One Insurer Bets on Political Campaigns While Another Drops Out

By | November 24, 2009

  • November 24, 2009 at 12:45 pm
    Dr. MGA says:
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    Anyone know if defense costs for something like what happened MO state senator Jeff Smith would be covered under a ‘campaign policy’? Seems to me the mis-guided behavior of politicians themselves is what ought to be covered…

  • November 24, 2009 at 1:36 am
    Pragmatic TR says:
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    Most of these knuckleheads are too ignorant or, too arrogant, to understand what big exposures they face. I agree with the need but they want it all in the campaign bucket. As usual, we need a catastrophe to change the thinking but then they’ll just pass a law making themselves immune.

  • November 24, 2009 at 1:38 am
    Bluemax says:
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    Does the applicant have to tell the truth on the application? This could be a big issue for the underwriter.

  • November 24, 2009 at 2:45 am
    Sara Palin says:
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    Would this cover all those cloths I tried to steal from the G.O.P.?

  • November 24, 2009 at 5:38 am
    Lefty Watcher says:
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    I see that “Sara” made a libelous comment about “stealing clothes” after her lefty buddies ridiculed the real Sarah and her “mid America” clothes during the election. Did anybody check into where Michelle got hers? Of course, the O’s are millionaires, but I heard that there were a lot of clothes bought for her. I must admit that she cleans up sharp. To make a point, it seems that our lefty “Sara” cannot spell “clothes” or “Sarah”, either. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of the people who prove how much hate they have in their heart for regular Americans like the real Sarah.

  • November 25, 2009 at 7:50 am
    Bud Young says:
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    You are right sarah is a regular American. In other words? Idiot! Not qualified to be president!

  • November 25, 2009 at 11:32 am
    middle american says:
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    $100,000+ spent on “mid america clothes”? seriously? I personally could care less how much they spent, but give me a break. Middle America doesn’t shop at Saks and Needless Markups…

  • November 25, 2009 at 5:51 am
    Lefty Watcher says:
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    My goodness, we can really get the hate mongers to wake up. I guess this is yet another hate crime that we should pass a law to prevent. I would assume that they got Sarah’s clothes at the same place that Michelle gets hers. I think we need to investigete where everybody gets their clothes. Maybe that could contribute to more of those “created or saved jobs” we hear so much about. (Not that anyone should care what anyone else wears.) Recall that they had to buy Sarah some clothes because the lefties made fun of hers. Recall that work clothes are a legitimate deductible expense, and they (companies) never ask you to return them since used clothing has little or no value.

    Lets face it, when the left hates you, they really do hate you and it is ok for them to do it. Anybody notice that Michelle is putting on a few pounds? Maybe they should trade Marine 1 in for a Sikorsky Sky Crane? Is saying so a hate crime like picking on Sarah? How about that dress that Michelle wore when she got off of Marine 1 last week? Maybe Sarah can give her some shopping tips?

    Actually, none of this political crap belongs on IJ and the fake “Sara Palin” (the uneducated one) had to start it here. Soon this IJ web site will be passing into oblivion anyway, since National Healthcare will soon lead to National P&C and then National Life. Soon, they will run out of other people’s money to fix everything and this foolishness will stop.

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