BP’s Partners Will Not Set Up Gulf Oil Claims Fund

By Tom Doggett | July 23, 2010

  • July 23, 2010 at 12:57 pm
    Annoyed says:
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    And what liability should they accept for the Obama Administrations failure to lift the Jones Act and accept aid from other country’s willing to give it? Obama screwed the Gulf Coast….not the partners of BP. I’d tell them to go crap in a hat, too!

  • July 23, 2010 at 1:00 am
    The Truth says:
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    Nice to know other countries have no problem exploiting our economy for their own personal financial gain. The minute they are asked to show some support during an adverse time since they have an ownership stake in problem they run for cover and want no part of it. Sounds like a teenager who got his girlfriend pregnant.

  • July 23, 2010 at 1:34 am
    cassandra says:
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    Thanks for sayiung that, Truth. Agree.

    Annoyed, note that Obama did not cause the spill. Note also that in the articles I have read we were offered help if we paid for it in rental and wages. Fine thanks for all the aid we give other countries in distress…not to mention foreign aid. Even the Saudi had their hands out…like they need the revenue.

    Isn’t Transocean partly owned by Halliburton? If so, guess that explains their reluctance to pony up…

  • July 23, 2010 at 2:28 am
    Annoyed says:
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    Well then maybe we should rethink our generosity in the future. But that would take some common sense, and abviously we have none in DC.

  • July 26, 2010 at 7:21 am
    Anne says:
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    I’m not certain that the “partners” contract with BP defeats it’s liability exposure to help pay for the clean-uup. They had no contract with the citizens of the Gulf region. If they’re in for a penny, let them be in for a pound. And they need to prove BP was in fact negligent and careless. What if it turns out BP simply made some bad business decisions?

  • July 26, 2010 at 5:29 am
    KentU says:
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    Several of you obvious don’t know about the Jones Act. The Jones Act basically prohibited ships with registered ownership in other countries to help with the spill. The Jones Act empowers the President to temporarily waive the act in times of an emergency. Signing a temporary waiver to the Jones Act is one of the first things that Obama should have done. If memory serves me correctly it was well over a month before Obama signed such a waiver that would allow ships from other nations that are designed to help clean up the oil spill to enter US territorial waters and do their thing. BP may eventually say they are stop paying for the clean up because it was Obama’s lack of quick action in regards to the Jones Act that allowed the spill to spread. I will disagree with BP if that times comes but, unfortunately they will have a valid point.

    Haliburton does not own Transocean. Haliburton was the concrete contractor on the rig hired to secure the casing. It is my understanding that Haliburton staff was arguing with BP engineers for hours before the blowout that there was concern about the pressure buildup and tougher measures needed to be taken to secure the casing.

    The other two oil companies are like the other two guys that dated the pregnant girl. They didn’t have sex with her but, will certainly be strutinized until they can prove their lack of involvement. Their interest in this oil well is no different than any of you owning stock in a company but, not having management involvement. Unfortunately they could become financially involved under the ‘deep pocket theory’ if BP fails financially.

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