U.S. Vows to Replace BP on Oil Response If Necessary to Control Spill

May 24, 2010

  • May 24, 2010 at 7:19 am
    Zeb Carter says:
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    So far as the spill in the gulf, it seems like the response is way too bogged down in talk when we are desperately in need of action right now. Assigning blame, determining who’s gonna pay for it, debate on changing the law, adding regulations, enforcing current regulation, filing lawsuits, letting BP or/& the coast guard handle it. Watching the weather, worrying about hurricanes…. sitting here and letting it happen.
    We should be throwing every thing we’ve got at it RIGHT NOW. Starting 3weeks ago at least.
    Not the leak, the spill. The leak should be stopped, definitely, as soon as possible, whatever it takes, without regard for saving the oil if that’s a problem. BP probably should be concentrating on that. They don’t have the resources or the capability to stop the slick. But for most of the rest of the country esp. those who could, Mr. President, to sit back and quibble and do nothing or next to it as such a major part of our world is destroyed is unconscionable. Determining who’s gonna pay for it isn’t taking action. The entire Navy, Air Force, anyone who has a boat that can be coordinated into the action, should be marshaled with every feasible option put to use to stop the slick now before it reaches the coast. Whatever it takes to soak it up, gather it, burn it. Should have C-130’s, C-17’s airlifting prairie hay from Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma direct to the slick. Those fibers that attract oil; into full production immediately and get them out there. A couple destroyers could pull a really big boom line. Whatever it takes. I’m sure if this country could see what was at stake and was willing to go all out, there are many here with great ideas, skills and abilities to get it done.
    Who’s to blame and who should pay for it are irrelevant at the moment. If the slick gets full on into the Louisiana coast, let alone how far it could go along the gulf stream, there won’t be any cleaning it up. Whoever is paying for it and however deep their pockets are, it just won’t be possible and we will have lost a major part of our world.

  • May 24, 2010 at 9:16 am
    Serge Strong says:
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    I agree our economy is a total disaster, Healthcare legislation is a total piece of crap as well as the total takeover of business by Government and Unions. but I do not agree that this oil spill is biodegradable. This thing will have disasterous effects on the coral reefs around Key West and the estuaries around Louisiana and Florida. Obama must take charge and get the Army Corp of Engineers to get this matter resolved quickly! Al Gore’s Global warming is a theory, This disaster is a fact and is happening right now, right before our eyes.

  • May 24, 2010 at 9:42 am
    matt says:
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    Either Obama lets B.P. conduct the cleanup effort and gets blamed for not doing enough (“Obama’s Katrina”),


    Obama steps in and declares emergency powers then gets accused of wanting to take over and nationalize the oil industry.

    Thus the GOP has forced Obama into a corner where he has to release cautiously worded and qualified “middle ground” statements like he *might* step in, if he feels the companies are not doing what they should.

  • May 24, 2010 at 12:23 pm
    Ralph says:
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    Seriously??? Why all this talk about “MIGHT STEP IN”? BP hasn’t been able to stop it yet…what the hell are we waiting for, another month to go by?

  • May 24, 2010 at 12:30 pm
    Rabbits for Sale says:
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    Announcing an intention to do something isn’t quite the same thing as DOING something about this mess.

    Too bad they just can’t drop an underwater bomb down to the Gulf floor and implode the well. There’s probably too much oil down there and wow wouldn’t that make a great big BOOM. Or maybe there’s a sonic blast which could be triggered to collapse the well. At this point, there can’t be much marine life in the immediate area worth saving.

  • May 24, 2010 at 12:30 pm
    Serge Strong says:
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    So you think its time to bring in more resources now…. DUH!!!!! DAY ONE MY A*S!

    Do we have to lose the coral reefs around Key West? Do we have to lose the estuary of Florida Bay? Or how about the estuaries in Louisianna….

    I know he is from Chicago, but hey dude this is important stuff. Not so green Obama!

  • May 24, 2010 at 12:38 pm
    Joe says:
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    Did we try to figure out who was to blame when we were hit by terrorist, while the twin towers were burning?

    Did Bush look to blame anyone while we were dealing with the aftermaths of 911?

    Start acting presidental Obama! A little humility and less blaming would go a long way right now. We are starting to get mad down here in Florida. I am sure the rest of the Gulf is too.

  • May 24, 2010 at 12:41 pm
    TxLady says:
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    I agree with Zeb Carter, Lots of talk, little action. Everyone wants to point fingers, assess blame, send lawyers, but little is being done to take care of the situation. Stop the leak first, then clean up the mess. I know I am making this sound way too simple. I am sure if BP could have stopped this, they would have. In the meantime, BP,he drilling company, the company managing the platform, Obama Admin, ALL of you back away from the microphones, and media cameras, sit down, get your best minds together and get this thing plugged.

  • May 24, 2010 at 1:09 am
    canary says:
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    Why would Obama be concerned about getting blamed for not doing enough? Isn’t doing something better than NOTHING? And he doesn’t need to declare “emergency powers(?)” situation. Gov. Jindal has been waiting on the US Army Corps of Engineers to “approve” the building of san barriers for over 10 days. They have not responded. The people of Louisiana have been pleading with the Obama administration to move forward. He is just another inadequate public servant…..

  • May 24, 2010 at 1:22 am
    TEXAS AGENT says:
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  • May 24, 2010 at 2:09 am
    Tibideau says:
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    Or should I say inaction of politicians?

  • May 24, 2010 at 2:19 am
    Arky says:
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    I’ll bet if BP did this to the UK they would have stopped this leak in the first week.

  • May 24, 2010 at 2:32 am
    Arky says:
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    Here is my other question…..if BP is now going to blow drilling mud and cement to cap the well, why didn’t they do that 32 days ago? I seriously doubt that is a procedure they just found out about. This just keeps going from worse to worse.

  • May 24, 2010 at 3:10 am
    crack-a-leakin says:
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    What a joke !

    Obama can’t even control who walks into the W.H..-and he thinks he can do this ?

    Best is a law which mandates off-shore drilling to no deeper than 400 ft ; where they would have much quicker control of a leak

  • May 24, 2010 at 4:26 am
    Fish Man says:
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    From reading all of the postings to this article, 2 things are very obvious:(1) Obama and his administration are getting you to focus your attention on some oil floating in the Gulf of Mexico, which btw is biodegradable and nature will take care of it, rather than focusing on the US economy that is a much larger disaster, in case you haven’t noticed, the stock market is down 1,400 points over the previous 45 days (2)since the major oil companies don’t have the technology to stop this leak, why would anyone believe Obama and his administration has an answer?

  • May 25, 2010 at 11:08 am
    Boonedoggle says:
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    A catastrophic spill is simply one of the risks off off shore oil drilling. The oil industry created the problem, and it is the oil industry alone that has the technology, if it exists, to stop the leak.

    The government could place an immediate stand down on all off-shore oil production. Unless international treaties prohibited our government from insisting that all current wells be capped, the risk of future spills could in fact be eliminated by this type of government intervention.

    Politically, even reducing the risk would have its costs. The same people whining about the oil leak, would probably be in the blogs griping that elimination of 30% of our domestic oil supply caused gasoline to go to $5 or $6 per gallon.

    You just can’t make some folks happy.

  • May 26, 2010 at 8:34 am
    Joe says:
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    I heard yesterday a reporter asking about how the previous administration was too close to the oil industry and that lead to the explosion and subsequent oil leak.

    So this too is Bush’s Fault! LOL…..

    Obama should look into the mirror on this one. This job is way over his head. Next time we should all think before we elect a one term senator who was a communist community organizer.

  • May 26, 2010 at 10:08 am
    Cassandra says:
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    Get off your soapboxes, you right wing neofascists. All you do is criticize and spew invective. It’s getting very, very old.

    Serge, you need to change your name to Johnny One Note…or, better yet, Sore Loser.

    So, instead of more idiotic ordure, tell me what all you brilliant conservatives (and I use the term loosely) would do NOW to solve this spill issue if someone made you dicatator for a day?

    Anything substantive in your brains…or just tired right wing (unoriginal and uninspired) dogma???

    The fact remains that if the new proposed technology to cap this spill has “never been tried in waters this deep before” why the hell did “they” (regardless of which administrations bureaucrats were responsible) drill that deep in the first place? Is this stupid or what?

  • May 28, 2010 at 2:29 am
    Serge says:
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    Hasnt the statute of limitations expired on blaming Bush…..

    How about not waiting nine days to say anything about the disaster. Or maybe he should have been in LA, instead of having fun at the whitehouse with the Duke basketball team.

    This guy is so far over his head it is funny. Maybe next time we will ask what kind of “change” and not elect a communist community organizer who has no experience doing anything in the private sector.

  • May 28, 2010 at 2:31 am
    Joe says:
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    Funny how when you argue with a liberal, they always revert to an emotional outburst of factless ridicule.

    I think, therefore I vote Republican.

  • May 29, 2010 at 2:10 am
    bill king says:
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    drop shot puts, cannon balls, spent fuel rods, or other dense porous materials to reduce the pressure and slow the flow rate until it can until it can be stopped with mud and concrete.

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