Employers Given More Leeway to Switch Providers Under Obamacare

November 16, 2010

  • November 16, 2010 at 10:12 am
    DaBear666 says:
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    The best defensive against Obamacare is a great offense. If your state allows the Initiative to place items on the ballot–go for a state constitutional amendment to require all state employees to be required to buy their own insurance from the federally designated exchanges. State Constitutions will trump union contracts and then watch the AFSCME union locals convince the democrats to overturn the law.

  • November 16, 2010 at 12:30 pm
    ralphie says:
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    Everyone can keep their current healthcare plan! Of course, if the COST of your current healthcare plan were to suddenly skyrocket (you know, maybe as a result of some kind of mandate making it harder for the insurance companies to make a profit, thus making them raise premiums) and your employer no longer can afford to carry your plan, you’re S.O.L.

  • November 16, 2010 at 12:48 pm
    Allan says:
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    The mandate was asked for by the insurance companies. The point is if they are going to take people with pre-existing conditions then the insurance companies wanted to insure young health people to help offset the cost of paying for the ill.

    Not sure of insurance plans “suddenly skyroket”. But as we all know, health insurance cost will always rise just like everything else.

  • November 16, 2010 at 1:09 am
    Sarah says:
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    Lets see yesterday the administration admitted it has granted 112 exemptions to employers who do not like the legislation and would cancel their health coverage if it proceeded. This means if you have to have a lobbiest to go to washington and tell Kathleen Sabilis that you do not like the legislation you can become exempt. But if you are a small employer who has not donated to the Democratic National Committee you do not stand a chance of avoiding the fines and penalties that the Obamacare legislation imposes.


  • November 16, 2010 at 1:13 am
    Agent says:
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    Group Health Plans have always had to accept new enrollees who have pre-existing conditions. Companies will rate for those things and it usually results in a rate increase for the Group. I believe Obamacare will punish any insured which elects lower benefits, higher deductibles, co-pays in order to keep the cost in line. It is really designed to drive Groups to single payer because of affordability. Employers will soon not be able to afford benefits to employees due to the economy and this poorly constructed law. It is already happening. Why would 111 exemptions be granted for Big Business and Unions if it was such a wonderful law?

  • November 16, 2010 at 1:16 am
    Clayton Lee says:
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    In one sentence it was said that this amendment allows people to keep coverage they already have but in the next breath there is an admission that premiums will go up because of new financial mandates on insurance carriers. That is the whole point! That is the very event that will trigger the loss of the “grandfathered” status of current health plans. Obama never intended that this would evolve to anything other than a single payor system for all practical purposes. Eventually the vast majority of people will be forced into the Medicare like health plans the government is giving subsidies to. Private insurance will disappear for most people with a decade of this law having gone into effect.

  • November 16, 2010 at 1:27 am
    Mike N says:
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    Your subject line says it all. The point of this legislation is not to control costs, make life easier, or cover more people. Rather, if one spends any time reading through and understanding this legislation, the obvious objective is for employers to abandon the current system, pay the fines to bolster the government, and then plow everyone into a single payer system. The obvious ends are also illuminated by the lack of controls placed on rabid lawyers, who will be allowed to tax everyone and drive up costs by bringing more frivolous lawsuits. Considering over 40% of tests and procedures currently prescribed are in place merely as a check against unscrupulous trial lawyers, this is a huge driver of costs, particularly for the elderly.

    Anyone who does not see what thes leftists are trying to do to private insurance are either blind, or willfully ignorant for political purposes. The leftists are truly working at destroying our healthcare system. And the dmocrat party members do not care that thousands (or millions) will die in the process, as fewer employers provide healthcare, pushing off costs to individuals.

    As usual, leftists prove the only things they care about are control, and stealing other people’s money (using the trial lawyer lobby to consistently tax Americans through increased costs on all goods and services), simply to take a skim for themselves. The democrat party is like legalized mafia.

  • November 16, 2010 at 1:32 am
    Employer says:
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    I currently pay 100% of my employees premium for health coverage. I have been advised by my accountant that we should cancel the coverage as soon as the government plans become available and pay the penalty for not providing coverage.

    What a shame this is for my employees because now they will have to purchase the coverage. The network I am sure will be better but it is just a matter of time before these doctors do not like the payment arrangements from the government plans. This is a disaster for the people who can afford it the least.

  • November 16, 2010 at 2:28 am
    Sarah says:
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    Read the last line of this article. Group plans are the only ones affected, but isnt that what employers provide, Group Health coverage. I think the people who are responsible for carring out this legislation and making sure everyone complies does not really understand the policies and coverages being provide by the legislation or what the private insurance industry provides clients now. I guess this is because they get unlimited coverage and benefits, pensions and retirement plans on our nickle.

    “The amended rule only affects group health insurance plans, not those sold to individuals. Only a small number of employer plans are expected to be affected, officials said”

  • November 16, 2010 at 3:11 am
    Agent says:
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    Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass the legislation to see what is in it. Congress did a number on the American People and what is in this bill will kill America if it is allowed to stand. It is all about whose ox is getting gored and the folks ox got gored big time on this Progressive Socialist wealth redistribution scheme which is legalized thievery.

  • November 17, 2010 at 8:34 am
    NO Tolerance says:
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    The fools in the house and senate supporting this debacle will experience their demise in 2012. The smart Dem’s in the Congress now are listening to the people and will help defund the whole process. Repeal is unlikely but major changes are probable. In the meantime, premiums are going up strickly on actuarial computations based on the effect of coverage to age 26, no lifetime limits, and no pre-existing conditions. Anyone with any sense should be angry.

  • November 17, 2010 at 10:27 am
    Agent says:
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    Let’s hope the Demwits left after 11-2 will keep Pelosi on as minority leader and she can preside on the destruction of what remains of the Democratic/Progressive Party in 12. If the majority of this monstrocity is not repealed or defunded or the worst parts of it aren’t deleted, it is sure to bankrupt the country and ruin the Healthcare Industry as we know it.

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