Fairholme Increases Stake in AIG to 26.6%

October 14, 2010

  • October 14, 2010 at 12:35 pm
    Huh? says:
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    If the Federal Reserve Bank of NY and Treasury Dept own 79.9% of AIG, how can Fairholme own 26.6%?

    Do you mean that Fairholme owns 26.6% of the 20.1% not owned by the gov’t? In other words 5.3%.

  • October 14, 2010 at 2:03 am
    Baxtor says:
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    I agree. And what number will they have after the government stake increases to 90%? That’s the problem with our news today. They’d rather make false accusation stories newsworthy and not stories like this. Here in AZ, and I’m sure other places, they are televising people marching downtown over a police officer killing someone because he is out on bail. The people marching want him locked up and the key tossed. What ever happened to inocent until proven guilty in this country? Why don’t these same people march when a police officer is shot? Of course they are the first ones to call the police when something happens. Anyway, my point is, this is more newsworthy because the Obama administration is saying everything is better and okay now. The recession has been over with for over a year now and AIG is going to pay us back every cent.

  • October 14, 2010 at 2:24 am
    Curious says:
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    Baxtor. That is one heck of a rant. You covered all the bases there, buddy. You forgot to put Chrisine O’donnel in there. Getting back to Huh’s post, that is a ty perceptive question. It looks like the money FCM has spent put’s their total stake in AIG over 25% which is substantial. Sounds like this guy wants to be Greenburg Jr. But, does the US still own 79% of this company? IJ, please clear this up for us curious folks.

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