; The 20-something crowd isn’t paying attention, and it’s their tab.

  • November 19, 2009 at 2:12 am
    Bill, I elect you President says:
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    He redistributes the wealth from the insurers, the income earning, and the businesses so he can give it to the freeloaders.

    He told you he planned to do it in the campaign and he meant it!

  • November 19, 2009 at 2:21 am
    john says:
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    As we look at these costs, its clear our congress does not care about expenses to the individual or small business.

    If the senate bill is going to cost 840 billion and lower the deficit by 120 bill. Then lets not implement and take those improvements and reduce the deficit by 1 trillion. In 10 years we’ll have the lower taxes and be able to afford the additional cost of insurance.

    They need to work on important things like the price gouging in our local market of golf carts with federal tax rebates. They were cheap, until the market grew and now retailers are charging the max possible above msrp which equates to the tax credit.

  • November 19, 2009 at 2:27 am
    Patrick Henry says:
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    This socialized medicine bill needs to die a quick death in the Senate.

  • November 19, 2009 at 3:00 am
    Susan says:
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    … you forgot one… neither bill is truely about healthcare and meeting the needs of the people – both are about politics, unions, money and power.

  • November 19, 2009 at 3:02 am
    Boo Hoo says:
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    They also have in common campaign finance……now all the politicians can start lining their campaign funds with money from those whom they wrote the legislation to benefit.

  • November 19, 2009 at 3:12 am
    Bev says:
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    You think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until it is free.

    The problem of socialism, is one day you will run out of other peoples money.

    So, how’s that hope and change working out for you?

    It seems that the republicans and democrats are pretty much the same now. Its all about getting reelected. How about a new party that only allows 1 term of its members and is for fiscal responsibility and small government “low taxes” with liberal rights and for personal privacy and stress personal responsibility. I guess these are old ideas, kind of like the US Constitution.

  • November 19, 2009 at 4:23 am
    Jen says:
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    I actually laughed, it is so sad. First any company would rather have an annual $750.00 penalty for the person that opts out than pay the annual premiums to cover him in the first place. Second how do they empose a penalty on someone that does not buy insurance for himself or children. These same people are used to free health care and many are being paid cash, how much is it going to cost us to try to collect the penalties, or is this part of the plan to increase employement opportunities.

  • November 19, 2009 at 6:38 am
    boo hoo says:
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    I don’t know if you’re joking, but the difference between Dems and republicans is that the republicans are entirely against this insanity, just like they were against the stimulus and cap and trade. There is NO SIMILARITY. Republicans are voting against this BS because their constitutents DON’T WANT IT. They have a better handle on what America wants and needs!!!!!!!!

  • November 20, 2009 at 11:50 am
    Two Sort Tiger says:
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    E-Mail your democratic senator. They are being brainwashed and coeerced to pass a bill even if it hurts their constituents. The republicans are holding firm on meaningful healthcare reform.

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